Doncaster rapist taxi driver jailed for spate of sex attacks – BBC News

Posted April 20th, 2023 in disabled persons, news, rape, sentencing by sally

‘Detectives are appealing for potential victims of a rapist taxi driver to come forward after he was jailed for 12 years for attacking two disabled women.’

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BBC News, 20th April 2023


Met officers who shared WhatsApp messages mocking Harvey Price found guilty of gross misconduct – The Independent

‘Eight serving and former Metropolitan Police officers have been found guilty of “gross misconduct” over a “discriminatory and offensive” WhatsApp group, which contained messages mocking Katie Price’s disabled son.’

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The Independent, 13th April 2023


Manchester police officers shared ‘abhorrent’ group messages, IOPC finds – The Guardian

‘Six Greater Manchester police officers shared “abhorrent” racist, ableist and other offensive messages in a WhatsApp group, an investigation by the police watchdog has found.’

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The Guardian, 12th April 2023


Council’s failures left disabled child in chronic pain for three years, watchdog finds – The Guardian

Posted April 13th, 2023 in children, disabled persons, fines, housing, local government, news, ombudsmen by sally

‘A severely disabled child missed out on vital NHS surgery and was left in chronic pain for more than three years because a council failed to move them out of unsuitable housing despite repeated pleas from health professionals, a watchdog has ruled.’

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The Guardian, 13th April 2023


Barry v Ministry of Defence [2023] EWHC 49 (KB) – 3PB

‘On 3 March 2023, Johnson J handed down judgment in relation to former marine Mr Barry’s claim that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) caused his noise-induced hearing loss. It is the first time judicial guidance has been expressly given on the reduction factors (other than mortality) since the revised guidance in the 8th edition of the Ogden tables were published in July 2020.’

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3PB, March 2023


Associative indirect discrimination: a new class of claimant in discrimination law – 12 King’s Bench Walk Employment and Discrimination Blog

‘Employment practitioners will be aware of the significance of the European Court of Justice’s judgment in Coleman v Attridge. Prior to that decision, discrimination claims relating to disability (and age, sex and gender reassignment) could only be brought by a claimant who himself had the relevant protected characteristic.’

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12 King’s Bench Walk Employment and Discrimination Blog, 13th March 2023


High-Value NIHL Claims: Application of the Ogden Tables – Ropewalk Chambers

‘A former Royal Marine was medically discharged at the age of 29 years with noise-induced hearing loss (“NIHL”) and tinnitus sustained after training exercises. Primary liability was admitted.’

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Ropewalk Chambers, 28th March 2023


Two-thirds of UK workers with long Covid have faced unfair treatment, says report – The Guardian

‘UK ministers should act to ensure long Covid sufferers receive the support they need from employers, with as many as two-thirds claiming they have been unfairly treated at work, a report argues.’

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The Guardian, 27th March 2023


The SEND and AP Improvement Plan: does it go far enough? – Local Government Lawyer

‘Sarah Davidson sets out the key elements of the SEND and AP Improvement Plan published by the Department for Education earlier this month.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 24th March 2023


CPS to pay £136,000 for failing to ease barrister’s workload – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The Crown Prosecution Service has been ordered to pay a barrister almost £136,000 after failing to make adjustments to his working life following a heart attack.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 22nd March 2023


Birmingham City Council told to change handling of care complaints – BBC News

‘A council wrongly handled complaints by families over respite care for children with disabilities, an ombudsman found.’

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BBC News, 2nd March 2023


Leila Borrington: Woman guilty of killing three-year-old stepson – BBC News

‘A woman has been found guilty of the manslaughter of her three-year-old stepson but acquitted of his murder.’

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BBC News, February 2023


Warwick student with cancer wins payout after university denied extension request – The Guardian

Posted February 24th, 2023 in cancer, damages, disabled persons, education, health, news, universities by sally

‘Warwick University has agreed to pay a student who is seriously ill with cancer £12,000 in damages for the “distress and inconvenience” caused by not allowing her to extend her course as a result of her health condition.’

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The Guardian, 23rd February 2023


Major social landlord to pay more than £2k after disabled resident left without use of toilet – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Housing Ombudsman has found severe maladministration at major social landlord Clarion after repeated drain blockages left a disabled resident unable to use a functioning toilet in their new build home.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st February 2023


Four English councils bring half of legal actions for blue badge misuse – The Guardian

Posted February 20th, 2023 in disabled persons, fraud, local government, news, parking, prosecutions, statistics by tracey

‘Four councils are responsible for bringing more than half of the prosecutions in England for people abusing the use of disabled parking badges. Figures released by the Department for Transport (DfT) show that Lambeth, Birmingham, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Bromley carried out 54% of all legal cases for people misusing the blue badge system, for the year up to the end of March 2021.’

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The Guardian, 20th February 2023


Speech by the President of the Family Division: Parents with intellectual impairment in public law proceedings – the need to be alert – Courts & Tribunals Judiciary

Posted February 17th, 2023 in disabled persons, families, family courts, learning difficulties, news by tracey

“It is, I suspect, easy for those whose professional lives have started much more recently than mine (which I dare say includes most of this audience!) to assume that we have always understood intellectual impairment as we do now, and that we have always acted in the knowledgeable and sensitive way that we all strive to do. If that is your assumption, then you are, I am afraid, wrong as the following pair of anecdotes may demonstrate.”

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Courts & Tribunals Judiciary, 14th February 2023


Kaylea Titford’s father found guilty of killing her by letting her become obese – The Guardian

‘A man has been found guilty of killing his disabled daughter by allowing her to become fatally obese and die in squalor.’

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The Guardian, 7th February 2023


Case Comment: McCue (as guardian for Andrew McCue) v Glasgow City Council [2023] UKSC 1 – UKSC Blog

Posted February 2nd, 2023 in community care, disabled persons, news, Scotland, social services, Supreme Court by sally

‘In this post, Erin Crawley, a trainee solicitor in the Infrastructure, Construction and Energy Disputes team at CMS, comments on the case of McCue (as guardian for Andrew McCue) v Glasgow City Council [2023] UKSC 1.’

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UKSC Blog, 2nd February 2023


Vulnerable woman lay dead in Surrey flat for more than three years – The Guardian

‘A severely mentally ill woman whose dead body lay in her home unnoticed for more than three years was effectively “abandoned and left to die” by NHS and social services who missed repeated chances to save her, her family has alleged.’

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The Guardian, 26th January 2023


Court of Protection judge gives suspended jail sentence to mother of P – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Protection has sentenced a woman to 28 days in jail for contempt, but suspended the sentence for a year on condition she does not engage in any further contempts.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 26th January 2023
