South Asian lawyers “experience discrimination in career progression” – Legal Futures

Posted July 24th, 2024 in law firms, London, news, race discrimination, solicitors by sally

‘Two-thirds of South Asian partners in large London law firms have experienced racial discrimination in career progression, a new report has found.’

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Legal Futures, 24th July 2024


Suella Braverman’s decision to drop Windrush recommendations unlawful, court rules – The Guardian

‘A decision by the former home secretary Suella Braverman to drop two recommendations intended to repair some of the harm done to the Windrush generation was unlawful, the high court has ruled.’

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The Guardian, 19th June 2024


Parts of police act ‘intrude’ on lives of Gypsies and Travellers, court finds – The Guardian

Posted May 15th, 2024 in equality, human rights, news, police, race discrimination, travellers by sally

‘A high court judge has found parts of the UK government’s policing legislation to be in breach of human rights law, with its powers capable of causing a “significant intrusion” on the lives of Gypsies and Travellers.’

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The Guardian, 14th May 2024


Joint enterprise in England and Wales: why problems persist despite legal change – Current Issues in Criminal Justice

‘The law in England and Wales (as in Australia and other jurisdictions) enables a person to be convicted of an offence committed by another using complicity liability, sometimes termed ‘joint enterprise’. In England and Wales, ‘joint enterprise’ has been widely criticised for: failing to distinguish between the moral and legal culpability of the person who commits the substantive offence and those on the periphery of it; being disproportionality applied in cases involving young men from black and mixed ethnic backgrounds; and for lacking legal legitimacy. Thus, it was hoped that the decision of the Supreme Court in England and Wales in 2016 to abolish the extended form of complicity liability, known as Parasitic Accessorial Liability (PAL), would resolve these issues. Reporting on interviews with police detectives, and prosecution and defence lawyers in England involved in cases of serious youth violence, this paper argues that the problems associated with ‘joint enterprise’ in England and Wales remain, despite the change in the law. This is due to there being only ‘subtle shift’ in practice and a continued reliance on racialised inferences about young men from black and mixed ethnic backgrounds. To reduce problems with disproportionality and improve the fairness of the law related to complicity liability, changes to police and prosecutorial practice are required, alongside meaningful law reform.’

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Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 29th April 2024


Rap music used as evidence in scores of trials in England and Wales, study finds – The Guardian

‘Rap and drill music was used as prosecution evidence for serious charges including alleged gang-related murders against at least 252 defendants in England and Wales over a three-year period, a study has found.’

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The Guardian, 30th April 2024


Thousands of children strip-searched by police in England and Wales last year – The Guardian

Posted April 22nd, 2024 in children, investigatory powers, news, police, race discrimination, statistics by sally

‘More than 60 children a week are being strip-searched by police in England and Wales, with those who are black, Asian or mixed race significantly more likely to be targeted, new figures reveal.’

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The Guardian, 21st April 2024


Uber case a reminder of dangers of potentially discriminatory AI –

‘The UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has issued a reminder to employers to be mindful of the way in which they use artificial intelligence (AI), to prevent inadvertent bias or discrimination.’

Full Story, 10th April 2024


Payout for Uber Eats driver in discrimination case – BBC News

‘A black Uber Eats driver has received a payout after “racially discriminatory” facial-recognition checks prevented him accessing the app to secure work.’

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BBC News, 26th March 2024


Black inmates at Wormwood Scrubs ‘disproportionately subjected to use of force’ – The Guardian

Posted March 20th, 2024 in drug abuse, mental health, news, prisons, race discrimination, restraint, statistics by sally

‘Black prisoners are disproportionately subjected to the use of force inside one of Britain’s most notorious jails, a report has found.’

