Online GP consultations have led to harm and death, investigation finds – The Guardian

Posted July 25th, 2024 in computer programs, doctors, health, inquests, news, reports by sally

‘Patients have died after describing their symptoms to a GP in an online form rather than at a face-to-face consultation, the NHS’s safety investigations body has revealed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 25th July 2024


More data on death: Chief Coroner’s annual report for 2023 – Mills & Reeve

Posted July 24th, 2024 in coroners, inquests, news, reports by sally

‘The Chief Coroner’s annual report covers the work of the coroner service in England and Wales 2023. His Honour Judge Teague KC’s report provides a comprehensive overview of all the work taken forward across the coroner service. It provides valuable insights into the service’s operations and future direction.’

Full Story

Mills & Reeve, 23rd July 2024


Babies died after hospital neglect – inquest jury – BBC News

Posted July 23rd, 2024 in birth, child neglect, hospitals, inquests, news by tracey

‘Two premature babies died within weeks of each other after neglect by a hospital, an inquest jury has found.’

Full Story

BBC News, 22nd July 2024


Bereaved families force law changes – why did it take so long? – BBC News

Posted July 18th, 2024 in bereavement, bills, families, health & safety, housing, inquests, news, sport, terrorism by michael

‘The inclusion of both the Hillsborough Law and Martyn’s Law in the King’s Speech is a big moment for people power.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th July 2024


Mental health tragedy lessons not learned – family – BBC News

‘The son-in-law of an 88-year-old man who was killed by a woman with schizophrenia at a supermarket says too many people are being harmed due to a lack of proper risk assessments of mental health patients.’

Full Story

BBC News, 11th July 2024


Coroner calls on US to act over Harry Dunn death – BBC News

‘A coroner has called for improved driver training for US government staff in the UK following the death of Harry Dunn.’

Full Story

BBC News, 8th July 2024


‘Significant failing’ in care of Royal Marines recruit who took his own life – The Guardian

Posted July 4th, 2024 in armed forces, inquests, mental health, news, self-harm, suicide, young persons by sally

‘There was a “significant failing” in the care of a teenage Royal Marines recruit who took his own life after struggling on a demanding training course, a coroner has concluded.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd July 2024


Raising Racism at Inquests – Law Pod UK

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in chambers articles, inquests, news, podcasts, racism by sally

‘In Episode 201 Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Emma Snell of JUSTICE and Christian Weaver, a barrister at Garden North Chambers about Achieving Racial Justice at Inquests: A Practitioner’s Guide (2024), a guide recently published by JUSTICE and INQUEST.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 3rd July 2024


Zara Aleena murder: agencies’ failures contributed to death, inquest finds – The Guardian

Posted June 27th, 2024 in inquests, murder, news, police, prisons, probation by sally

‘Failures by the police and prison and probation services contributed to the death of Zara Aleena, who was murdered as she walked home from a night out in east London, an inquest jury has found.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th June 2024


MoD failed soldier killed in training, family say – BBC News

Posted June 24th, 2024 in armed forces, bereavement, families, government departments, inquests, news by tracey

‘The Ministry of Defence failed a soldier killed in a crash during a training exercise, his family have said.’

Full Story

BBC News, 22nd June 2024


Coroner criticises US government for lack of training given to Anne Sacoolas prior to Harry Dunn crash – The Independent

‘A coroner has criticised the US government for a lack of training provided to its employee Anne Sacoolas before the crash that killed Harry Dunn.’

Full Story

The Independent, 13th June 2024


Inquest finds inadequate care contributed to death of Frazer Williams who took his life at HMP Guys Marsh – Garden Court Chambers

‘Inadequate diagnosis and treatment of Frazer Williams’ mental health condition was among the probable causes of the 28-year-old’s death at HMP Guy’s Marsh, a jury unanimously found.’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 23rd May 2024


‘Inequity’ in prison mental health care – coroner – BBC News

Posted June 10th, 2024 in coroners, delay, hospitals, inquests, mental health, news, prisons, suicide by tracey

‘Prisoners with mental health emergencies face “inequity” in the way they are treated, a coroner has said.’

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BBC News, 9th June 2024


Bronson Battersby died of dehydration next to father’s body, inquest hears – The Guardian

Posted June 7th, 2024 in children, families, inquests, news by sally

‘Two-year-old Bronson Battersby, who was found dead next to his father’s body at their home after not being seen for several days, died from dehydration, a coroner’s court has heard.’

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The Guardian, 6th June 2024


Police trainer took own life after Met’s actions made mental health worse, inquest finds – The Guardian

Posted June 4th, 2024 in inquests, London, mental health, news, police, suicide by tracey

‘A Metropolitan police trainer took her own life after the actions of her employer made her mental health worse, an inquest has found.’

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The Guardian, 3rd June 2024


Coroner calls for change after baby’s choking death – BBC News

Posted June 4th, 2024 in accidents, children, inquests, news, reports by tracey

‘A coroner has written to the Department for Education calling for changes to early years framework following the death of a nine-month-old baby who choked at nursery in Kent.’

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BBC News, 3rd June 2024


Online Safety Act not ‘job done’, Molly Russell’s father warns next government – The Independent

‘Seeing the Online Safety Act as a “job done” would be a “disaster”, a bereaved father has said as he called on the next government to commit to updating legislation to tackle harms affecting children.’

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The Independent, 3rd June 2024


Martha’s Rule to be rolled out in hospitals – BBC News

‘A scheme has been launched following the death of a 13-year-old who was not admitted to intensive care despite concerns being raised by her family. NHS England has worked with the parents of Martha Mills, who died from sepsis , externalin 2021. An inquest, external said Martha could have survived had her care been better.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th May 2024


Coroner raises concerns after university student’s death – BBC News

Posted May 28th, 2024 in inquests, mental health, news, suicide, universities by tracey

‘A coroner has raised concerns about a student accommodation service and the mental health care given to an 18-year-old student who died at the University of Leicester.’

Full Story

BBC News, 27th May 2024


Kent NHS trust made failures in care of six-year-old girl, inquest finds – The Guardian

‘An inquest into the death of a six-year-old girl has concluded an NHS hospital trust made a number of failures in her care before she died.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th May 2024
