UK academic sues university after losing role in critical race theory row – The Guardian

‘Aysha Khanom claims discrimination after Leeds Beckett accused her of using “racist language” in tweets.’

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The Guardian, 16th March 2021


Black lawyers most likely to say racial injustice has held back careers – Legal Futures

Posted August 10th, 2021 in legal profession, minorities, news, race discrimination, statistics by sally

‘Black lawyers are much more likely than Asian colleagues to say that racial injustice has held them back in their careers, a survey has found.’

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Legal Futures, 10th August 2021


The Macpherson Report more than 20 years on – Home Affairs Committee calls for urgent action to tackle deep rooted racial disparities in policing – Garden Court Chambers

‘More than twenty years on from the publication of the Macpherson report that followed the Inquiry into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, the Committee has found that there are still serious and deep rooted racial disparities, and that neither police forces nor governments have taken race equality seriously enough for too long.’

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Garden Court Chambers, 30th July 2021


Met police seek judicial review over senior black officer’s reinstatement – The Guardian

‘The Metropolitan police want go to the high court to insist it was correct in its decision to sack a decorated black officer after she was found with a child abuse video, sent to her on WhatsApp, on her phone.’

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The Guardian, 4th August 2021


Black barrister to lead independent police oversight board – The Guardian

Posted August 3rd, 2021 in criminal justice, minorities, news, police, race discrimination by sally

‘Police chiefs hoping to pull themselves out of a race crisis have appointed a new tsar who has previously said black people fear calling on officers for help.’

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The Guardian, 3rd August 2021


‘The Mark Duggan case was a catalyst’: the 2011 UK riots 10 years on – The Guardian

Posted August 2nd, 2021 in criminal justice, news, police, public order, race discrimination, racism by sally

‘In 4 August 2011, Mark Duggan was shot and killed by police in Tottenham, north London, sparking the largest civil unrest the UK has seen for a generation. The disturbance quickly spread and for five nights, London, Birmingham, and other major cities in England were engulfed by fire and violence.’

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The Guardian, 30th July 2021


Courts failed people ‘caught up’ in UK riots in 2011, says ex-chief prosecutor – The Guardian

‘Pressures in the criminal justice system meant it failed to distinguish between repeat offenders and people “caught up” in the 2011 English riots, a former chief prosecutor has said.’

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The Guardian, 1st August 2021


Marcus Coutain: Knee-on-neck arrest PC will not face disciplinary action – BBC News

‘A police officer who knelt on a black man’s neck during an arrest will not face disciplinary proceedings, the police watchdog has decided.’

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BBC News, 29th July 2021


Efobi v Royal Mail Group Limited: The burden of proof and drawing of inferences in discrimination claims – Littleton Chambers

‘The Supreme Court has delivered a unanimous and emphatic judgment on the burden of proof in discrimination claims. The decision has confirmed that the Claimant bears the initial burden of proof to establish a prima facie case, and so restored the orthodoxy that had been disturbed by the ruling of the EAT earlier in these proceedings. It also offers some useful guidance on the drawing of adverse inferences.’

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Littleton Chambers, 23rd July 2021


The Sewell Report and the Meaning of Institutional Racism – No. 5 Chambers

Posted July 29th, 2021 in chambers articles, equality, news, race discrimination, racism by sally

‘Oliver Lawrence, a barrister at No5 examines the approach taken by the Sewell report to the concept of institutional racism. Drawing on the MacPherson definition, he explores the meaning of the term and the ambiguities within it in order to clarify the findings of the report and the controversy it created. Using the Equality Act 2010 definitions of direct and indirect discrimination, he explains how the Sewell report uses the term to refer to discriminatory reasons whereas many of its critics use the term to refer to discriminatory outcomes. He concludes that without a clear and unambiguous definition of institutional racism, there will inevitably be widespread disagreement about the extent of the problem.’

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No. 5 Chambers, 13th July 2021


Discrimination the “sole cause” of paucity of Black QCs – Legal Futures

‘Discrimination is the “sole identifiable cause” for the paucity of Black barristers, particularly at QC level, a co-chair of the Bar Council’s race working group has argued.’

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Legal Futures, 26th July 2021


New Judgment: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Efobi [2021] UKSC 33 – UKSC Blog

‘The Supreme Court has unanimously dismissed this appeal concerning two questions of law: (i) whether a change in the wording of equality legislation has altered the burden of proof in employment discrimination cases and (ii) when a tribunal may draw adverse inferences from the absence of a potential witness.’

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UKSC Blog, 23rd July 2021


Government breaching human rights commitments under UN racism treaty, report warns – The Independent

‘The government is in breach of a UN treaty designed to eradicate racial discrimination, a new report has warned. Research by the Runnymede Trust said that minority ethnic groups face sustained disparities across health, the criminal justice system, education, employment and immigration in England.’

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The Independent, 14th July 2021


Changing the picture: diversity at silk level – Counsel

‘Exclusive statistical analysis: Barbara Mills QC outlines how the deeply unhelpful, homogenous BAME acronym is masking the true extent and systemic nature of the Bar’s diversity problem.’

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Counsel, July 2021


BSB more likely to raise complaints against minority ethnic barristers – Legal Futures

‘Minority ethnic barristers remain more likely than their White counterparts to be subject to complaints raised by the Bar Standards Board (BSB), new research has shown.’

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Legal Futures, 7th July 2021


Government commission ignored evidence of NHS racism, says British Medical Association – The Independent

‘The British Medical Association has said the highly-contested Sewell report “ignored well-documented” evidence of structural racism. The professional body for doctors refuted the report’s overall findings and said the government-appointed Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED) missed opportunities to identify effective solutions to tackling racial inequality.’

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The Independent, 1st July 2021


Three Metropolitan Police officers face gross misconduct inquiry over Bianca Williams search – The Independent

‘Three of the six police officers who stopped, searched and handcuffed athlete Bianca Williams and her partner are under investigation for gross misconduct.’

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The Independent, 2nd July 2021


Boy, 11, referred to Prevent for wanting to give ‘alms to the oppressed’ – The Guardian

‘An 11-year-old primary school pupil was referred to the government’s controversial counter-radicalisation Prevent programme after a teacher mistook the word “alms” for “arms” during a classroom discussion.’

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The Guardian, 27th June 2021


Tribunal ‘deeply concerned’ by racism among Home Office contractors – The Guardian

‘An employment tribunal has said that it was “deeply concerned” about Home Office contractors who deport people from the UK having used the racist term “cotton pickers” to describe their black colleagues, but threw out a claim of race and disability discrimination.’

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The Guardian, 7th June 2021


Black lawyers call on profession to be “example of anti-racism” – Legal Futures

‘The group Black Women in Law has called on fellow lawyers to be an “example of anti-racism in action” by challenging racism whenever they see it and wherever they hear it.’

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Legal Futures, 9th June 2021
