Council ‘failed to consider differing needs of elderly and dementia patients when setting care home fees’ – Daily Telegraph

“A group of care homes has won a legal challenge against their local council, after accusing it of setting care fees too low and putting elderly and frail people at serious risk.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 8th November 2012


Keynote address – Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, President of the Supreme Court

Posted November 1st, 2012 in barristers, disabled persons, equality, judges, news, speeches by sally

Keynote address (PDF)

Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, President of the Supreme Court

The Bar Council’s Disability Conference, 31st October 2012


Fiancée fights for her right to a Scientology wedding in landmark legal bid to overturn ‘unfair’ marriage laws in England and Wales – The Independent

Posted October 25th, 2012 in belief discrimination, equality, marriage, news by sally

“Scientologists have launched a landmark legal bid to overturn marriage laws in England and Wales. Followers of the controversial new religion believe it is unfair that Protestants, Catholics, Quakers, Jews and Non-Conformists are allowed to have state sanctioned marriages in their religious buildings whilst other faiths are not.”

Full story

The Independent, 24th October 2012


Are contract clauses stating religion of arbitrator discriminatory? – The Guardian

“A complaint to the European Commission that the supreme court’s decision in Jivraj v Hashwani breaches European laws against discrimination may have major implications for equality and religious freedom.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd October 2012


Weekend court plans in ‘chaos’ – LegalVoice

“Ministry of Justice (MoJ) plans to pilot Sunday magistrates’ courts have been hit by a technical hitch after prisons said they could not accept new prisoners on that day, writes Elizabeth Davidson. However, its pilot of full-day Saturday courts is still on schedule to begin in the Manchester area this weekend, despite vocal opposition from local criminal lawyers, some of whom claim taking part could leave them vulnerable to expensive employment tribunal claims.”

Full story

LegalVoice, 27th September 2012


‘Minefield around traveller site’ jibe broke equality law – BBC News

Posted September 26th, 2012 in complaints, equality, news, reports, travellers by sally

“A councillor breached equality laws when he suggested putting a minefield around a travellers’ site in Cambridgeshire, a report has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 26th September 2012


A legal right to gay marriage? – Family Law Week

“Andrew Commins, barrister, associate member of St John’s Chambers in Bristol analyses the legal issues relating to the question of gay marriage.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 24th September 2012


UK among worst in Europe for employing female judges – The Guardian

Posted September 20th, 2012 in bills, diversity, equality, judiciary, news, remuneration by sally

“The United Kingdom’s record of slowly improving judicial diversity has been dealt a severe blow by a comparative European report revealing that only Azerbaijan and Armenia employ fewer female professional judges. Despite what the study describes as a gradual ‘feminisation of the judiciary resulting in a near gender equality’ across the continent and its eastern borders, only 23% of judges in England and Wales and 21% of judges in Scotland are women.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th September 2012


Legal aid in England five times as generous as rest of Europe – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 20th, 2012 in budgets, diversity, equality, judiciary, legal aid, news, remuneration by sally

“Legal aid in England and Wales is five times as generous as the average in Europe, figures show.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th September 2012


New Equality and Diversity Rules for barristers are now in force – Bar Standards Board

Posted September 4th, 2012 in barristers, codes of practice, diversity, equality, press releases by tracey

“New Equality and Diversity rules for self-employed barristers are now in force.”

Full press release

Bar Standards Board, 3rd September 2012


Equality, human rights and religion or belief: time to get out of the courtroom? – UK Human Rights Blog

“The interaction between the law and religion or belief is rarely out of the headlines. Debate rages about whether Article 9, the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, receives sufficient – or too much – protection in the courts. There has been a considerable amount of litigation, much of it contentious.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 24th August 2012


Three Articles on Local Government Law – 11 KBW

Local Government Law Update: 18 July (PDF)
Local Government Law Update: 23 July (PDF)
Local Government Law Update: 25 July (PDF)

11 KBW, July 2012


Discrimination & employment status: a new or a false dawn? – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted July 10th, 2012 in employment, equality, news, self-employment by sally

“When trying to answer the question, is this claimant an employee under section 230 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (‘ERA’)?, we at least know what tests should be applied, even if applying them can be difficult in practice. What has been harder is deciding whether someone who is not an employee under the ERA is in ’employment under… a contract personally to do work’ under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA) or its predecessors. Chris Camp considers employment status in discrimination law, in light, in particular, of the recent Supreme Court decision in Jivraj v Hashwani [2011] UKSC 40.”

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 5th July 2012


Tribunals could be able to order companies guilty of “systemic discrimination” to carry out equal pay audits –

“Employment tribunals will be able to order companies who lose sex discrimination cases to disclose the gap in pay between their male and female employees under plans announced by the Equalities Minister.”

Full story, 18th June 2012


Will the European Court force churches to perform gay marriages? – UK Human Rights Blog

“The Government’s Consultation on Equal Civil Marriage ends on Thursday 14 June: you can fill in the brief online survey here if you haven’t already. In the meantime, the Church of England is on the front pages this morning with its own response, which amongst other things, warns that ‘it seems extremely doubtful’ that the European Court of Human Rights ‘would uphold the right of a state to retain gender inequality in civil partnerships once the state had legislated for equal marriage’.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 12th June 2012


Employers’ liability for third party harassment to go as part of discrimination law changes –

Posted May 21st, 2012 in employment, equality, harassment, health & safety, news, third parties by sally

“Rules making companies liable for harassment of their employees by third parties is one of a number of ‘unnecessary’ discrimination regulations that could be repealed in a drive to remove employment law related ‘red tape’, the Government has announced.”

Full story, 21st May 2012


Education Secretary Michael Gove loses High Court battle – BBC News

Posted May 18th, 2012 in budgets, children, disabled persons, education, equality, judicial review, news by sally

“Education Secretary Michael Gove has lost a High Court battle with Essex County Council over government cuts to nursery funding.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th May 2012


Equality reforms cut burden on business – Home Office

Posted May 16th, 2012 in employment tribunals, equality, harassment, press releases by tracey

“Employers have been given a boost as a new approach to equality cuts through red tape.”

Full press release

Home Office, 15th May 2012


Harriet Harman’s public sector equality laws to be scrapped – Daily Telegraph

“Anti-race and sex discrimination laws brought in under Labour are set to be scrapped because the ‘unnecessary’ rules are damaging businesses, Theresa May has said.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th May 2012


Treasury failed to test fairness of spending cuts, equality watchdog finds – The Guardian

“The Treasury failed to consider how crucial policies would affect women, disabled people and ethnic minorities before the 2010 spending review, according to a report by the equality watchdog.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th May 2012
