Ministers to give magistrates in England and Wales more sentencing powers – The Guardian

‘Ministers will announce plans within days to give magistrates in England and Wales fresh powers to hand down longer custodial sentences to help reduce the backlog in crown courts and prisons, the Guardian understands.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th October 2024


Courts crisis laid bare as some new trials not due to start until mid-2027 – The Independent

Posted October 14th, 2024 in barristers, courts, criminal justice, Crown Court, delay, news, statistics, trials by tracey

‘Lawyers have warned of the “implosion” of the criminal justice system, as they revealed that some trials are now being scheduled as far away as September 2027.’

Full Story

The Independent, 12th October 2024


Andrii Koshman: Judicial Accountability in the Digital Justice System of Tomorrow – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘In 2018, Sir Ernest Ryder warned that the future shift to online dispute resolution for most, and in some areas all disputes, risks eroding judicial accountability and fostering a democratic deficit. The pandemic, the £1.3 billion court modernisation program and six years later, the future of resolving the majority of disputes online appears to be much closer. The implementation of a truly holistic Digital Justice System – an integrated system of online advice services, online public and private out-of-court dispute resolution services (mediation and arbitration portals, ombuds services) and online courts – can make this future a reality.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 3rd October 2024


Using civil courts in England to recover assets and losses after employee fraud –

Posted September 27th, 2024 in assets recovery, civil justice, courts, employment, fraud, news by sally

‘Given the speed with which stolen assets can be transferred through the global banking system, and the increase in cyber fraud and invoice hacking incidents, time is of the essence if you are to successfully recover money stolen by a rogue employee through fraud.’

Full Story 26th September 2024


Renowned solicitor advocate Robin Makin loses appeal against £105,000 costs order – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A renowned solicitor advocate has had his appeal against a £105,000 costs order dismissed by a judge because he applied to the wrong court.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 8th September 2024


Crime clerking in a time of backlog – Counsel

Posted August 21st, 2024 in barristers' clerks, courts, criminal justice, news by sally

‘A crucial part of the justice system jigsaw, what is it like being a criminal clerk in today’s acutely pressured environment? Dave Scothern offers insight, drawing out a framework of best practice points.’

Full Story

Counsel, 13th August 2024


Guide sets out “consistent process” for AI approach to e-discovery – Legal Futures

‘The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) has published a draft best practice guide for the use in e-discovery of active learning (AL), a form of machine learning which can update and change its predictions as additional documents are reviewed.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 16th August 2024


Family Drug and Alcohol Courts generate “significant savings” for local authorities in comparison to standard care proceedings: report – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) could save local authorities almost £10,000 per case in legal costs compared to standard care proceedings, according to a financial analysis carried out by the Centre for Justice Innovation.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 5th August 2024


Chortle chortle, scribble scribble: inside the Old Bailey with Britain’s last court reporters – podcast – The Guardian

Posted July 29th, 2024 in courts, news, podcasts by sally

‘The cases heard at the Old Bailey offer a vivid, often grim portrait of England and Wales today. What happens when there is no one left to tell these stories? By Sophie Elmhirst.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 29th July 2024


Chortle chortle, scribble scribble: the dying art of the court reporter – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2024 in courts, criminal justice, law reports, media, news by sally

‘The cases heard at the Old Bailey offer a vivid, often grim portrait of England and Wales today. What happens when there is no one left to tell these stories?’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th July 2024


US blocks UK from holding court hearing in British territory Diego Garcia -The Guardian

Posted July 10th, 2024 in asylum, courts, detention, immigration, news, refugees by tracey

‘The US government has blocked the UK from holding a court hearing in one of its own territories, it emerged on Tuesday.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th July 2024


Regulators’ efforts to improve standards in coroners’ courts stalling – Legal Futures

Posted June 28th, 2024 in barristers, coroners, courts, news, statistics by sally

‘A cross-regulator effort to improve the standard of practice in coroners’ courts has had limited effect, the first evaluation of the initiative has found.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 28th June 2024


Lenovo v Ericsson – Blackstone Chambers

Posted June 12th, 2024 in chambers articles, courts, intellectual property, jurisdiction, news, patents by sally

‘The Patents Court (Richards J) has dismissed Ericsson’s applications contesting the Court’s jurisdiction and seeking a strike out of elements of Lenovo’s claim. Richards J further dismissed Ericsson’s application in the alternative for a case management stay.’

Full Story

Blackstone Chambers, 1st May 2024


The role of the courts regarding assimilated law from October 2024 – EU Relations Law

Posted June 12th, 2024 in brexit, chambers articles, courts, EC law, news by sally

‘In this post, Jack Williams of Monckton Chambers provides an update on section 6 of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 concerning the role of courts in interpreting and departing from assimilated case law.’

Full Story

EU Relations Law, 11th June 2024


Stephen Tierney: The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024: Necessary remedy or unwarranted interference with judicial independence? – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘For the first time, by way of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act (“the Act”), Parliament has legislated to quash criminal convictions. In this post I will argue that, no matter how understandable, indeed laudable, the intention behind this legislation, in its haste to offer a speedy and comprehensive correction to mass injustice, Parliament has crossed a constitutional line and ventured into territory that is properly the preserve of the courts.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association , 3rd June 2024


Two more British judges resign from Hong Kong’s top court – The Guardian

Posted June 7th, 2024 in China, courts, Hong Kong, judges, news by sally

‘Two of the last remaining British judges to sit on Hong Kong’s top court have resigned, with one citing the political situation in the former colony.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th June 2024


More trauma for rape victims as court backlog doubles in two years due to lawyer shortage – The Independent

‘Court backlogs for rape prosecutions have soared to a record high, with the number of cases doubling in two years and victims facing “devastating” waits for justice.’

Full Story

The Independent, 2nd June 2024


Crime and punishment: how 14 years of Tory rule have changed Britain – in charts – The Guardian

‘“Justice delayed is justice denied” goes the old legal maxim – one that has captured the state of the court system in England and Wales in recent years.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd June 2024


Speech by the Master of the Rolls: The Future of Courts – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘The Future of Courts: Expert Panel and Discussion.’

Full speech

Full Story

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 15th May 2024


Court delays imposed after pressure on prison places – BBC News

Posted May 15th, 2024 in courts, criminal justice, delay, early release, imprisonment, news, prisons by sally

‘Some court appearances will be delayed as part of an emergency measure because of prison overcrowding.’

Full Story

BBC News, 15th May 2024
