MoJ refused to repay living costs to wrongly convicted partly to save money – The Guardian

‘A controversial decision to refuse refunds to wrongly convicted prisoners who were charged for bed and board while in jail was made in part to save money, the Guardian has learned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st August 2024


140 women win payouts for vaginal mesh complications – The Independent

Posted August 20th, 2024 in compensation, medical treatment, news, personal injuries, time limits, women by tracey

‘Some 140 women who experienced distressing side effects after getting vaginal mesh implants have won payouts expected to stretch into millions of pounds in England.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th August 2024


Thousands of train fare prosecutions to be quashed – BBC News

Posted August 16th, 2024 in compensation, fines, news, prosecutions, railways by sally

‘As many as 74,000 prosecutions for alleged rail fare evasion in England and Wales are set to be quashed following a landmark ruling.’

Full Story

BBC News, 15th August 2024


Woman paid £35,000 over CPS’s decision to drop rape case after ‘sexsomnia’ claim – The Guardian

Posted August 15th, 2024 in compensation, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, rape, sleepwalking by sally

‘A woman has been awarded £35,000 in compensation from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) after her rape case was dropped over claims that she could have had an episode of a rare sleep condition called sexsomnia.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th August 2024


Delaying UK APP fraud compensation scheme ‘may be considered prudent’ –

Posted August 14th, 2024 in compensation, delay, fraud, news by sally

‘UK policymakers could consider it “prudent” to defer the implementation of a new fraud compensation scheme to seek to allay the “legitimate concerns” about the scheme that UK payment providers have expressed, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 13th August 2024


Priest thought to pose risk to children is paid off – BBC News

‘The Church of England made a six-figure pay-off to a priest assessed as a potential risk to children and young people, a BBC investigation has found.’

Full Story

BBC news, 13th August 2024


Compensation for water customers in England and Wales to double – The Guardian

Posted August 12th, 2024 in compensation, consumer protection, news, water companies by tracey

‘Consumers in England and Wales will see the amount of compensation they receive for poor customer service from their water supplier at least double under new government measures to crack down on failing utilities companies.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th August 2024


Ministry of Defence pays out £1.7m to bullying, harassment and discrimination claims last year – The Independent

Posted August 12th, 2024 in armed forces, bullying, compensation, complaints, harassment, news by tracey

‘The Ministry of Defence (MoD) paid out £1.7 million in bullying, harassment and discrimination claims last year, after a series of reports from female civil servants about unacceptable behaviour and cultural issues.’

Full Story

The Independent, 10th August 2024


Revealed: Rachel Reeves’s huge £47bn compensation bill for historical injustice, cover-up and negligence – The Independent

‘The efforts of the chancellor Rachel Reeves to get control of Britain’s finances are being hampered by a massive £47bn bill in outstanding compensation claims which could balloon even further, The Independent can reveal. Analysis of a report by the National Audit Office (NAO) showed £84bn has been pledged by previous governments, with 12 compensation schemes for injustice, cover-ups and negligence.’

Full Story

The Independent, 11th August 2024


No refunds in historic miscarriage of justice cases – BBC News

‘Victims of historic miscarriages of justice have been told by the government they must have “bed and board” costs for the time they spent in prison deducted from their compensation payments.’

Full Story

BBC News, 9th August 2024


Slavery victim wins payout as ‘others die waiting’ – BBC News

‘A vulnerable man kept as a slave for almost 26 years has won a “record payout” after his family sued the government for denying him adequate compensation.’

Full Story

BBC News, 6th August 2024


Face of British army recruitment drive wins payout for racist and sexist abuse – The Guardian

‘A former soldier who appeared on recruitment posters for the British army has received a settlement and an apology after taking it to an employment tribunal over the racist and sexist abuse she was subjected to during her career.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd August 2024


Miscellaneous – legal costs under leases, Tribunal appointed managers and the BSA, and estopping a van Hoogstraten – Nearly Legal

‘Thanet Lodge (Mapesbury Road) & Anor v Mirchandani (LANDLORD AND TENANT – SERVICE CHARGES – recovery of legal and mediation expenses as service charges) (2024) UKUT 205 (LC). This was an appeal on a leaseholder’s challenge to the payability of legal costs that the RTM company had sought to put through the service charge.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 28th July 2024


UK Supreme Court rewrites the rules on retained EU case law –

‘In an important recent judgment, the UK Supreme Court has rewritten the post-Brexit rules on application of EU case law in the UK courts, so that they apply retrospectively in proceedings in respect of pre-Brexit events.’

Full Story, 29th July 2024


Air Travel Woes – Law Pod UK

Posted July 26th, 2024 in airlines, appeals, brexit, compensation, news, podcasts, Supreme Court by sally

‘A tale of small win against airline leads to big Supreme Court ruling on pre- and post- Brexit compensation. Rosalind English in conversation with David Hart KC.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 25th July 2024


Tenant given two-year community order and told to pay £2,400 in compensation after illegal subletting – Local Government Lawyer

‘The London Borough of Barnet has successfully prosecuted a tenant who illegally sublet her social housing property.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 23rd July 2024


Disabled man was left without care after council failures – BBC News

Posted July 23rd, 2024 in community care, compensation, delay, disabled persons, local government, news by tracey

‘A disabled man suffered “significant distress” after a council’s failings left him without care, according to a report.’

Full Story

BBC News, 23rd July 2024


Trafficking victims being turned down for compensation in ‘horrendous failing’ – The Independent

‘Trafficking victims are being turned down for compensation in a “horrendous and clear failing”, the anti-slavery commissioner has said, after new figures showed how few people can access support.’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd July 2024


MoD to compensate thousands of veterans over hearing loss – BBC News

‘Thousands more ex-servicemen and women will receive compensation for hearing loss suffered during training or combat, the BBC has learned.’

Full Story

BBC News, 8th July 2024


Man who slipped in puddle of Baileys on way to BA flight could get £4m – The Guardian

Posted July 10th, 2024 in accidents, airlines, compensation, news, personal injuries by tracey

‘A passenger who suffered a traumatic brain injury after slipping in a puddle of Baileys while heading for a flight could receive up to £4m in compensation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th July 2024
