Report hits out at ‘glacial’ progress in plan to stamp out police racism – The Independent

Posted July 17th, 2024 in news, police, racism, reports by tracey

‘A damning report has hit out at “glacial” progress in police chiefs’ flagship plan to stamp out racism in Britain’s forces.’

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The Independent, 16th July 2024


Report hits out at ‘glacial’ progress in plan to stamp out police racism – The Independent

Posted July 15th, 2024 in government departments, news, police, racism, reports by tracey

‘A damning report has hit out at “glacial” progress in police chiefs’ flagship plan to stamp out racism in Britain’s forces.’

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The Independent, 15th July 2024


Raising Racism at Inquests – Law Pod UK

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in chambers articles, inquests, news, podcasts, racism by sally

‘In Episode 201 Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Emma Snell of JUSTICE and Christian Weaver, a barrister at Garden North Chambers about Achieving Racial Justice at Inquests: A Practitioner’s Guide (2024), a guide recently published by JUSTICE and INQUEST.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 3rd July 2024


Stephen Lawrence detectives will not face charges – BBC News

‘Four retired detectives who ran the first Stephen Lawrence murder investigation should not face criminal charges for their actions in the case, a review has concluded.’

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BBC News, 18th June 2024


The racialised harm of police strip searches – Runnymede Trust

‘Runnymede Trust analysis of new Home Office strip search data shows that Black people are disproportionately strip searched by nearly all police forces in England and Wales. Black children are 6.5 times more likely than white children, and Black adults 4.7 times more likely than white adults, to be strip searched by police.’

Full Story

Runnymede Trust, June 2024


Ethnicity attainment gap evidence should be ‘wake up call’ for the sector – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 4th, 2024 in diversity, legal education, minorities, news, racism, reports, solicitors by tracey

‘Students from minority groups have often experienced racism and teachers’ low expectations of their capabilities. They do not see themselves reflected in the staff teaching at law schools and universities. Their learning is affected by microaggressions and bias in the classroom. With their confidence and self-belief knocked, they find it harder than white students to get legal work or paid training – not helped by recruitment processes that focus on exam results without looking at the story behind the grades.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 4th June 2024


BSB launches Anti-Racist Strategy for 2024-27 for its people – Bar Standards Board

Posted May 28th, 2024 in barristers, news, racism by tracey

‘Following on from the publication of its Anti-Racist Statement in 2020, the BSB has now launched its Anti-Racist Strategy covering the period 2024-2027. This new Strategy sets our internal commitment to anti-racism in how the BSB operates with its people, outlining how we intend to lead by example by setting and meeting high standards in our own approach.’

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Bar Standards Board, 22nd May 2024


Laurence Fox ordered to pay £180,000 to two people he called ‘paedophiles’ – The Guardian

Posted April 26th, 2024 in damages, defamation, internet, news, racism by sally

‘The actor and rightwing activist Laurence Fox has been ordered to pay £90,000 each in damages to two people he libelled by referring to them as “paedophiles” on social media.’

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The Guardian, 25th April 2024


‘Outdated and offensive’: police in England and Wales barred from blaming restraint deaths on ‘excited delirium’ – The Guardian

Posted April 22nd, 2024 in death in custody, drug abuse, mental health, news, ombudsmen, police, racism by sally

‘The police watchdog for England and Wales has removed a controversial medical term from its incident forms after claims it plays into racist stereotypes and detracts attention from police brutality.’

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The Guardian, 20th April 2024


‘Emoji trial’: Black man acquitted of hate crime charges over use of raccoon emoji in politician row – The Independent

Posted March 8th, 2024 in equality, hate crime, news, racism by sally

‘A Black man has been acquitted of hate crime charges after sending a raccoon emoji to a prospective Conservative MP on social media in a case that fuelled mounting concerns that anti-racist legislation is now being weaponised against ethnic minority groups.’

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The Independent, 8th March 2024


Solicitor struck off for antisemitic and offensive tweets – Legal Futures

Posted February 23rd, 2024 in disciplinary procedures, internet, Judaism, news, professional conduct, racism, solicitors by michael

‘The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) today struck off the practitioner it found earlier this week had published antisemitic and offensive posts on Twitter.’

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Legal Futures, 23rd February 2024


New guide to help evidence the role of racism in state-custody deaths – JUSTICE

Posted February 21st, 2024 in bereavement, death in custody, families, inquests, news, racism by sally

‘A new guide released today (21/2/24) provides lawyers representing families bereaved by deaths in police custody, prisons, immigration detention, and mental health settings with the legal expertise to raise the potential role of race and racism at inquests. It also provides foundational knowledge and strategy to coroners to ensure they satisfy their duty in fully investigating the circumstances in state custody deaths.’

Full Story

JUSTICE, 21st February 2024


SDT rules that solicitor posted antisemitic tweets – Legal Futures

‘The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) yesterday upheld allegations that a solicitor published antisemitic and offensive posts on social media and also abused Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) staff.’

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Legal Futures, 21st February 2024


Man who commented online “Britain needs 650 Thomas Mairs” sentenced for posting extremist content – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A far-right extremist who posted offensive content on social media and glorified the murderer of Jo Cox MP has been jailed for two years and eight months.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 9th February 2024


Police failed to record race of nearly two-thirds of people referred to Prevent – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2024 in Islam, news, police, race discrimination, racism, statistics, terrorism by sally

‘Police in England and Wales have failed to record the racial identity of nearly two-thirds of people referred to the Prevent counter-extremism programme, despite questions over whether it discriminates against minority ethnic groups.’

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The Guardian, 6th February 2024


Christopher Kapessa: Boy died after dangerous prank at river, inquest rules – BBC News

Posted January 23rd, 2024 in bereavement, complaints, inquests, news, police, racism by tracey

‘A 13-year-old boy died after being deliberately pushed into a river in a “dangerous prank”, a coroner has ruled.’

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BBC News, 22nd January 2024


Two men jailed on racist police officer’s evidence have convictions overturned – The Guardian

‘Two men who were framed by a racist and corrupt detective for the same offence he was later jailed for have had their convictions posthumously quashed by the court of appeal 46 years later.’

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The Guardian, 18th January 2024


Man sentenced for shouting antisemitic abuse – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A man has been sentenced to 10 weeks’ imprisonment for shouting antisemitic and other racist slurs in public before making violent threats toward a police officer.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 5th January 2024


Head of Britain’s police chiefs says force ‘institutionally racist’ – The Guardian

Posted January 5th, 2024 in equality, news, police, race discrimination, racism by sally

‘The leader of Britain’s police chiefs’ organisation has become the most senior serving leader to say that policing is institutionally racist, as he called for a fundamental redesign of national policies and practices to eliminate discrimination.’

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The Guardian, 5th January 2024


Police watchdog refuses to back use of stop and search without suspicion – The Guardian

‘The official inspectorate has refused to back police use of powers to stop and search people without suspicion, finding that chiefs cannot explain why black people are 12 times more likely to be targeted.’

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The Guardian, 15th December 2023
