Clapham chemical attacker took his own life – inquest – BBC News

Posted July 24th, 2024 in assault, grievous bodily harm, news, suicide by sally

‘Chemical attacker Abdul Ezedi took his own life and drowned within hours after carrying out an attack on a woman and two girls, a coroner has ruled.’

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BBC News, 23rd July 2024


Assisted dying researcher sues police over arrest – BBC News

‘A PhD student researching assisted dying is suing police for damages over her arrest after travelling with a woman from Wales who had doctors in Switzerland help to end her life.’

Full Story

BBC News, 12th July 2024


Southall Black Sisters’ chief calls out ‘racist’ UK legal system after assault case collapses – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2024 in assault, minorities, news, prosecutions, women by sally

‘The leader of an advocacy group representing black and minority ethnic women has criticised an “institutionally racist” and “unfair” legal system after an assault case against her and her two friends collapsed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 10th July 2024


Man who arranged Katie Piper acid attack could get parole in July – The Guardian

Posted July 1st, 2024 in assault, grievous bodily harm, imprisonment, news, parole, rape, sexual offences by tracey

‘The man who arranged for the model and TV presenter Katie Piper to be attacked with acid could be eligible for parole next month.’

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The Guardian, 30th June 2024


Violence and self-harm in women’s jails hits record high as prisons crisis deepens – The Independent

‘The number of assaults and self-harm incidents in women’s prisons in England and Wales has hit record highs, new figures show.’

Full Story

The Independent, 27th June 2024


Former PC not guilty of assault during arrest – BBC News

Posted June 28th, 2024 in assault, news, police, professional conduct by sally

‘A former police officer has been found not guilty of assault while arresting a man in Newport.’

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BBC News, 27th June 2024


Acid offences up 75% in UK but only 8% go to court, data suggests – The Guardian

Posted June 20th, 2024 in assault, hazardous substances, news, prosecutions, statistics by sally

‘Acid attacks and other offences involving corrosive substances in the UK have risen by 75% in a year but only 8% of cases led to criminal charges or a summons, figures suggest.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 20th June 2024


Drugs gang guilty of ammonia attack murder – BBC News

Posted June 14th, 2024 in assault, drug offences, grievous bodily harm, murder, news, robbery by sally

‘Four members of a drugs gang have been found guilty of murdering a man in an ammonia attack.’

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BBC News, 13th June 2024


Man found guilty of butting Roy Keane after Arsenal match – The Guardian

Posted June 7th, 2024 in assault, community service, news, sport by sally

‘A 43-year-old man has been handed a three-year football banning order after butting the TV pundit Roy Keane at a match. Scott Law, 43, was found guilty of common assault after he and Keane clashed last September.’

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The Guardian, 6th June 2024


Three years in prison for man who threw radiator at judge – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Aman has been jailed for three years for assaulting a judge during a hearing in a family court case in an incident which raised national concerns about court security.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 6th June 2024


Honour based abuse: perspectives and challenges – Local Government Lawyer

‘Imran Khodabocus looks at some of the common misconceptions that surround honour based abuse and discusses why a legal definition is long overdue.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 3rd May 2024


Sexism in the City and the FCA – Mountford Chambers

‘Fatima Jama examines the issues in the regulation of non-financial misconduct, in particular, sex offending and gender-based misbehaviour in the financial service industry.’

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Mountford Chambers, 9th April 2024


Met Police officer who punched medical worker after mistaking him for suspect avoids jail – The Independent

Posted April 30th, 2024 in assault, London, news, police, sentencing, suspended sentences by tracey

‘A serving Metropolitan Police officer who assaulted an innocent man after mistaking him for a criminal has been spared jail.’

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The Independent, 29th April 2024


‘Indefensible’: UK prisoner jailed for 23 months killed himself after being held for 17 years – The Guardian

Posted April 30th, 2024 in assault, coroners, grievous bodily harm, imprisonment, news, sentencing, suicide by tracey

‘A senior coroner has condemned the “inhumane” and “indefensible” treatment of a man who killed himself 17 years into an indefinite prison sentence. Tom Osborne, the senior coroner for Milton Keynes, said Scott Rider had given up all hope of release before he took his own life at HMP Woodhill in June 2022.’

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The Guardian, 28th April 2024


Man jailed for vaping and being abusive on Gatwick flight – BBC News

Posted April 11th, 2024 in airlines, assault, news, sentencing, smoking, violence by sally

‘A man has been jailed for five months for “abusive and violent behaviour” towards cabin crew after he was told to stop vaping in a plane’s toilets.’

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BBC News, 10th April 2024


Assault of shop workers to be made specific criminal offence – BBC News

Posted April 10th, 2024 in assault, bills, criminal justice, news, sentencing by sally

‘Assaulting a shop worker will be made a separate criminal offence in England and Wales as part of a government response to a wave of retail crime.’

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BBC News, 10th April 2024


CPS says it was wrong to pursue case against press photographer – The Guardian

‘The Crown Prosecution Service has admitted it was wrong to press on with a case against a news photographer arrested as he tried to lawfully take pictures at a crime scene.’

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The Guardian, 9th April 2024


Shoplifting crackdown to include £55m for facial recognition tools in England and Wales – The Guardian

Posted April 10th, 2024 in assault, bills, criminal justice, facial mapping, news, theft by sally

‘The government is investing more than £55m in expanding facial recognition systems – including vans that will scan crowded high streets – as part of a renewed crackdown on shoplifting.’

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The Guardian, 10th April 2024


Man denied fair trial after ditching counsel has conviction quashed – Legal Futures

Posted April 4th, 2024 in appeals, assault, legal representation, news by tracey

‘The Court of Appeal has quashed the conviction of a man who dispensed with counsel on the second day of trial after finding he was then denied a fair hearing.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 4th April 2024


Met to pay £10,000 to woman detained overnight after Sarah Everard vigil – The Guardian

‘The Metropolitan police has agreed to pay £10,000 in damages to a woman arrested at the Sarah Everard vigil in Clapham, her solicitors have said.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th March 2024
