‘Breathing space’ on contractual disputes – Law Society’s Gazette

‘At the start of the first lockdown in March 2020, both the government and the courts made efforts to provide ‘breathing space’ for companies and stem the tide of legal action flowing out of Covid-19’s disruption to business.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 26th July 2021

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

‘The law is cold. It doesn’t reflect the life lost’: mothers of murdered women tell their stories – The Guardian

‘A new campaign film keeps the pressure on the Ministry of Justice to change the minimum sentence for domestic murder. The Changes That We Can Make features Carole Gould and Julie Devey, two mothers who have been campaigning since February 2020 on behalf of their daughters, Ellie and Poppy.’

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The Guardian, 23rd July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

New Judgment: Harcus Sinclair LLP and Anor v Your Lawyers Ltd [2021] UKSC 32 – UKSC Blog

‘The Supreme Court has unanimously allowed this appeal concerning whether a non-compete clause, by which one law firm agreed with another law firm not to take part in the emissions litigation without the latter’s permission, is enforceable or not.’

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UKSC Blog, 23rd July 2021

Source: ukscblog.com

Discrimination the “sole cause” of paucity of Black QCs – Legal Futures

‘Discrimination is the “sole identifiable cause” for the paucity of Black barristers, particularly at QC level, a co-chair of the Bar Council’s race working group has argued.’

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Legal Futures, 26th July 2021

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Time spent in the UK as a visitor counts as ‘residence’ for ILR – EIN Blog

‘On the important subject of indefinite leave to remain (ILR) on the grounds of 10 years’ continuous residence, the Court of Appeal has held that the SSHD had erred in refusing an ILR application made by Mr Chandra Mungur – a citizen of Mauritius – because it could not be said that he had “left the United Kingdom in circumstances in which he had no reasonable expectation at the time of leaving that he would lawfully be able to return” during the period relied upon as 10 years’ continuous residence. While Mr Mungur had left the UK in 2001 following expiry of his visit visa, he had done so with the intention and expectation of lawfully returning as soon as possible under a student visa. Mr Mungur had obtained a visitor visa valid from 22 March 2001 to 22 September 2001. He entered the UK as a visitor on 16 April 2001 and left on 1 September 2001 “to return to Mauritius to apply for Entry Clearance as a student”. That application was granted on 25 September 2001 and was valid until 25 September 2003. On 5 October 2001, he entered the UK again and by a succession of applications he applied for and was granted further leave to remain successively first as a student and then as a work permit holder. He remained lawfully in the UK from 25 September 2003 until 13 July 2011. He overstayed for 1,947 days when his leave to remain expired on 13 July 2011 until 10 February 2016.’

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EIN Blog, 23rd July 2021

Source: www.ein.org.uk

More than 50 died in Home Office asylum seeker accommodation in past five years – The Guardian

‘More than 50 people have died in Home Office asylum seeker accommodation in the last five years, with the number increasing steeply over the past 18 months, the Guardian has learned.’

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The Guardian, 25th July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Essex lorry deaths: Man ordered to pay £3k to families – BBC News

‘A man linked to the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants found dead in a lorry trailer in Essex is to pay £3,000 in compensation to their families.’

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BBC News, 24th July 2021

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

More than 250 convicted of child sexual abuse in UK and Ireland while in Scout movement – The Guardian

‘More than 250 people in the UK and Ireland have been convicted of child sexual abuse offences committed while they were Scout leaders or in other positions of responsibility within the Scout movement since the 1950s, according to analysis that raises questions about the organisation’s safeguarding procedures.’

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The Guardian, 25th July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Tom Hickman QC: Quashing Orders and the Judicial Review and Courts Act – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Despite commissioning a wide-ranging review of administrative law, the Judicial Review and Courts Bill 2021, unveiled this week, does not include restrictions on judicial review that many had feared. Indeed, it says relatively little about judicial review.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 26th July 2021

Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org

Female military staff denied justice by inadequate system – MPs – BBC News

‘Women in the armed forces who are victims of bullying, harassment, discrimination and serious sexual assault are being “denied justice” by a “woefully inadequate” military complaints process, MPs have said.’

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BBC News, 26th July 2021

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

New Judgment: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Efobi [2021] UKSC 33 – UKSC Blog

‘The Supreme Court has unanimously dismissed this appeal concerning two questions of law: (i) whether a change in the wording of equality legislation has altered the burden of proof in employment discrimination cases and (ii) when a tribunal may draw adverse inferences from the absence of a potential witness.’

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UKSC Blog, 23rd July 2021

Source: ukscblog.com

Ad men sacked to improve gender pay gap win sex discrimination claim – The Guardian

‘Two white male creative directors at a top London advertising agency have won a sex discrimination claim after a female director vowed to “obliterate” its Mad Men reputation of being full of straight, white men.’

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The Guardian, 23rd July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Preserving causes of action in an insolvency context: reasonable diligence and the Limitation Act – Gatehouse Chambers

‘What is reasonable diligence when a company has entered an insolvency process and has abandoned its trading functions?’

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Gatehouse Chambers, 22nd July 2021

Source: gatehouselaw.co.uk

Disproportionate targeting of Jamaicans for deportation from UK, data suggests – The Guardian

‘People from Caribbean countries such as Jamaica appear to be disproportionately targeted for deportation from the UK if they commit crimes, according to Home Office data obtained by the Guardian following a yearlong freedom of information battle.’

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The Guardian, 25th July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Supreme Court upholds six-year non-compete clause signed by law firm – Legal Futures

‘A non-compete undertaking given by one law firm to another ahead of them working together was reasonable and not a restraint of trade, the Supreme Court ruled today.’

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Legal Futures, 23rd July 2021

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Harry Dunn: US tries to prevent disclosure of alleged killer’s work record – The Guardian

‘The US government has requested that the country’s civil courts prevent the disclosure of the employment details of Harry Dunn’s alleged killer in the interests of “national security”.’

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The Guardian, 25th July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com