School reprimanded after using facial recognition technology to take canteen payments from pupils – The Independent

Posted July 24th, 2024 in data protection, facial mapping, news, school children by sally

‘A school has been reprimanded by the data protection regulator after using facial recognition technology (FRT) to take cashless canteen payments from pupils.’

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The Independent, 23rd July 2024


Uber case a reminder of dangers of potentially discriminatory AI –

‘The UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has issued a reminder to employers to be mindful of the way in which they use artificial intelligence (AI), to prevent inadvertent bias or discrimination.’

Full Story, 10th April 2024


Shoplifting crackdown to include £55m for facial recognition tools in England and Wales – The Guardian

Posted April 10th, 2024 in assault, bills, criminal justice, facial mapping, news, theft by sally

‘The government is investing more than £55m in expanding facial recognition systems – including vans that will scan crowded high streets – as part of a renewed crackdown on shoplifting.’

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The Guardian, 10th April 2024


Payout for Uber Eats driver in discrimination case – BBC News

‘A black Uber Eats driver has received a payout after “racially discriminatory” facial-recognition checks prevented him accessing the app to secure work.’

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BBC News, 26th March 2024


Leisure firm told scanning staff faces is illegal – BBC News

Posted February 23rd, 2024 in employment, enforcement notices, facial mapping, news, privacy by michael

‘The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) says Serco Leisure has been unlawfully processing the biometric data of more than 2,000 employees at 38 UK leisure facilities.’

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BBC News, 23rd February 2024


Met Police arrest 13 people in two days using ‘dystopian’ facial recognition cameras – The Independent

Posted January 25th, 2024 in facial mapping, London, news, police, privacy by sally

‘London’s Metropolitan Police have arrested over a dozen people in two days using controversial Live Facial Recognition technology in Croydon.’

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The Independent, 24th January 2024


UK ICO challenges Clearview AI ruling –

‘The UK’s data protection authority has lodged an appeal against a tribunal ruling that found it did not have the power to take enforcement action against facial recognition software developer Clearview AI.’

Full Story, 21st November 2023


Face search company Clearview AI overturns UK privacy fine – BBC News

Posted October 19th, 2023 in artificial intelligence, facial mapping, news, privacy by sally

‘A company which enables its clients to search a database of billions of images scraped from the internet for matches to a particular face has won an appeal against the UK’s privacy watchdog.’

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BBC News, 18th October 2023


MPs and peers call for ‘immediate stop’ to live facial recognition surveillance – The Guardian

Posted October 6th, 2023 in artificial intelligence, facial mapping, news, parliament, police, privacy by michael

‘Dozens of cross-party MPs and peers have joined a campaign for an “immediate stop” to the use of live facial recognition surveillance by police and private companies.’

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The Guardian, 6th October 2023


What Could Artificial Intelligence Mean For Human Rights? – Each Other

‘If you have not heard of artificial intelligence (AI), you most likely will have heard of the likes of facial recognition and online chatbots, both of which use it. While AI has the potential to help solve societal challenges, there has been a mass call for global regulation to ensure it is used in responsible and inclusive ways. In May, the European Parliament will vote on the AI Act, which will set out to regulate AI technologies in order to protect human rights. In an open letter to members of the parliament’s leading committees, civic organisations including Amnesty International have called for the following to be prohibited: automated risk assessments and profiling systems; predictive analytical systems used to interdict, curtail and prevent migration; and “deception detectors” and remote biometric identification cards (RBI) in the context of migration and border management.’

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Each Other, 27th April 2023


UK police use of live facial recognition unlawful and unethical, report finds – The Guardian

Posted October 28th, 2022 in facial mapping, human rights, news, police, privacy, race discrimination by tracey

‘Police should be banned from using live facial recognition technology in all public spaces because they are breaking ethical standards and human rights laws, a study has concluded.’

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The Guardian, 27th October 2022


Information commissioner warns firms over ‘emotional analysis’ technologies – The Guardian

‘The information commissioner has warned companies to steer clear of “emotional analysis” technologies or face fines, because of the “pseudoscientific” nature of the field.’

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The Guardian, 25th October 2022


Call for UK’s biggest police force to stop using facial recognition technology – The Independent

Posted September 12th, 2022 in facial mapping, London, news, police, privacy by tracey

‘Fourteen campaign groups have written an open letter to new Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley calling on him to end the use of facial recognition technology.’

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The Independent, 9th September 2022


Facial recognition cameras in UK retail chain challenged by privacy group – The Guardian

Posted July 27th, 2022 in charities, complaints, facial mapping, news, privacy by sally

‘Shoppers at a grocery store chain across southern England are being surveilled with facial recognition cameras, prompting a legal complaint by civil rights campaigners.’

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The Guardian, 26th July 2022


ICO fines “World’s largest facial network” – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued a Monetary Penalty Notice of £7,552,800 to Clearview AI Inc for breaches of the UK GDPR. Ibrahim Hasan looks at the background to the case.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 10th June 2022


Guidelines highlight challenges of facial recognition technology as Clearview AI fined –

Posted May 31st, 2022 in criminal justice, data protection, facial mapping, fines, news by sally

‘Guidelines recently issued by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) focus on the use of facial recognition technology in the context of law enforcement, but one expert has highlighted how some commentary within the guidelines has broader application and how the EDPB’s views align with the views of the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).’

Full Story, 30th May 2022


UK watchdog fines facial recognition firm £7.5m over image collection – The Guardian

Posted May 24th, 2022 in data protection, facial mapping, fines, internet, news by sally

‘The UK’s data watchdog has fined a facial recognition company £7.5m for collecting images of people from social media platforms and the web to add to a global database.’

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The Guardian, 23rd May 2022


Child Q: Black professionals urge education secretary to take action following strip-search – The Independent

‘The education secretary must take immediate action to tackle institutional racism within the education sector following the “dehumanising” strip-search of a black child in London, a collective of black professionals has demanded.’

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The Independent, 26th March 2022


Police guidance on facial recognition technology ‘a hammer blow to privacy’ – The Independent

Posted March 22nd, 2022 in facial mapping, identification, news, police, privacy, victims, witnesses by tracey

‘Innocent people like victims and potential witnesses could be placed on police watchlists under guidance on the use of facial recognition systems, civil liberties groups have warned.’

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The Independent, 22nd March 2022


Facial recognition firm faces possible £17m privacy fine – BBC News

Posted November 30th, 2021 in artificial intelligence, data protection, facial mapping, fines, news, privacy by tracey

‘An Australian firm which claims to have a database of more than 10 billion facial images is facing a potential £17m fine over its handling of personal data in the UK.’

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BBC news, 29th November 2021
