Clark v Adams: personal injury claim against Gerry Adams to proceed to trial – 12KBW Personal Injury Law Blog

‘Clark v Adams [2024] EWHC 62 (KB) is an unusual personal injury claim: three joined claims brought for injuries suffered as a result of bombings attributed to the Provisional Irish Republican Army (‘provisional IRA’) at the Old Bailey in March 1973, the London Docklands in February 1996 and the Arndale Centre in Manchester in June 1996. The claims were brought against the provisional IRA and against Gerry Adams, both in a representative capacity (as a representative of the provisional IRA) and in his personal capacity.’

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12KBW Personal Injury Law Blog, 23rd April 202


High Court judge rejects argument by council that unincorporated association did not have capacity to challenge site allocations plan- Local Government Lawyer

Posted January 16th, 2020 in judicial review, news, planning, unincorporated associations by sally

‘An unincorporated association does have capacity to bring both a judicial review and a statutory challenge, a High Court judge has ruled.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 15th January 2020


Unincorporated Associations have capacity to bring public law claims – Landmark Chambers

Posted January 16th, 2020 in judicial review, news, planning, unincorporated associations by sally

‘In a detailed judgment handed down today (14 January), Mrs Justice Lieven has ruled that, as a matter of principle, unincorporated associations have capacity to bring both judicial review proceedings and statutory challenges in their own name. Whilst in certain circumstances the addition or substitution of named individuals may be necessary for practical reasons such as security for costs, or where there is uncertainty about membership of the body, the inclusion of named individuals is not necessary for the validity of the claim.’

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Landmark Chambers, 14th January 2020


Hanchett-Stamford v Attorney General and another (Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted March 6th, 2008 in bona vacantia, law reports, unincorporated associations by sally

Hanchett-Stamford v Attorney General and another (Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd intervening) [2008] EWHC 330 (Ch); WLR (D) 73

“The assets of an unincorporated association, which was not a charity and which had ceased to exist due to the fall in its membership to below two, did not pass to the Crown as bona vacantia but vested in the sole surviving member of the association.”

WLR Daily, 5th March 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.