Conditions at UK immigration removal centre ‘worst inspectors have seen’ – The Guardian

Posted July 9th, 2024 in detention, drug abuse, immigration, news, reports, suicide by sally

‘The prisons watchdog has described “truly shocking” conditions in an immigration removal centre close to Heathrow airport as the worst its inspectors had ever seen.’

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The Guardian, 9th July 2024


Bournemouth man guilty of murdering lodger and cutting up body – BBC News

‘A man has been found guilty of murdering his lodger before scattering his severed body parts in packages and a suitcase.’

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BBC News, 22nd May 2024


Capacity, presumptions and catastrophe – Local Government Lawyer

‘Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) looks at a High Court judge’s careful approach to the presumption of capacity in relation to the mother in a case about end of life treatment for one of her twin sons.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 10th May 2024


Pair jailed for neglect after boy’s window fall – BBC News

Posted May 1st, 2024 in child neglect, children, drug abuse, imprisonment, news, sentencing by sally

‘A man and woman have been jailed after a child they were looking after fell out of a window while they were under the influence of drugs.’

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BBC News, 30th April 2024


‘Outdated and offensive’: police in England and Wales barred from blaming restraint deaths on ‘excited delirium’ – The Guardian

Posted April 22nd, 2024 in death in custody, drug abuse, mental health, news, ombudsmen, police, racism by sally

‘The police watchdog for England and Wales has removed a controversial medical term from its incident forms after claims it plays into racist stereotypes and detracts attention from police brutality.’

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The Guardian, 20th April 2024


More synthetic opioids banned to protect communities – Home Office

‘Fifteen additional synthetic opioids are now under the strictest controls to prevent drug related deaths and ensure anyone caught supplying them faces tough penalties.’

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Home Office, 20th March 2024


Black inmates at Wormwood Scrubs ‘disproportionately subjected to use of force’ – The Guardian

Posted March 20th, 2024 in drug abuse, mental health, news, prisons, race discrimination, restraint, statistics by sally

‘Black prisoners are disproportionately subjected to the use of force inside one of Britain’s most notorious jails, a report has found.’

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The Guardian, 19th March 2024


‘It’s an excuse to overreach’: families’ anger over UK police restraint deaths blamed on disputed condition – The Guardian

‘Acute behavioural disturbance and excited delirium have been cited in police watchdog reports and inquests into 44 deaths – but campaigners say it is pseudoscience.’

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The Guardian, 17th March 2024


Court of Protection declares lawfulness of care plan setting out arrangements for termination of woman’s pregnancy – Local Government Lawyer

‘A judge sitting in the Court of Protection has declared that a care plan setting out the arrangements for the termination of a woman’s pregnancy was lawful.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 14th March 2024


Coroner criticises benefits rules after vulnerable claimant’s death – The Guardian

‘A coroner has criticised the Depart­ment for Work and Pensions (DWP) after a woman died from an overdose in the wake of a six-month official investigation that left her with soaring universal credit debts.’

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The Guardian, 10th March 2024


Joshua Jacques: Serious failings in probation supervision – report – BBC News

Posted March 7th, 2024 in drug abuse, murder, news, probation, release on licence, reports by sally

‘There were “serious failings” in the probation supervision of a quadruple murderer, the chief inspector of probation has said.’

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BBC News, 7th March 2024


Family Drug and Alcohol Court model suitable for domestic abuse cases even where no substance misuse, says judge – Local Government Lawyer

Posted March 7th, 2024 in alcohol abuse, domestic violence, drug abuse, family courts, news by sally

‘A judge sitting in the Family Court has highlighted the successful use of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) model in a case where the main presenting difficulty was domestic abuse.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 6th March 2024


Judge hails “vital” role of Family Drug and Alcohol Court after making supervision order – Local Government Lawyer

Posted February 15th, 2024 in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, families, family courts, news, supervision orders by sally

‘A Family Court judge has made a supervision order for a period of 12 months in order for a baby boy to remain in the care of his parents, in light of the progress they have made through participation in the Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) programme.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 14th February 2024


Intentional homelessness from a half way house – Nearly Legal

Posted February 12th, 2024 in appeals, drug abuse, homelessness, housing, local government, news by tracey

‘Kyle v Coventry City Council (2023) EWCA Civ 1360. Mr K was homeless and addicted to class A drugs. During the relevant period for this second appeal, he was on a methadone treatment prescription. He had applied to Coventry as homeless. He had been given s.188 Housing Act 1996 accommodation in hostel supported accommodation (a “halfway house”).’

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Nearly Legal, 11th February 2024


Hair strand testing – pitfalls and limitations – Transparency Project

Posted January 25th, 2024 in drug abuse, family courts, forensic science, news by sally

‘When it is disputed whether a person uses drugs, the family court can – and often does – order hair strand testing to determine the issue. This article draws upon the work of lawyer Sarah Branson and drug tester Paul Hunter, who have explored the limitations of hair strand testing and highlighted the need for caution in relying on hair strand test results (See Recent scientific developments in hair strand testing and racial bias in current practices of hair strand testing. I’m going to call this ‘the Fam Law article’). Even so, hair strand testing continues to be the ’go-to’ when there is a question over drug use. Despite an increasing recognition of the possibility of mistakes and errors in the production and reporting of hair strand test evidence, this evidence is still regularly relied upon by the courts as evidence of substance use. These problems are often underestimated, which can have disastrous consequences.’

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Transparency Project, 24th January 2024


Interim removal of children – Local Government Lawyer

Posted January 8th, 2024 in appeals, care orders, children, drug abuse, families, local government, news by tracey

‘A recent Court of Appeal authority is a useful case for family practitioners to have in their toolkit, particularly those representing parents facing applications for interim removal of their children, writes Malvika Jaganmohan.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 5th January 2024


Law enforcement on class B and C drugs ‘pathetically weak for years’, says PCC – The Independent

Posted November 17th, 2023 in drug abuse, enforcement, news, police by tracey

‘The enforcement of laws around class B and C drugs has been “pathetically weak” for years and tougher action needs to be taken nationally against cannabis, a police and crime commissioner (PCC) has said.’

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The Independent, 17th November 2023


Possession of nitrous oxide is now illegal – Home Office

Posted November 10th, 2023 in criminal justice, drug abuse, drug offences, news by tracey

‘Possession of “laughing gas” is now illegal with repeat serious users facing up to 2 years in prison and dealers up to 14 years.’

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Home Office, 8th November 2023


Court of Appeal allows appeal by father over interim care order – Local Government Lawyer

Posted November 9th, 2023 in appeals, care orders, children, drug abuse, families, local government, mental health, news by sally

‘The Court of Appeal has allowed a father’s appeal against interim care orders made in respect of his three children.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 8th November 2023


Cumbrian man found guilty of murdering four-month-old baby son – The Guardian

‘A man described as a “monster” and “ticking timebomb” has been found guilty of murdering his four-month-old baby son.’

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The Guardian, 1st November 2023
