MPs slam ‘national scandal’ of FGM- Britain’s hidden crime – The Independent

Posted September 15th, 2016 in child abuse, crime, female genital mutilation, human rights, news, select committees by tracey

‘Britain’s failure to protect girls from female genital mutilation (FGM) has been described as a “national scandal” by a committee of MPs, who said it was “beyond belief” that, 30 years since it became illegal, not a single person has been convicted of the crime. They described it as a “hidden crime” and “preventable” child abuse.’

Full story

The Independent, 15th September 2016


Parliament should get a vote on triggering Brexit Article 50, House of Lords committee says – The Independent

Posted September 14th, 2016 in brexit, constitutional law, EC law, news, parliament, referendums, reports, select committees by tracey

‘The Government should not trigger Article 50 to leave the EU without first consulting Parliament, an eminent committee of peers has said.’

Full story

The Independent, 13th September 2016


Rupert Murdoch’s News UK to be censured for misleading Parliament over phone hacking scandal – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 14th, 2016 in interception, media, news, parliament, sanctions, select committees, telecommunications by tracey

‘Rupert Murdoch’s media company News UK is to be censured by Parliament for its conduct in the aftermath of the phone hacking scandal. It is understood that the House of Commons Standards and Privileges Committee will find the company and a number of senior individuals guilty of misleading Parliament.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 14th September 2016


MPs call for medical cannabis to be made legal – BBC News

Posted September 13th, 2016 in drug offences, medicines, news, select committees by sally

‘Taking cannabis for medical reasons should be made legal, says a cross-party group of UK politicians.’

Full story

BBC News, 13th September 2016


What does the Sunday Mirror allege Keith Vaz did – and is it illegal? – The Guardian

‘Is it against the law to buy sex or to offer to pay for cocaine? And are poppers legal?’

Full story

The Guardian, 5th September 2016


‘Bureaucratic’ gateway blocks access to discrimination advice – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 5th, 2016 in legal aid, legal services, news, pregnancy, select committees, sex discrimination by sally

‘The process for obtaining state-funded legal help in discrimination cases is too bureaucratic, practitioners have told the Gazette, after MPs demanded urgent action to end a ‘shocking’ increase in workplace pregnancy discrimination.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 2nd September 2016


Make health material consideration in planning and licensing law: MPs – Local Government Lawyer

Posted September 2nd, 2016 in health, licensing, local government, news, planning, select committees by sally

‘The Government must make good on its commitment to health in all policies by enshrining health as a material consideration in planning and licensing law, MPs have said.’

Full story

Local Government Lawyer, 1st September 2016


Have you taken part in restorative justice? – The Guardian

Posted September 2nd, 2016 in news, restorative justice, select committees, victims by sally

‘A parliamentary committee has said victims of crime in England and Wales should be given the right to restorative justice, once the criminal justice system develops sufficient capacity.’

Full story

The Guardian, 1st September 2016


Victims should be able to confront criminals, say MPs – The Guardian

Posted September 1st, 2016 in criminal justice, news, restorative justice, select committees, victims by sally

‘Victims of crime in England and Wales should be given the right to restorative justice – where they can confront the criminal who harmed them – once the criminal justice system develops sufficient capacity, a parliamentary committee is to recommend.’

Full story

The Guardian, 1st September 2016


Finally – insurers get it in the neck for not passing on whiplash savings – Legal Futures

‘The insurance industry had a taste of its own PR medicine over the weekend after The Times accused insurers of “cheating motorists” by not passing on whiplash savings.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 30th August 2016


Extremist prisoners ‘may be separated’ from other inmates – BBC News

Posted August 22nd, 2016 in Islam, news, prisons, reports, select committees, terrorism by sally

‘Violent extremist prisoners could be held in separate special units inside jails under government plans to stop other inmates being radicalised.’

Full story

BBC News, 21st August 2016


David Cameron to face inquiry into resignation honours list – The Independent

‘David Cameron is to face a Commons inquiry into his resignation honours list, which has been widely criticised for the way he used it to reward friends and financial backers.’

Full story

The Independent, 9th August 2016


What you’re reading should be no business of the police – but our freedom of expression is at risk – The Independent

‘Think carefully before you pack your holiday reading. As The Independent reported earlier this week, Faizah Shaheen was detained under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act last month after cabin crew on her Thomson Airways flight spotted her reading a book about Syria.’

Full story

The Independent, 7th August 2016


Threefold rise in number of sex offences in schools reported to police – The Guardian

‘The number of sex offences in schools reported to police has almost trebled in four years, a study has shown.’

Full story

The Guardian, 8th August 2016


Part 1: the Prevent Duty for Universities – Cloisters

‘In this article I deal with the basics of the legal framework for the Prevent Duty. The simplest way of thinking about the Prevent Duty is visualisation. Imagining that you are the character at which Dirty Harry is pointing his gun in that film while uttering the words: “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “do I feel lucky?”… Well do you punk?” The government has attempted to shift the publicity and legal risks from itself to the universities by use of the Prevent Duty. On the face of it universities have a dilemma: how to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism, whilst taking all reasonably practicable steps to ensure free speech and academic freedom.’

Full story

Cloisters, 26th July 2016


FCA branded ‘inadequate’ as MPs call for new bank watchdog – The Independent

Posted July 26th, 2016 in banking, financial regulation, news, parliament, select committees by sally

‘Britain needs a new financial watchdog to punish wrongdoing in order to win public confidence, further reshaping a regulatory structure that was overhauled just three years ago, the Treasury Select Committee has said.’

Full story

The Independent, 26th July 2016


Migrant children are being failed by UK, says Lords committee report – The Guardian

Posted July 26th, 2016 in asylum, children, detention, immigration, news, refugees, reports, select committees by sally

‘The UK is shirking its responsibility to care for thousands of unaccompanied migrant children, dismissing them as “somebody else’s problem”, a report has concluded.’

Full story

The Guardian, 26th July 2016


Sports Direct: Could Human Rights Have Helped? – RightsInfo

‘Could human rights have helped Sports Direct workers? Yes. Read this post to find out why.’

Full story

RightsInfo, 22nd July 2016


Finance & Divorce Update, July 2016 – Family Law week

‘Edward Heaton, Principal Associate and Jane Booth, Associate, both of Mills & Reeve LLP, analyse the news and case law relating to financial remedies and divorce during June 2016.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 15th July 2016


New law to recoup crime money needed, say MPs – BBC News

Posted July 15th, 2016 in confiscation, news, proceeds of crime, reports, select committees by tracey

‘It should be a separate criminal offence to refuse to hand over money and assets derived from crime, a group of MPs has said. The system for enforcing confiscation orders imposed by the courts is not working, a report by the Home Affairs Select Committee added.’

Full story

Home Affairs select committee press release

BBC News, 15th July 2016
