Just Stop Oil protesters jailed after M25 blocked – BBC News

‘Five environmental activists who organised protests that brought part of the M25 to a standstill over four days have been jailed.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th July 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon found guilty of two charges – The Guardian

‘Constance Marten and her partner, Mark Gordon, have been found guilty of concealing the birth of a child and perverting the course of justice after the body of their baby daughter was found following a high-profile search, it can now be reported.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th June 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Illegal abortion trial collapses as jury discharged for legal reasons – The Independent

Posted May 21st, 2024 in abortion, juries, news, poisoning, trials by sally

‘The jury in the trial of a teenager charged with arranging her own illegal abortion has been discharged for legal reasons.’

Full Story

The Independent, 20th May 2024

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Solicitor general to appeal over case of climate activist who held sign on jurors’ rights – The Guardian

Posted May 16th, 2024 in appeals, climate change, contempt of court, juries, news by sally

‘The government’s most senior law officer is to appeal against a decision not to allow a contempt of court action against climate campaigner Trudi Warner for holding a placard on the rights of jurors outside a British court, the Guardian can reveal.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th May 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Juror who researched law on child neglect gets suspended sentence – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A juror who researched the law on child neglect to hold her own amid “personality clashes” in the jury room has been spared prison.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 10th May 2024

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

End majority jury verdicts to prevent more justice ‘horror’, says Malkinson – The Guardian

‘Andrew Malkinson says he could have been spared “20 years of darkness and despair” if the jury system had not been changed to allow majority verdicts.’

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The Guardian, 9th May 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Majority verdicts facilitated 56 miscarriages of justice in England and Wales, charity says – The Guardian

Posted May 7th, 2024 in juries, miscarriage of justice, news by tracey

‘At least 56 miscarriages of justice have occurred in cases in England and Wales where the jury was split, according to a charity, which says jury unanimity should be reintroduced to safeguard against wrongful criminal convictions.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th May 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Jurors behaving badly – Mountford Chambers

Posted May 3rd, 2024 in chambers articles, criminal justice, evidence, juries, news by sally

‘A group of campaigners recently called for the suspension of a circuit judge in a letter to the Lady Chief Justice. The letter alleged that the Judge had warned the Jury they could face criminal prosecution for returning a verdict based on their conscience and not the evidence. Charles Hannaford explores the current legislation governing jurors conduct in England and Wales.’

Full Story

Mountford Chambers, 24th April 2024

Source: www.mountfordchambers.com

Schrodinger’s Verdict – 25 Bedford Row

Posted April 24th, 2024 in chambers articles, homicide, judicial review, juries, murder, news by sally

‘When can a jury be agreed and, at the same time, hung? This intriguing question is posed (and answered) by R (Yusuff) [2024] EWHC 692.’

Full Story

25 Bedford Row, 28th March 2024

Source: www.25bedfordrow.com

Killer nurse Lucy Letby in final bid to appeal convictions – The Independent

Posted February 23rd, 2024 in appeals, attempted murder, children, imprisonment, juries, murder, news, nurses, retrials by michael

‘Lawyers for Letby will ask senior judges for permission to bring an appeal against all her convictions at the hearing in London provisionally listed for April 25, a judiciary spokeswoman confirmed on Friday [23rd February]’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd February 2024

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Removing UK climate protesters’ defence ‘could erode right to trial by jury’ – The Guardian

‘A UK government attempt to remove one of the last remaining defences for climate protesters would be a slippery slope to the erosion of the constitutional right to trial by jury, the court of appeal was told on Wednesday.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st February 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

UN expert condemns UK crackdown on environmental protest – The Guardian

‘A severe crackdown on environmental protest in Britain with “draconian” new laws, excessive restrictions on courtroom evidence and the use of civil injunctions is having a chilling impact on fundamental freedoms, the United Nations special rapporteur has said.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 23rd January 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Majority verdicts in England and Wales brought in ‘partly for racial and class reasons’ – The Guardian

Posted January 24th, 2024 in bias, charities, criminal justice, equality, juries, miscarriage of justice, news by sally

‘The introduction of majority verdicts in criminal trials in England and Wales was partly motivated by a desire to dilute the influence of minority ethnic people and the labouring classes serving on juries, according to research.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 24th January 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Trudi Warner reveals the dark secret of English courts: juries do have the right to follow their consciences – The Guardian

Posted September 27th, 2023 in climate change, criminal justice, demonstrations, freedom of expression, juries, news by sally

‘The solicitor general taking action against a climate protester who held up a sign outside court raises a vital issue for criminal justice.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th September 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Fears over right to protest after woman with sign at climate trial prosecuted – The Guardian

‘Civil liberty campaigners have warned that the prosecution of a woman for holding up a placard about the rights of jurors outside a court is part of the government’s increasing attacks on the right to protest.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 19th September 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Sexual assault trial in Sheffield collapses after juror falls asleep – The Guardian

Posted August 22nd, 2023 in assault, evidence, juries, news, sexual offences by sally

‘A sexual assault trial in Sheffield has collapsed after a member of the jury fell asleep and missed “important evidence”, it has been reported.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st August 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Contempt threat against climate activist may undermine trial by jury, lawyers say – The Guardian

‘Leading lawyers have accused the government of undermining trial by jury after a climate activist was told she faces contempt proceedings over holding a sign outside court.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th July 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Kevin Spacey cleared of sexually assaulting four men – The Guardian

Posted July 27th, 2023 in assault, juries, news, sexual offences by sally

‘Kevin Spacey wept and said he was humbled after being cleared of sexual assault in one of the UK’s most high-profile #MeToo trials.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th July 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Jury discharged in trial of UK asylum seeker facing manslaughter charges – The Guardian

Posted July 27th, 2023 in asylum, homicide, juries, news by sally

‘The jury in the trial of an asylum seeker accused of manslaughter over the deaths of four people who were in a small boat with him during his journey across the Channel has been discharged.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th July 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

The Reality Of Rape Trials Is Grim For Survivors – The System Must Change – Each Other

Posted June 27th, 2023 in Crown Prosecution Service, evidence, juries, news, rape, victims, witnesses by sally

‘On Monday 19 June, the Ministry of Justice announced that it will be focusing on building trust between rape victims and the system – in order to reduce dropout rates before a trial.’

Full Story

Each Other, 23rd June 2023

Source: eachother.org.uk