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The Guardian, 19th March 2024


Landlords behaving badly corner – racial discrimination and harassment – Nearly Legal

‘Hickmet and Cheerz Express Limited v Dragos (Luton County Court, 19 January 2024). Ms Dragos was the assured shorthold tenant of Cheerz Express, with the tenancy beginning 1 June 2017. A depot of £1,100 was paid. The tenancy became a statutory periodic on 1 June 2018. A further fixed term tenancy began on 1 August 2018, then another statutory periodic on 1 August 2019. A notice seeking possession on grounds 8, 10 and 11 was served in November 2021, and a possession claim was issued in March 2022. Oddly, this was in the name of Mr Hickmet, who was the sole director of Cheerz Express Ltd, with Cheerz being added to the claim at a later stage. Mr Hickmet maintained up to trial that he had a “tenancy by estoppel”. This might be considered an early indicator that things weren’t going to go well for the landlord…’

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Nearly Legal, 3rd March 2024


Black women at the Bar: challenges faced and a fairer future – Counsel

‘Bibi Badejo reports from a packed Inns of Court Women’s Alliance event examining the experiences of Black women barristers and imparting crucial advice for Black women navigating the legal profession.’

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Counsel, 19th February 2024


Royal Parks workers bring landmark case over race and equal pay – The Guardian

Posted February 20th, 2024 in contracting out, London, minimum wage, news, parks, race discrimination, remuneration by tracey

‘A group of toilet cleaners and attendants for London’s most famous parks could be about to make legal history in the court of appeal by arguing that their outsourced contracts amounted to indirect race discrimination.’

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The Guardian, 20th February 2024


Pontins served ‘unlawful act notice’ over discrimination against Irish Travellers – The Guardian

Posted February 15th, 2024 in holidays, Ireland, news, race discrimination, travellers by sally

‘The holiday park operator Pontins has been served with an “unlawful act notice” after an investigation by the equality watchdog found multiple instances of race discrimination against Irish Travellers.’

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The Guardian, 15th February 2024


Police failed to record race of nearly two-thirds of people referred to Prevent – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2024 in Islam, news, police, race discrimination, racism, statistics, terrorism by sally

‘Police in England and Wales have failed to record the racial identity of nearly two-thirds of people referred to the Prevent counter-extremism programme, despite questions over whether it discriminates against minority ethnic groups.’

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The Guardian, 6th February 2024


New year, same ethnicity pay gap concerns – still no mandatory reporting – Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog

‘After five years of consultation, last year the government confirmed there are no plans to make ethnicity pay gap reporting mandatory for employers. The ethnicity pay gap being the difference between the average earnings of white employees and those of other ethnic groups.’

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Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog, 23rd January 2024


Head of Britain’s police chiefs says force ‘institutionally racist’ – The Guardian

Posted January 5th, 2024 in equality, news, police, race discrimination, racism by sally

‘The leader of Britain’s police chiefs’ organisation has become the most senior serving leader to say that policing is institutionally racist, as he called for a fundamental redesign of national policies and practices to eliminate discrimination.’

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The Guardian, 5th January 2024


Police watchdog refuses to back use of stop and search without suspicion – The Guardian

‘The official inspectorate has refused to back police use of powers to stop and search people without suspicion, finding that chiefs cannot explain why black people are 12 times more likely to be targeted.’

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The Guardian, 15th December 2023


Rastafarian soldier wins racism case against Army – BBC News

‘One of the British Army’s first Rastafarian guardsmen has won a claim of race discrimination and harassment against the Ministry of Defence.’

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BBC News, 13th December 2023


Structural racism behind increased Taser use against black people, report finds – The Guardian

Posted December 13th, 2023 in equality, firearms, news, police, race discrimination, racism by sally

‘Police are far more likely to use a Taser electrical weapon against black people due to structural and institutional racism rather than the views of individual officers, a new report says.’

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The Guardian, 13th December 2023


“Rude and disruptive” caseworker must pay £20,000 costs to law firm – Legal Futures

Posted November 22nd, 2023 in costs, employment, employment tribunals, equality, law firms, news, race discrimination by sally

‘A “rude and disruptive” caseworker who “embroiled” a national law firm in a “vast, unmeritorious” discrimination claim must pay £20,000 in costs, an employment tribunal has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 22nd November 2023
