AI patents still possible in the UK despite Court of Appeal ruling –

Posted August 12th, 2024 in artificial intelligence, computer programs, news, patents by tracey

‘While a recent court ruling has not made it any easier, it remains possible for developers of software – including new artificial intelligence (AI) systems – to obtain patent protection for their inventions in the UK an expert has said.’

Full Story, 12th August 2024


Drivers get Dart fines despite not using crossing – BBC News

Posted August 12th, 2024 in computer programs, fines, news, road traffic by tracey

‘Drivers from across the UK said they had received fines for unpaid journeys on the Dartford Crossing despite never having been there.’

Full Story

BBC News, 12th August 2024


Compliance risks need to be considered to harness the power of wellness apps –

Posted July 25th, 2024 in computer programs, data protection, health, news, privacy by sally

‘With the rising popularity of wellness apps – including those for tracking menstrual cycle, sleep and physical activity – it has become critical that providers of such technology should consider both legal and regulatory compliance and their ethical obligations, legal experts have said.’

Full Story, 24th July 2024


Online GP consultations have led to harm and death, investigation finds – The Guardian

Posted July 25th, 2024 in computer programs, doctors, health, inquests, news, reports by sally

‘Patients have died after describing their symptoms to a GP in an online form rather than at a face-to-face consultation, the NHS’s safety investigations body has revealed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 25th July 2024


Law Commission publishes scoping paper on Decentralised Autonomous Organisations – Law Commission

Posted July 15th, 2024 in company law, computer programs, Law Commission, news by tracey

‘Today, the Law Commission has published a scoping paper looking into how Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) can be characterised and how the law of England and Wales might accommodate them now and in the future. The paper seeks to identify current issues around DAOs to inform any future law reform or innovations.’

Full Story

Law Commission, 11th July 2024


The Post Office Horizon scandal and the role of prosecutors – Mills & Reeve

‘Largely thanks to the prime-time ITV dramatization, the Post Office Horizon scandal has brought to light the serious shortcomings in the way the Post Office handled the private prosecution of sub-postmasters. Whilst this has shocked the nation, unfortunately the actions of the Post Office in its role as prosecutor comes as no surprise for those with experience of public prosecutors.’

Full Story

Mills & Reeve, 26th June 2024


DWP algorithm wrongly flags 200,000 people for possible fraud and error – The Guardian

‘More than 200,000 people have wrongly faced investigation for housing benefit fraud and error after the performance of a government algorithm fell far short of expectations, the Guardian can reveal.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 23rd June 2024


Stephen Tierney: The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024: Necessary remedy or unwarranted interference with judicial independence? – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘For the first time, by way of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act (“the Act”), Parliament has legislated to quash criminal convictions. In this post I will argue that, no matter how understandable, indeed laudable, the intention behind this legislation, in its haste to offer a speedy and comprehensive correction to mass injustice, Parliament has crossed a constitutional line and ventured into territory that is properly the preserve of the courts.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association , 3rd June 2024


New Acts –

2024 c. 10 – Automated Vehicles Act 2024


Post Office scandal: Police to deploy 80 detectives for criminal inquiry – The Guardian

‘Police are planning to deploy 80 detectives for their criminal inquiry into the Post Office scandal, the Guardian has learned, but victims will face a long wait to discover if charges will follow.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th May 2024


Speech by the Master of the Rolls: The Future of Courts – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘The Future of Courts: Expert Panel and Discussion.’

Full speech

Full Story

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 15th May 2024


Uber faces £250m London black cab drivers case – BBC News

Posted May 2nd, 2024 in class actions, computer programs, licensing, London, news, taxis by sally

‘Uber is facing a multi-million pound legal case being brought on behalf of almost 11,000 London black cab drivers, in the latest challenge to the firm in the UK capital.’

Full Story

BBC News, 2nd May 2024


Smart gadgets: Tougher rules for sellers of internet-enabled devices in the UK – BBC News

Posted April 29th, 2024 in computer crime, computer programs, data protection, internet, news by tracey

‘Manufacturers will have to follow stricter rules if they want to sell “smart” gadgets in the UK after a new law came into effect.’

