Time to reset legal regulation and ethics, says consumer panel head – Legal Futures

‘The new Lord Chancellor, Shabana Mahmood, needs to recognise the need for an overhaul of the legal regulatory regime, the new chair of the Legal Services Consumer Panel has argued.’

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Legal Futures, 22nd July 2024

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

The Post Office Horizon scandal and the role of prosecutors – Mills & Reeve

‘Largely thanks to the prime-time ITV dramatization, the Post Office Horizon scandal has brought to light the serious shortcomings in the way the Post Office handled the private prosecution of sub-postmasters. Whilst this has shocked the nation, unfortunately the actions of the Post Office in its role as prosecutor comes as no surprise for those with experience of public prosecutors.’

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Mills & Reeve, 26th June 2024

Source: www.mills-reeve.com

Royal Mail owner faces £900m class action claim for ‘abusing dominant position’ – The Guardian

Posted June 21st, 2024 in class actions, competition, damages, news, postal service by michael

‘International Distribution Services (IDS) has been served with an £878m action by a newly formed company that said it represents an estimated 290,000 customers who claim they were overcharged as a result of Royal Mail’s behaviour.’

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The Guardian, 20th June 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Stephen Tierney: The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024: Necessary remedy or unwarranted interference with judicial independence? – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘For the first time, by way of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act (“the Act”), Parliament has legislated to quash criminal convictions. In this post I will argue that, no matter how understandable, indeed laudable, the intention behind this legislation, in its haste to offer a speedy and comprehensive correction to mass injustice, Parliament has crossed a constitutional line and ventured into territory that is properly the preserve of the courts.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association , 3rd June 2024

Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org

Post Office scandal: Police to deploy 80 detectives for criminal inquiry – The Guardian

‘Police are planning to deploy 80 detectives for their criminal inquiry into the Post Office scandal, the Guardian has learned, but victims will face a long wait to discover if charges will follow.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th May 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

What laws can the Conservative government pass before the general election? – The Independent

‘The Conservatives and Labour have held talks to work out what outstanding legislation can be rushed through parliament to become law before the Commons closes for the general election.’

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The Independent, 23rd May 2024

Source: www.independent.co.uk

The Post Office: Disclosure Lessons from a National Scandal – Guildhall Chambers

‘An estimated 736 people were prosecuted by the Post Office between 2000 and 2014, Horizon software having been first introduced in 1999, and responsibility for prosecutions, in all but exceptional cases, being handed over to the Crown Prosecution Service in 2014. Many of those prosecuted were imprisoned, 4 committed suicide and all faced the stigma and stress of criminal prosecution. The Court of Appeal in Hamilton v Post Office Limited [2021] EWCA Crim 577 quashed 39 convictions (of the 42 appellants) on the basis that there had been an abuse of process on two grounds: that a fair trial was impossible and that it was an affront to public conscience for the appellants to have faced prosecution. This judgment followed the Post Office Group Litigation in the High Court before Fraser J known as Bates and Others v The Post Office Limited [2019] EWHC 3408.’

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Guildhall Chambers, 11th March 2024

Source: www.guildhallchambers.co.uk

Post office operator wrongly jailed while pregnant rejects executive’s apology – The Guardian

‘A post office operator who was wrongly prosecuted while pregnant has rejected a Post Office executive’s apology for having sent an email celebrating her conviction as “brilliant news”.’

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The Guardian, 11th April 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

What is the Post Office Horizon bill and why is it controversial? – The Guardian

‘The Post Office (Horizon system) offences bill, published on Wednesday, will quash the convictions of people resulting from the scandal, which involved hundreds being wrongly prosecuted on the basis of a faulty IT system. Here the Guardian explains the thinking behind the bill and why it is controversial.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th March 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Post Office scandal victims convictions to be quashed – BBC News

‘A new law will be introduced on Wednesday to clear the names of the hundreds of sub-postmasters wrongly convicted in the Post Office scandal.’

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BBC News, 13th March 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Post Office scandal victim feels ‘survivor’s guilt’ after compensation – BBC News

‘Former sub-postmaster Jo Hamilton says she feels “survivor’s guilt” after settling with the Post Office over the Horizon IT scandal for an undisclosed sum.’

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BBC News, 5th March 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Royal Mail sued by delivery drivers in ‘Uber-style’ gig economy legal case – The Guardian

Posted February 27th, 2024 in minimum wage, news, postal service, self-employment, sick leave by tracey

‘Royal Mail is being sued for classifying delivery drivers as self-employed, enabling it to avoid paying sick pay and the minimum wage, in a case that mirrors a landmark gig economy legal ruling against Uber.’

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The Guardian, 25th February 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Ministers to press ahead with legislation to exonerate Post Office Horizon victims – The Guardian

‘Ministers have vowed to press ahead with legislation to automatically overturn convictions related to the Post Office Horizon scandal by the end of July.’

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The Guardian, 22nd February 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Horizon scandal: Five short-changed postmasters to get full compensation – BBC News

‘A small group of former sub-postmasters whose convictions were overturned have finally been told they will receive full compensation.’

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BBC News, 12th February 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Horizon scandal: post office operator cleared after years of suffering in silence – The Guardian

Posted January 26th, 2024 in appeals, computer programs, fraud, miscarriage of justice, news, postal service, theft by sally

‘A former post office branch operator who suffered in silence and endured humiliation after being convicted of fraud based on evidence from the faulty Horizon IT system has had her conviction quashed by the court of appeal.’

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The Guardian, 25th January 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Robert Craig: The constitutional implications of legislating to exonerate the Post Office sub-postmasters – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Some commentators have claimed that the decision to expedite the process of formally exonerating the sub-postmasters potentially runs afoul of certain core constitutional principles, in particular the separation of powers. It has also been claimed that the “crown does not have a prerogative of justice but only a prerogative of mercy”. This blog considers and challenges those claims.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 16th January 2024

Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org

Courts “could cope” with large number of Post Office appeals, says LCJ – Legal Futures

‘The courts “could cope” with a large volume of criminal appeals in the wake of the Post Office scandal, the Lady Chief Justice told MPs yesterday.’

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Legal Futures, 17th January 2024

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

‘Dangerous path to go down’: four legal experts on the Post Office exoneration bill – The Guardian

‘The government’s decision to pass a law overturning the convictions of post office operators has left many lawyers and judges uneasy.’

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The Guardian, 11th January 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Update law on computer evidence to avoid Horizon repeat, ministers urged – The Guardian

‘Ministers need to “immediately” update the law to acknowledge that computers are fallible or risk a repeat of the Horizon scandal, legal experts say.’

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The Guardian, 12th January 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

SRA: No plans to act yet on Post Office scandal lawyers – Legal Futures

‘The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) could take action against solicitors over misconduct in the Post Office scandal before the public inquiry ends but has yet to see evidence that requires it.’

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Legal Futures, 10th January 2024

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk