Ex-charity workers still awaiting tribunal payout – BBC News

‘Former workers at a failed charity say they have not received any money despite being awarded significant sums at an employment tribunal.’

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BBC News, 8th July 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

When is an administrator an ‘officer’ of the company? – Legal Studies

‘When a company becomes insolvent, particularly if it is a large company, this will often mean that there will be a large-scale redundancy process. The requirements of the process can be technical, but there is a list of obligations that must be adhered and these are set out within the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA 1992).’

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Legal Studies, 19th April 2024

Source: www.cambridge.org

Pension crimes, fines and insolvency practitioners – Pensions Barrister

‘David Pollard of Wilberforce Chambers has written an article about the relevance of the recent Supreme Court decision in R (Palmer) – in which it was held that an administrator was not in the class of persons liable to prosecution under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 for alleged failure to give notice to the SoS of proposed collective redundancies – to crimes and fines under pensions legislation.’

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Pensions Barrister, 18th April 2024

Source: www.pensionsbarrister.com

Law group’s redundant workers awarded £570k by tribunal – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 8th, 2024 in compensation, consultations, employment tribunals, news, redundancy by tracey

‘Dozens of former Metamorph staff laid off when the group went under are collectively entitled to £570,000 in compensation, a tribunal has ruled.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 7th February 2024

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Employment law changes to expect in 2024 – Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog

‘From the day-one right to request flexible working to the introduction of rolled-up holiday pay, Georgia Roberts runs through the employment law changes HR must prepare for in 2024.’

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Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog, 5th January 2024

Source: www.kingsleynapley.co.uk

Tribunal makes protective awards to staff of defunct Newcastle firm – Legal Futures

Posted August 3rd, 2023 in consultations, employment tribunals, news, redundancy by sally

‘The employment tribunal has issued protective awards in favour of 13 former employees of Newcastle firm Short Richardson & Forth (SRF) for failing to consult over their redundancies.’

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Legal Futures, 3rd August 2023

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Dismissing for redundancy: making sure all other options are explored properly – 3PB

‘C was employed by the R as a live-in carer. The person for whom she cared went into hospital. Usually the R would have moved C to care for another individual. However, the effects of the pandemic were such that there was less opportunity to do so. C’s last day of work for the person for whom she cared was 8.2.20; she thereafter received no work, and no pay.’

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3PB, 5th June 2023

Source: www.3pb.co.uk

Ex-One Legal staff given pay award over redundancy without notice – Legal Futures

‘Sixty-four former employees of One Legal – the alternative business structure that owned two criminal law firms – have been granted full protective awards because they were made redundant without notice.’

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Legal Futures, 21st June 2023

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

New Acts – legislation.gov.uk

2023 c. 18 – Carer’s Leave Act 2023

2023 c. 17 – Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act 2023

Source: www.legislation.gov.uk

School chaplaincy, sermons on sexuality – and employment law: Randall – Law & Religion UK

‘Trent College is a co-educational, independent day and boarding school. It is an Anglican foundation and a registered charity [36]. Its articles of association provide that the “Objects for which the company is established are: The advancement of education of boys and girls in England, Wales or elsewhere in accordance with the Protestant and Evangelical principles of the Church of England”. The Revd Dr Bernard Randall, an Anglican priest, was employed as the College’s Chaplain. In May 2019, he delivered two sermons to the pupils about “competing ideologies” which led to his summary dismissal on 30 August 2019. On appeal, he was reinstated, subject to compliance with various management instructions. He was subsequently dismissed by reason of redundancy on 10 November 2020.’

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Law & Religion UK, 7th March 2023

Source: lawandreligionuk.com

Case Preview: R (on the application of Palmer) v Northern Derbyshire Magistrates Court and Anor – UKSC Blog

‘In this post, Ingrida Jakuseva, a paralegal within the Litigation and Arbitration department at CMS, previews the decision awaited from the Supreme Court in R (on the application of Palmer) v Northern Derbyshire Magistrates Court and Anor. The application for permission to appeal will be heard by the Supreme Court on 8 March 2023.’

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UKSC Blog, 1st March 2023

Source: ukscblog.com

Bill to extend maternity protections passes in House of Commons – The Guardian

Posted February 3rd, 2023 in bills, employment, equality, news, pregnancy, redundancy, sex discrimination, women by michael

‘A push to secure better protection from maternity discrimination has taken a step forward, after a bill extending maternity protections passed its final stage in the House of Commons.’

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The Guardian, 3rd February 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Sacked Twitter UK staff claim unlawful treatment in ‘sham’ redundancy – The Guardian

Posted January 12th, 2023 in dismissal, employment tribunals, news, redundancy by sally

‘A group of former workers at Twitter’s UK operation have accused the company of subjecting them to “unlawful, unfair and completely unacceptable” treatment during a “sham” redundancy process.’

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The Guardian, 11th January 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Dyslexic M&S worker wins payout after being sacked over mistakes in emails – The Independent

‘A dyslexic Marks and Spencer worker has won more than £50,000 after losing her job following concerns about mistakes in her emails.’

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The Independent, 27th November 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Dismissal was part of firm’s fair redundancy process, judge rules – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A former law firm employee was dismissed because of redundancy measures made necessary during lockdown, an employment tribunal has found.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 25th March 2022

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Lockdown conveyancing redundancy was genuine, tribunal rules – Legal Futures

‘A redundancy exercise run by a law firm in its conveyancing department following the first lockdown in 2020 was genuine, an employment tribunal has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 24th March 2022

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Ad men sacked to improve gender pay gap win sex discrimination claim – The Guardian

‘Two white male creative directors at a top London advertising agency have won a sex discrimination claim after a female director vowed to “obliterate” its Mad Men reputation of being full of straight, white men.’

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The Guardian, 23rd July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Disabled People’s Employment Are Being Affected by Inequalities – Each Other

‘Despite a pledge to get one million more disabled people into work, the disability employment gap has widened during the pandemic.’

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Each Other, 14th July 2021

Source: eachother.org.uk

Entrepreneur with “strong views on breastfeeding” unfairly dismissed lawyer – Legal Futures

‘A Russian entrepreneur based in the UK with “strong views on the importance of breastfeeding” unfairly dismissed a lawyer after she took maternity leave, an employment tribunal has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 5th May 2021

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

S&G lawyer wins unfair dismissal claim – but no damages – Legal Futures

Posted May 4th, 2021 in damages, employment tribunals, news, redundancy, unfair dismissal by tracey

‘A senior costs specialist at Slater & Gordon (S&G) has won a claim for unfair dismissal on one ground but an employment tribunal decided it would not be just to award him damages.’

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Legal futures, 4th May 2021

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk