MI5 does not have to confirm abusive man was a spy – BBC News

‘The security service can continue to neither confirm nor deny whether a man who attacked his girlfriend with a machete was an MI5 agent, judges have ruled.’

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BBC News, 16th July 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Updated guidance on UK national security regime provides greater clarity for businesses – OUT-LAW.com

Posted May 31st, 2024 in codes of practice, company law, intelligence services, news by michael

‘The updated guidance on the NSI Act comes after calls to “fine tune” the NSI regime following a consultation. It aims to provide more clarity to businesses, institutions, and their advisors while protecting national security. The updates include a new “section 3 statement” that better explains how the UK government plans to exercise powers under the NSI Act to call-in certain acquisitions for scrutiny and updated “Market Guidance”.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 31st May 2024

Source: www.pinsentmasons.com

‘Birmingham Four’ ask CCRC to investigate convictions for terror plot – The Guardian

‘Four men were jailed for life in 2017 for planning terrorist attack in UK after elaborate undercover police operation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 22nd April 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Survivors of 2017 Ariana Grande concert bombing take legal action against UK agency – The Independent

‘More than 250 survivors of the suicide bombing that killed 22 people at a 2017 Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, are taking legal action against Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, lawyers said.’

Full Story

The Independent, 15th April 2024

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Miscarriage of justice watchdog reviews murder conviction of ex-MI6 informant – The Guardian

‘Criminal Cases Review Commission re-examines case of Wang Yam, who was convicted of 2006 murder of Allan Chappelow in London.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th December 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Man jailed for life for attempted murder of US woman stationed at GCHQ – The Guardian

Posted November 1st, 2023 in attempted murder, intelligence services, news, sentencing, terrorism by sally

‘A former UK intelligence worker has been jailed for life for a terrorist attack on an American woman who worked for the US government’s National Security Agency and was stationed at GCHQ in Gloucestershire.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 30th October 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

UK spy agencies want to relax ‘burdensome’ laws on AI data use – The Guardian

‘The UK intelligence agencies are lobbying the government to weaken surveillance laws they argue place a “burdensome” limit on their ability to train artificial intelligence models with large amounts of personal data.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 1st August 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Lord Anderson publishes review of Investigatory Powers Act – Home Office

‘Lord Anderson has published his independent review of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016.’

Full report

Full Story

Home Office, 30th June 2023

Source: www.gov.uk

UK torture policy labelled ‘fatally flawed’ after watchdog report – The Guardian

‘The UK’s policy on torture has been described as “fatally flawed” after a watchdog identified non-compliance by intelligence agencies and the Ministry of Defence.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th April 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

‘Martyn’s law’ anti-terrorism bill to be published this spring, says Braverman – The Guardian

‘A draft bill known as “Martyn’s law”, aimed at forcing all venues to draw up plans to prevent terrorist attacks and ensure public safety, is on track to be published this spring, the home secretary told MPs on Monday.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th March 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Manchester Arena bomb inquiry finds MI5 missed significant chance – BBC News

Posted March 2nd, 2023 in explosives, firearms, inquiries, intelligence services, news, terrorism by tracey

‘The security service MI5 missed a significant chance to take action that might have prevented the Manchester Arena attack, an inquiry has found.’

Full Story

BBC News, 2nd March 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Sacked GCHQ employee launches legal claim under whistleblowing defence – The Guardian

‘A GCHQ employee who was sacked after calling publicly for the resignation of the UK’s most senior civil servant during the final weeks of Boris Johnson’s government is launching a legal claim under whistleblowing legislation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 25th January 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

National security bill may have ‘chilling effect’ on investigative journalism in UK – The Guardian

Posted January 12th, 2023 in bills, intelligence services, media, news, spying, whistleblowers by sally

‘The UK’s proposed national security bill could have a “chilling effect” on investigative journalism because it sets too low a bar on what constitutes spying, the deputy chair of the Telegraph newspapers has warned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th January 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Legal services exemption in ‘foreign agents’ clampdown – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Providers of legal services will be exempt from requirements to register as agents of a foreign power under proposed security legislation, the government revealed today. It was announcing the introduction of the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme under an amendment to the National Security Bill.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 18th October 2022

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Should Shamima Begum be allowed to return to the UK to argue her case? – The Guardian

‘It is not new – although it is eyecatching – to report that Shamima Begum, then 15, was helped to travel to Syria and join Islamic State by a Canadian agent. Mohammed al-Rashed was picked up by the Turkish authorities in March 2015, and said at the time he was an informant for Canadian intelligence, and had helped Begum travel from Istanbul airport to the Syrian border a few days earlier.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 31st August 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

UK policing and border control infiltrated by war mentality, says report – The Guardian

‘Policing, border control and surveillance have become increasingly militarised in the UK and infiltrated by a “war mentality”, according to a report.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 4th August 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Legislation to counter state threats – Home Office

‘This is the government’s response to the Legislation to Counter State Threats (Hostile State Activity) public consultation.’

Full Story

Home Office, 12th July 2022

Source: www.gov.uk

Legislation aims to shield UK internet users from state-backed disinformation – The Guardian

‘Tech firms will be required to shield internet users from state-sponsored disinformation posing a threat to UK society and democracy, under changes to a landmark online safety bill.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 4th July 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Patel calls on MPs to back ‘vitally important’ changes to espionage laws – The Independent

‘The UK cannot be “passive in the face of malign covert activity” from hostile states, Home Secretary Priti Patel is expected to say, as she calls on MPs to back “vitally important measures” to overhaul espionage laws and bolster security powers.’

Full Story

The Independent, 6th June 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Agent’s abused former partner in legal action against MI5 – BBC News

‘A woman who was terrorised and abused by an MI5 agent is taking legal action against the security service.’

Full Story

BBC News, 21st May 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk