Anatomising a disaster – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Sir Brian Langstaff delivered his final report on the infected blood scandal last month. Fiona Scolding KC, who represented over 300 victims, examines how the state failed them so badly – and the role played by lawyers and the legal system.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 26th June 2024


Infected Blood Inquiry: lessons to be learned – Mills & Reeve

‘In the second of a series of articles on the Infected Blood Inquiry, we review the lessons to be learned to ensure we avoid complacency.’

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Mills & Reeve, 11th June 2024


Infected Blood Inquiry: key findings – Mills & Reeve

‘In the first of a series of articles on the Infected Blood Inquiry, we set out key elements relating to patient safety more widely.’

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Mills & Reeve, 10th June 2024


What laws can the Conservative government pass before the general election? – The Independent

‘The Conservatives and Labour have held talks to work out what outstanding legislation can be rushed through parliament to become law before the Commons closes for the general election.’

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The Independent, 23rd May 2024


Infected blood scandal: who will get compensation, and how much will they get? – The Guardian

‘Victims of the infected blood scandal – seen as one of the worst treatment disasters in the history of the NHS – have raised concerns about the government’s pledged compensation scheme.’

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The Guardian, 21st May 2024


Analysis of the Infected Blood Inquiry’s Final Report – Inquests and Inquiries Law Blog

‘The final report of Sir Brian Langstaff, Chairman of the Infected Blood Inquiry, has been handed down today. Sir Brian is forthright in his criticism of the events that led initially to transmission of infection and the subsequent response of the NHS and government.’

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Inquests and Inquiries Law Blog, 20th May 2024


The older child and medical treatment decisions – mental capacity or competence? – Mental Capacity Law and Policy

‘Re J (Blood Transfusion: Older Child: Jehovah’s Witnesses) [2024] EWHC 1034 (Fam) is a characteristically thoughtful judgment from Cobb J, concerning whether authorisation should be given to provide a 17 year old Jehovah’s Witness with blood products in a planned operation. In analysing the legal framework, Cobb J was taken to the decision of the Court of Appeal in E v Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust and F v Somerset NHS Foundation Trust [2021] EWCA Civ 1888 (“E and F”). He resisted, however, the submission by the Trust that the decision set out the proposition that there can be a point in cases involving the medical treatment of those under that 18 that “the discretionary powers on the court to intervene convert into a duty on the court to intervene to preserve the young person’s life” (paragraph 33).’

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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 12th May 2024


Jehovah’s Witnesses and blood products: Re J – Law & Religion UK

‘In J (Blood Transfusion: Older Child: Jehovah’s Witnesses), Re [2024] EWHC 1034 (Fam), J was a baptised Jehovah’s Witness aged 17 years 7 months who was awaiting abdominal surgery. As a Jehovah’s Witness, he did not consent to the use of blood products in the event of a significant uncontrolled intra-operative or post-operative bleed [1 & 2]. The Applicant, the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, applied to the court for a declaration that it would be lawful and in J’s best interests for him to receive blood products if required in the event of an emergency in the surgery.’

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Law & Religion UK, 10th May 2024


What is the infected blood scandal? Everything you need to know ahead of milestone report – The Independent

Posted May 10th, 2024 in blood products, government departments, HIV, inquiries, news by sally

‘A public inquiry into the long-running infected blood scandal is due to publish its findings later this month, with a compensation scheme running into the billions thought to be amongst recommendations.’

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The Independent, 9th May 2024


Infected blood victims step up compensation battle – BBC News

Posted February 29th, 2024 in blood products, budgets, compensation, HIV, news, personal injuries, victims by sally

‘Victims of the contaminated blood scandal have urged the government to set out a compensation scheme, for those affected, in next week’s Budget.’

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BBC News, 28th February 2024


Final infected blood inquiry report delayed until May – BBC News

Posted January 18th, 2024 in blood products, compensation, delay, inquiries, news, reports by sally

‘The publication of a final report into the infected blood scandal has been delayed until May.’

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BBC News, 17th January 2024


UK medicines regulator approves gene therapy for two blood disorders – The Guardian

Posted November 16th, 2023 in blood products, health, medicines, news by sally

‘The UK’s medicines regulator has authorised the use of a world-first gene therapy as a potential cure for two inherited blood disorders.’

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The Guardian, 16th November 2023


Sharlotte Naglis death: No-consent blood test law earns council backing – BBC News

‘Calls by the mother of a girl killed by a drink and drug driver to change the law over testing blood without consent to speed up police investigations has been backed by her local council.’

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BBC News, 18th September 2023


Infected blood scandal: Bereaved relatives in government compensation plea – BBC News

‘The son of a man who died after he was given infected blood is among those handing in a letter to the government calling for wider compensation.’

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BBC News, 25th July 2023


Blood test for sleepy drivers could pave way for prosecutions – The Guardian

Posted May 9th, 2023 in accidents, blood products, news, prosecutions, road safety by sally

‘A blood test to measure whether a driver who has caused an accident was impaired by lack of sleep could be available within two years, making it easier to legislate against drowsy drivers or their employers.’

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The Guardian, 8th May 2023


Infected blood victims and families urge UK government to drop defence – The Guardian

‘More than 500 people taking the government to court over the contaminated blood scandal are urging it to concede the case in light of evidence heard by a public inquiry and an interim report produced by its chair.’

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The Guardian, 23rd April 2023


Infected Blood Inquiry orders compensation to be paid – Inquests and Inquires Law Blog

Posted April 11th, 2023 in blood products, compensation, inquiries, news, personal injuries, reports by sally

‘The Infected Blood Inquiry published its second interim report on Wednesday, 5 April 2023. Steven Snowden KC and Achas Burin of 12KBW, alongside Brian Cummins of Old Square Chambers, represented the largest group of victims in the Inquiry. In this blog article, Achas summarises and comments on the second interim report.’

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Inquests and Inquires Law Blog, 6th April 2023


Judge says parents and children should receive infected blood payments – BBC News

Posted April 6th, 2023 in blood products, compensation, judges, news, personal injuries by michael

‘The chairman of the infected blood public inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, said it was time to “recognise deaths which have so far gone unrecognised”.’

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BBC News, 5th April 2023


Report to set out details on compensation for victims of infected blood scandal – The Independent

‘Details on compensation for victims of the infected blood scandal is expected to be set out in a report.’

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The Independent, 5th April 2023


Victims and families call for prosecutions as contaminated blood inquiry nears end – The Guardian

Posted January 16th, 2023 in bereavement, blood products, families, inquiries, news, prosecutions, victims by tracey

‘Victims and family members affected by the contaminated blood scandal are calling for criminal charges to be considered as the public inquiry into the tragedy draws to a close. While the inquiry, which will begin to hear closing submissions on Tuesday, cannot determine civil or criminal liability, people affected by the scandal are keen for the mass of documents and evidence accumulated over more than four years to be handed over to prosecutors to see whether charges can be brought.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th January 2023
