Britain will still be bound by international courts under any serious trade deal, MPs warned – The Independent

‘Britain would still be bound by the judgments of international courts under any serious international free trade agreement with other countries, a leading legal academic has warned MPs.’

Full story

The Independent, 5th July 2016


A radical moment for Britain’s sex workers – The Guardian

Posted July 5th, 2016 in crime, news, parliament, prostitution, select committees by sally

‘The Commons inquiry into prostitution has recommended legalising brothels and soliciting as quickly as possible. So, what happens now?’

Full story

The Guardian, 4th July 2016


Prosecutions for people-smuggling into UK rise by 50% – The Guardian

‘The number of people prosecuted for smuggling illegal immigrants into Britain in their vehicles has risen by more than 50% in a year, according to new figures. ‘

Full story

The Guardian, 4th July 2016


House of Lords Sexual Violence in Conflict Committee report: government response –

Posted July 1st, 2016 in reports, select committees, sexual offences, war, war crimes by tracey

‘The government has now published its response to the report from the House of Lords Select Committee on Sexual Violence in Conflict.’

Full report, 30th June 2016


Sex work must be decriminalised, government report warns – The Independent

Posted July 1st, 2016 in prostitution, reports, select committees by tracey

‘The Home Affairs select committee has suggested it is the best way to promote sex workers’ safety.’

Full story

Full report

The Independent, 1st July 2016


MPs launch inquiry into sharia courts in UK – The Guardian

Posted June 28th, 2016 in inquiries, Islam, news, parliament, select committees by sally

‘MPs on the Commons home affairs committee have launched an inquiry into the operation of sharia courts in the UK to ensure their principles are compatible with British law.’

Full story

The Guardian, 27th June 2016


Insufficient evidence to back employment tribunal fees in current form, MPs say –

Posted June 23rd, 2016 in employment tribunals, fees, news, select committees, tribunals by sally

‘”Substantial changes” to the current employment tribunal fee regime are required if an appropriate balance is to be struck between meeting some of the costs of operation and maintaining access to justice, according to an influential committee of MPs.’

Full story, 22nd June 2016


Fall in number of magistrates ‘will mean less diversity’ – The Guardian

Posted June 23rd, 2016 in diversity, inquiries, judiciary, magistrates, news, select committees, statistics by sally

‘A sharp fall in the number of magistrates in England and Wales will ensure that those on the bench remain overwhelmingly white and elderly, the government has been warned.’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd June 2016


MPs castigate government over court and tribunal fee rises – Litigation Futures

‘MPs have hit out at the government’s approach to increasing court fees, with major changes needed to restore an “acceptable level of access to the employment tribunals”, and also urged ministers not to introduce any more civil court fee rises until there is research into the impact of what has been done to date, particularly on London’s competitiveness as a litigation centre.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 20th June 2016


Employment tribunal fees ‘will deny workers justice’ – The Independent

‘Workers unfairly dismissed by their employers are being denied access to justice because of new Government court fees, a cross party committee of MPs has warned. Since the new employment tribunal fees were introduced in 2013 there has been a “precipitate drop” of almost 70 per cent in the number of cases being brought, the Commons Justice committee said. It can now cost as much as £1,200 simply to bring a claim.’

Full story

The Independent, 20th June 2016


Court rule changes ‘may drive innocent defendants into making guilty pleas’ – The Independent

‘Changes to court rules to encourage more defendants to plead guilty earlier may lead to more miscarriages of justice as well as increasing the prison population, MPs warn today.’

Full story

The Independent, 14th June 2015


Sexting offences increasing in schools, say senior police officers – The Guardian

‘Senior police officers are seeing an escalation in sexting offences in schools, according to a report submitted to MPs.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th June 2016


Bulk data collection not ‘inherently incompatible’ with right to privacy, say UK law makers –

‘Giving the intelligence and security services a right to collect data about citizens in bulk is not “inherently incompatible” with people’s right to privacy, a UK parliamentary committee has said.’

Full story, 2nd June 2016


Probe into UK occupational pension schemes – BBC News

Posted May 31st, 2016 in inquiries, news, parliament, pensions, select committees by tracey

‘An inquiry is to be launched into the UK’s 6,000 occupational pension schemes after question marks about the future of the BHS and British Steel schemes.’

Full story

BBC News, 30th May 2016


Cuts have left court system ‘close to breaking point’ and have put its credibility at risk, MPs warn – The Independent

Posted May 27th, 2016 in budgets, criminal justice, delay, news, select committees by tracey

‘Inquiry finds that a shortage of judges is contributing to two-thirds of trials in the Crown Court being delayed, or not going ahead at all.’

Full story

The Independent, 27th May 2016


Prison safety ‘deteriorating’ in England and Wales, say MPs – BBC News

‘Prison safety in England and Wales has “deteriorated further” and urgently needs improving as figures show escalating self-harm, violence and disorder, a group of MPs has said.’

Full story

BBC News, 16th May 2016


Drone killings: Legal case ‘needs clarifying’ – BBC News

‘The legal case for using drone strikes outside of armed conflict needs “urgent clarification” from ministers, a cross-party parliamentary committee has said.’

Full story

BBC News, 10th May 2016


UK drone strikes ‘could leave all those involved facing murder charges’ – The Guardian

‘British drone pilots, intelligence officers and ministers could face murder charges if the government does not clarify its policies on targeted killing, a parliamentary committee has warned.’

Full story

The Guardian, 10th May 2016


British bill of rights could ‘unravel’ constitution, say MPs – The Guardian

‘The government’s proposed bill of rights will hamper the fight against crime, undermine the UK’s international moral authority and could start “unravelling” the constitution, a cross-party parliamentary committee is warning.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th May 2016


Existing laws ‘putting people’s pensions at risk’ – BBC News

Posted May 9th, 2016 in inquiries, insolvency, news, pensions, select committees by sally

‘The chancellor has been warned that gaps in existing pension laws “could put the retirement savings of many thousands of people at risk”.’

Full story

BBC News, 7th May 2016
