Regina (Al-Saadoon and others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) – WLR Daily

Regina (Al-Saadoon and others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) [2016] EWHC 773 (Admin)

‘The claimants brought public law claims in the courts of the United Kingdom arising out of the British military involvement in Iraq between 2003 and 2009. The claims involved allegations of ill-treatment and in some cases unlawful killing, of Iraqi civilians by British soldiers. By their claims for judicial review the claimants sought court orders requiring the Secretary of State to investigate alleged human rights violations. Issues arose relating to the UK’s obligations under articles 2 and 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, including (i) the nature and scope of the state’s substantive obligation under article 2 of the Convention in relation to the use of lethal force while seeking to quell riots and uphold law and order during the occupation of Iraq, (ii) when the investigative duty under article 2 arose in such circumstances and (iii) the effect of delay on the investigative duties under articles 2 and 3 where the allegations of breach of the substantive rights were made many years after the incidents in question.’

WLR Daily, 7th April 2016


Regina (Sino) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Regina (Sino) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 803 (Admin)

‘Claiming that he had been unlawfully detained, the claimant sought, through the route of judicial review, immediate release from detention, determination of the defendant’s liability for his false imprisonment and resolution as to whether, if false imprisonment was established, damages should be compensatory or nominal. The defendant had detained the claimant under immigration powers for periods totalling seven years and two months. The judge held that the claimant had been unlawfully detained between 13 July and 10 December 2013 and was entitled to more than nominal damages for false imprisonment, to be assessed on a compensatory basis. The claimant failed in his public law claim in relation to accommodation, deportation and removal. An issue arose as to costs. The defendant contended, inter alia, that as the claimant had succeeded on only one issue out of four he was entitled to only 25% of his costs.’

WLR Daily, 12th April 2016


Part 25 Applications – The theory and the practice – Family Law Week

‘Marie Crawford, barrister, Becket Chambers considers the disconnection between theory and practice in making applications to adduce expert evidence.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 21st April 2016


The Brave New World of Electronic Filing at the Central Family Court – Family Law Week

‘Michael Allum, Solicitor with The International Family Law Group LLP, explains how the Central Family Court’s pilot scheme for electronic filing of documents will work.’

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Family Law Week, 22nd April 2016


You’ve lost that loving Ealing (Sorry) – Nearly Legal

‘Ealing’s allocation policy has already had lawfulness problems, compounded by Ealing’s unlawful refusal to do anything about that unlawfulness. But this judicial review of the policy was on a different basis and confirms a whole fresh ground of unlawfulness.’

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Nearly Legal, 27th April 2016


Regulator widens inquiry into UK firms’ links with Panama Papers tax havens – The Guardian

‘The City regulator has widened its inquiries into potential links between UK financial firms and the law company at the centre of the Panama Papers revelations, it said on Tuesday.’

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The Guardian, 26th April 2016


Claim against MIB does not have protection of QOCS, High Court rules – Litigation Futures

‘A claim against the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) by the victim of an accident in France does not have the protection of qualified one-way costs shifting (QOCS), the High Court has ruled.

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Litigation Futures, 26th April 2016


Is ‘Big Data’ A Threat To Human Rights? – RightsInfo

Posted April 27th, 2016 in computer crime, data protection, EC law, human rights, internet, news, privacy by sally

‘One of the great benefits of modern society is the amount of information available to us everyday. Much of that information is now stored electronically. However, collecting a lot of information together creates risks. Big data showcases the potential utility of amassing information in bulk, but we need to be wary of the possible threat to our right to privacy.’

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RightsInfo, 16th April 2016


Court of Protection orders continued reporting restrictions after death – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The Court of Protection has just ruled that where a court has restricted the publication of information during proceedings that were in existence during a person’s lifetime, it has not only the right but the duty to consider, when requested to do so, whether that information should continue to be protected following the person’s death.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 27th April 2016


Government defeated again in Lords over child refugees – BBC News

‘The government has been defeated again in the House of Lords over calls to take in child refugees from Europe.’

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BBC News, 26th April 2016


No escape from dishonesty hearing for claimant who discontinued – Litigation Futures

Posted April 27th, 2016 in costs, fraud, fundamental dishonesty, news, personal injuries, proportionality by sally

‘A personal injury claimant cannot escape a fundamental dishonesty hearing by serving a notice of discontinuance, a circuit judge has held.’

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Litigation Futures, 27th April 2016


Don’t try to defend yourself in court. But if you have to, here are some crucial tips – The Guardian

‘More people than ever seem to be defending themselves. If you do it, make sure you understand the law, know the lingo and how to play the system.’

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The Guardian, 26th April 2016


Staff handbook provisions had contractual effect, rules Court of Appeal –

Posted April 27th, 2016 in appeals, contract of employment, contracts, documents, employment, news by sally

‘A recent decision by the Court of Appeal provides a “helpful summary” of the circumstances in which employment terms set out in separate documents should be considered incorporated into employee’s contracts, according to an employment law expert.’

Full story, 26th Aoril 2016


Neuberger: ODR may become only route to justice for smaller claims – but Bar is looking for alternatives – Legal Futures

‘Online dispute resolution (ODR) could be the only way of ensuring access to justice in moderate-sized claims in future – but the Bar Council is trying to find an alternative that retains hearings, according to the president of the Supreme Court.’

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Legal Futures, 27th April 2016


Immigration tribunal can appoint litigation friend despite no provision in the rules – Free Movement

‘In the recent case of R (on the application of C) v First-Tier Tribunal and Others [2016] EWHC 707 (Admin) (not yet on BAILII but available on Westlaw) Picken J ruled that the immigration tribunal can appoint a litigation friend to represent a person who lacks capacity even though there is no provision to do so in the procedure rules, nor indeed in the statutory underpinnings of the tribunal.’

Full story

Free Movement, 27th April 2016


Cabinet rift widens over European convention on human rights – The Guardian

Posted April 27th, 2016 in EC law, human rights, jurisdiction, news, referendums by sally

‘The cabinet split over Theresa May’s call to withdraw from the European convention on human rights has deepened, after Michael Gove’s Ministry of Justice confirmed it was not government policy.’

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The Guardian, 26th April 2016


Man convicted of series of sex attacks in south London – The Guardian

Posted April 27th, 2016 in assault, news, sexual offences by sally

‘A man has been convicted of carrying out a string of sexual assaults on women in south London over 10 days, including the targeting of four women in just 24 hours.’

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The Guardian, 26th April 2016


Judge to decide treatment of two-year-old disabled boy who ‘no longer giggles’ – The Independent

Posted April 27th, 2016 in children, disabled persons, doctors, medical treatment, news by sally

‘Specialists have told a High Court judge that their treatment of a “profoundly neurologically disabled” two-year-old boy who they say no longer giggles when tickled and is “largely unresponsive” should be limited to palliative care.’

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The Independent, 27th April 2016


Revenge pornography victims as young as 11, investigation finds – BBC News

‘Children as young as 11 are among more than 1,000 alleged victims of revenge porn who reported offences in the first year of the new law coming into effect, it has been revealed.’

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BBC News, 27th April 2016


Hillsborough verdict: victims’ families’ 27-year struggle for truth vindicated – The Guardian

‘A 27-year struggle for truth by the families of the 96 people killed at the Hillsborough football stadium has been vindicated after new inquests into the disaster determined that they had been unlawfully killed.’

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The Guardian, 27th April 2016