Full Story

BBC News, 29th April 2024


The Post Office: Disclosure Lessons from a National Scandal – Guildhall Chambers

‘An estimated 736 people were prosecuted by the Post Office between 2000 and 2014, Horizon software having been first introduced in 1999, and responsibility for prosecutions, in all but exceptional cases, being handed over to the Crown Prosecution Service in 2014. Many of those prosecuted were imprisoned, 4 committed suicide and all faced the stigma and stress of criminal prosecution. The Court of Appeal in Hamilton v Post Office Limited [2021] EWCA Crim 577 quashed 39 convictions (of the 42 appellants) on the basis that there had been an abuse of process on two grounds: that a fair trial was impossible and that it was an affront to public conscience for the appellants to have faced prosecution. This judgment followed the Post Office Group Litigation in the High Court before Fraser J known as Bates and Others v The Post Office Limited [2019] EWHC 3408.’

Full Story

Guildhall Chambers, 11th March 2024


The Curious Case of Computer-Generated Works (CGW) in THJ Systems v Sheridan – City Law Forum

Posted April 17th, 2024 in appeals, computer programs, copyright, intellectual property, news by sally

‘In December 2023, the Court of Appeal decided THJ Systems v Sheridan [2023] EWCA Civ 1354 and in doing so, illustrated my point nicely. That case involved a software which generated visual ‘risk and pie charts’. A representative example appears below. Both Mr Mitchell (the software developer) and Mr Sheridan (the software user) claimed to own the resulting visual images under section 9(3). This argument appeared in both the re-re-re- amended particulars of the claim (para 38.2) and the re-re-amended defence (para 49). The approved list of issues for trial (question 25) also explicitly directed the courts to determine who the author of the works was under section 9(3). With that in mind, one might expect the judgments of the High Court and Court of Appeal to interpret and apply s9(3).’

Full Story

City Law Forum, 17th April 2024


Post office operator wrongly jailed while pregnant rejects executive’s apology – The Guardian

‘A post office operator who was wrongly prosecuted while pregnant has rejected a Post Office executive’s apology for having sent an email celebrating her conviction as “brilliant news”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th April 2024


Blockchain as a database—proposal for a new test for the criterion of ‘independence’ in the legal definition of a database for the purposes of copyright and the sui generis right – Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice

Posted March 27th, 2024 in computer programs, copyright, intellectual property, news by sally

‘Technology’s exponential growth often outpaces that of the law. The persistence of outdated legal concepts that were not drafted with new technology in mind leads to legal uncertainty. This article focuses on one example of such a friction between old law and new technology, namely the eligibility of blockchain as a “database” for protection under the EU Database Directive, as implemented into UK copyright law. The most problematic requirement for blockchain as a candidate is that the material inside the database be “independent”. This can pose a significant hurdle for blockchain to succeed as the immutability of blockchain is ensured by the “linked-list” structure in between the blocks and the combinational hashing of data within the individual block. This article examines this issue and proposes a solution to this quandary: to divide the data recorded on a blockchain into “content” and “structure”, and confine the criterion of “independence” to the former. In reaching this solution, the author examines previous literature on the different types of data that can be found in databases, as well as how the concept of “independence” is understood by judges and academics. This article will be of practical significance for developers of non-open source blockchain applications who wish to protect their products as a database.’

Full Story

Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 22nd March 2024


Payout for Uber Eats driver in discrimination case – BBC News

‘A black Uber Eats driver has received a payout after “racially discriminatory” facial-recognition checks prevented him accessing the app to secure work.’

Full Story

BBC News, 26th March 2024


Post Office scandal victims convictions to be quashed – BBC News

‘A new law will be introduced on Wednesday to clear the names of the hundreds of sub-postmasters wrongly convicted in the Post Office scandal.’

Full Story

BBC News, 13th March 2024


Post Office scandal victim feels ‘survivor’s guilt’ after compensation – BBC News

‘Former sub-postmaster Jo Hamilton says she feels “survivor’s guilt” after settling with the Post Office over the Horizon IT scandal for an undisclosed sum.’

Full Story

BBC News, 5th March 2024
