Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary guilty of directing terrorist organisation – The Guardian

Posted July 24th, 2024 in Islam, news, proscribed organisations, terrorism by sally

‘The Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has been found guilty of directing the terrorist group al-Muhajiroun (ALM) and drumming up cross-border support for the banned organisation online.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 23rd July 2024


Bereaved families force law changes – why did it take so long? – BBC News

Posted July 18th, 2024 in bereavement, bills, families, health & safety, housing, inquests, news, sport, terrorism by michael

‘The inclusion of both the Hillsborough Law and Martyn’s Law in the King’s Speech is a big moment for people power.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th July 2024


What laws can the Conservative government pass before the general election? – The Independent

‘The Conservatives and Labour have held talks to work out what outstanding legislation can be rushed through parliament to become law before the Commons closes for the general election.’

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The Independent, 23rd May 2024


Hate preachers and extremists banned from the UK – Home Office

Posted May 7th, 2024 in immigration, news, terrorism, visas by tracey

‘Dangerous extremists intent on promoting extreme ideologies will be blocked from entering the UK as the government steps up action to protect the public.’

Full Story

Home Office, 30th April 2024


Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 – Mountford Chambers

‘After receiving Royal Assent in October 2023 the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 is moving forward with the recent publishing of the draft guidance required by section 204 of the Act, advising on the procedures that companies can put in place to prevent persons associated with them from committing fraud offences contrary to section 199.’

Full Story

Mountford Chambers, 24th April 2024


Reading terror stabbings ‘probably avoidable’, inquest concludes – The Independent

‘A coroner has ruled the deaths of three people in the Reading terror attack were ”probably avoidable” as he delivered his conclusion following an inquest at the Old Bailey on Friday.’

Full Story

The Independent, 27th April 2024


Met police to pay ‘five-figure sum’ to French publisher arrested under anti-terror laws – The Guardian

‘A French publisher who was arrested in London on terrorism charges has been awarded “substantial” damages by the Metropolitan police, as new figures reveal thousands of foreign nationals have been stopped at UK ports under anti-terror laws.’

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The Guardian, 29th April 2024


Clark v Adams: personal injury claim against Gerry Adams to proceed to trial – 12KBW Personal Injury Law Blog

‘Clark v Adams [2024] EWHC 62 (KB) is an unusual personal injury claim: three joined claims brought for injuries suffered as a result of bombings attributed to the Provisional Irish Republican Army (‘provisional IRA’) at the Old Bailey in March 1973, the London Docklands in February 1996 and the Arndale Centre in Manchester in June 1996. The claims were brought against the provisional IRA and against Gerry Adams, both in a representative capacity (as a representative of the provisional IRA) and in his personal capacity.’

Full Story

12KBW Personal Injury Law Blog, 23rd April 202


The Manchester Arena Inquiry: lessons for future inquiries – 6KBW College Hill

Posted April 24th, 2024 in chambers articles, inquiries, news, terrorism, victims, witnesses by sally

‘Lawyers involved in public inquiries often refer, half in jest and half out of fear, to a hypothetical future ‘inquiry into the inquiry’ in which their decisions will be scrutinised. Happily for lawyers, but perhaps to the detriment of future inquiries, there is usually relatively little analysis and certainly no formal mechanism to review the effectiveness of an inquiry following its completion. That is the position notwithstanding the growing reliance on public inquiries to investigate matters of acute public concern, and that chief amongst the many purposes of inquiries – establishing facts, providing accountability, making recommendations – is learning lessons.’

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6KBW College Hill, 17th April 2024


Immigration Newsletter – 4KBW

March 2024 Update.

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4KBW, March 2024


‘Birmingham Four’ ask CCRC to investigate convictions for terror plot – The Guardian

‘Four men were jailed for life in 2017 for planning terrorist attack in UK after elaborate undercover police operation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 22nd April 2024


Terror watchdog condemns WhatsApp for lowering UK users’ minimum age to 13 – The Guardian

Posted April 19th, 2024 in children, internet, news, ombudsmen, telecommunications, terrorism, young persons by sally

‘The UK’s terror watchdog has criticised Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta for lowering the minimum age for WhatsApp users from 16 to 13, warning that the “extraordinary” move could expose more teenagers to extreme content.’

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The Guardian, 18th April 2024


Survivors of 2017 Ariana Grande concert bombing take legal action against UK agency – The Independent

‘More than 250 survivors of the suicide bombing that killed 22 people at a 2017 Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, are taking legal action against Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, lawyers said.’

Full Story

The Independent, 15th April 2024


Shamima Begum loses bid to challenge removal of her British citizenship – The Independent

‘Shamima Begum has lost her initial bid to challenge the removal of her British citizenship by taking her case to the Supreme Court.’

Full Story

The Independent, 25th March 2024


Mum and daughter jailed for funding the Islamic State group – BBC News

Posted March 19th, 2024 in news, proscribed organisations, sentencing, terrorism by tracey

‘A mother and daughter have been jailed for funding terrorism in Syria.’

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BBC News, 18th March 2024


Student who idolised Unabomber wrote terror guide for ‘misfits and nobodies’ – The Independent

Posted March 19th, 2024 in explosives, firearms, news, sentencing, terrorism by tracey

‘A college student who wrote a “how-to” terror guide on weapons and bombs dedicated to “misfits” and “social nobodies” has been jailed for 13 years.’

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The Independent, 18th March 2024


How has UK extremism definition changed and why is it attracting criticism? – The Guardian

‘The communities secretary, Michael Gove, has laid out a new definition of extremism. Here the Guardian examines what has changed and why, and the reason it is attracting criticism.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th March 2024


SRA warns solicitors over ‘deepfake’ clients and vendor fraud – Legal Futures

‘The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has warned lawyers who rely on video calls to identify clients of the risks posed by “deepfake” technology.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 12th March 2024


Shamima Begum loses appeal against removal of British citizenship – The Guardian

‘Shamima Begum, who left Britain as a schoolgirl to join Islamic State, has lost an appeal against the decision to remove her British citizenship.’

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The Guardian, 23rd February 2024


Consultation on Martyn’s law published but questions remain –

‘The UK government’s consultation on proposed changes to the requirements for standard tier premises under draft anti-terrorism legislation confirms a commitment to proportionality. However, questions remain, including on what businesses must do to protect against acts of terrorism, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 14th February 2024
