Government commission ignored evidence of NHS racism, says British Medical Association – The Independent

‘The British Medical Association has said the highly-contested Sewell report “ignored well-documented” evidence of structural racism. The professional body for doctors refuted the report’s overall findings and said the government-appointed Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED) missed opportunities to identify effective solutions to tackling racial inequality.’

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The Independent, 1st July 2021


Three Metropolitan Police officers face gross misconduct inquiry over Bianca Williams search – The Independent

‘Three of the six police officers who stopped, searched and handcuffed athlete Bianca Williams and her partner are under investigation for gross misconduct.’

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The Independent, 2nd July 2021


Boy, 11, referred to Prevent for wanting to give ‘alms to the oppressed’ – The Guardian

‘An 11-year-old primary school pupil was referred to the government’s controversial counter-radicalisation Prevent programme after a teacher mistook the word “alms” for “arms” during a classroom discussion.’

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The Guardian, 27th June 2021


Tribunal ‘deeply concerned’ by racism among Home Office contractors – The Guardian

‘An employment tribunal has said that it was “deeply concerned” about Home Office contractors who deport people from the UK having used the racist term “cotton pickers” to describe their black colleagues, but threw out a claim of race and disability discrimination.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th June 2021


Black lawyers call on profession to be “example of anti-racism” – Legal Futures

‘The group Black Women in Law has called on fellow lawyers to be an “example of anti-racism in action” by challenging racism whenever they see it and wherever they hear it.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 9th June 2021


Christopher Kapessa: Mum plans legal action over river death – BBC News

‘A mother plans to launch her own legal action if the decision not to prosecute the boy reportedly involved in her son’s death is not reversed.’

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BBC News, 7th June 2021


Baby and mother win right to access Healthy Start food scheme – The Guardian

‘A one-year-old baby and her mother have won a high court challenge granting her the right to access a healthy food and vitamins scheme from which she was previously barred. Thousands of babies and toddlers similarly denied access to the scheme will now be able to benefit from it.’

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The Guardian, 3rd June 2021


Black people 12 times more likely to be prosecuted for cannabis, new analysis shows – The Independent

‘Black people are 12 times more likely to be prosecuted for cannabis possession than white people, according to new analysis by the Liberal Democrats who are calling for an end to the use of Stop and Search for small amounts.’

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The Independent, 27th May 2021


Sewell says commission did find evidence of ‘persistent discrimination’ despite controversial race report – The Independent

Posted May 28th, 2021 in equality, inquiries, news, race discrimination, reports, select committees by tracey

‘A commission on racial inequality found evidence of “persistent race-based discrimination”, its chair told MPs on Thursday – despite barely mentioning the phrase in its widely contested report published earlier this year.’

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The Independent, 27th May 2021


Swastikas, employment and “religious” symbols: Horvarth – UK Law & Religion

‘Istvan Horvarth started working at the Lidl store in Telford Hadley, Shropshire, in 2013. A colleague complained that Horvarth showed him his “swastika” tattoo and in April 2019 Horvarth was sacked. In Mr I Horvarth v Lidl Great Britain Ltd [2021] ET/ 1307164/2019, he claimed unfair dismissal and discrimination based on race and/or religion or belief. He also claimed that he had been subjected to a number of incidents of harassment related to his race from approximately 2016 onwards, immediately following the Brexit referendum [3]. Following two case management hearings before Employment Judge Flood, he withdrew his claims of discrimination based on religion and/or belief and they were dismissed in a judgment dated 22 May 2020 [2].’

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UK Law & Religion, 30th April 2021


Watchdog to examine how Met police handled Richard Okorogheye’s disappearance – The Guardian

Posted April 27th, 2021 in complaints, minorities, missing persons, news, police, race discrimination by sally

‘The police watchdog is investigating complaints by Richard Okorogheye’s mother and considering whether race played a role in the way the Metropolitan police handled reports of her son’s disappearance.’

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The Guardian, 26th April 2021


George Floyd case reignites calls to tackle racial injustice in UK policing – The Guardian

Posted April 22nd, 2021 in minorities, news, police, race discrimination, racism by sally

‘The conviction of a US police officer for murdering George Floyd has reignited calls to tackle racial injustice in British law enforcement, with campaigners calling for an end to a “culture of impunity”.’

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The Guardian, 21st April 2021


Met officer faces dismissal after ‘clear case of racial profiling’ – The Guardian

‘A police officer jailed for picking on a black father because of his colour and attacking him in front of his children is facing dismissal.’

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The Guardian, 13th April 2021


An erroneous decision to extend time under s.123(1)(b) Equality Act 2010 – 3PB

‘The Honourable Mrs Justice Ellenbogen, sitting in the EAT, held that a tribunal had erred in extending time under s.123(1)(b) Equality Act 2010 (“EqA 2010”), by failing to determine whether a claimant’s ignorance of his right to claim direct race discrimination was reasonable.’

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3PB, 2nd March 2021


Bodies credited in UK race review distance themselves from findings – The Guardian

Posted April 13th, 2021 in minorities, news, race discrimination, racism, reports by sally

‘At least 20 organisations and individuals who were listed as stakeholders in the government’s race disparity commission have distanced themselves from the report and its findings.’

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The Guardian, 12th April 2021


Landmark report calls for stop-and-search filming – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Police officers should switch on body-worn cameras whenever they think they might need to stop and search someone, in order to help rebuild trust in the community, the government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities has told the prime minister in a landmark report.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 12th April 2021


UK’s ‘headlong rush into abandoning human rights’ rebuked by Amnesty – The Guardian

‘Amnesty International has published a stark rebuke of the UK government’s stance on human rights, saying that it is “speeding towards the cliff edge” in its policies on housing and immigration, and criticising its seeming determination to end the legal right for the public to challenge government decisions in court.’

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The Guardian, 7th April 2021


Turani & Anor v Secretary of State for the Home Department- Equality Law Blog

Posted March 23rd, 2021 in equality, immigration, news, race discrimination, refugees by sally

‘The Court considered an appeal from a High Court decision which had rejected indirect race discrimination and PSED challenges to the application of the Defendant’s ex gratia scheme to support and assist third-country national refugees outside the UK who have fled the conflict in Syria. The case is important, if somewhat disheartening to equality lawyers, for its conclusions on the (limited) extra-territorial effect of the Equality Act 2010. It is worth emphasising that the Court of Appeal’s approval of the High Court’s conclusions on justification were subject to the proviso that the limited evidence on which the High Court was prepared to find in the Defendant’s favour was the result of the way in which the claim had developed post-issue; as Underhill LJ, concurring with Simler LJ leading judgment, stated at §110: “the story is indeed a good illustration of the perils of “rolling judicial review”.’

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Equality Law Blog, 22nd March 2021


Unequal chances? Ethnic disproportionality in child welfare and family justice – Family Law

‘Many have experienced their own Black Lives Matter moment in the last 12 months, a sharp realisation of entrenched prejudices and inequalities that still exist in our society. In the family justice system that moment came last October when a black barrister, Alexandra Wilson, was mistaken for a defendant three times in one day. And yet, more generally there has been surprising little debate about the disproportionate numbers of families from some ethnic minorities in the family justice system and what might lie behind this.’

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Family Law, 19th March 2021


Clapham vigil policing investigator is suing Home Office for sex and race bias – The Guardian

‘The investigator helping coordinate the official inquiry into the Metropolitan police’s handling of the Sarah Everard vigil and concerns over women’s safety is suing the Home Office for sex discrimination over claims that he has been penalised for being a “white man”, the Observer can reveal.’

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The Guardian, 21st March 2021
