GPs should be trained to spot controlling behaviour, review into Spalding double murder recommends – Daily Telegraph

‘GPs and teachers should be trained to spot signs of controlling and coercive behaviour, an investigation into the murder of a mother and daughter has recommended.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 29th November 2018


Doctors and teachers could face criminal charges for failing to report forced marriage – The Independent

Posted November 16th, 2018 in consultations, doctors, forced marriages, news, notification, prosecutions, teachers by tracey

‘Doctors, nurses and teachers could face criminal charges for failing to report forced marriage cases under plans being considered by the government. Ministers are weighing up the possibility of introducing a mandatory reporting duty to boost efforts to tackle the “hidden crime”. A Home Office consultation paper published this week seeks views on whether such a measure should be introduced, and if so, who it should apply to.’

Full consultation

Full Story

The Independent, 16th November 2018


No retrial for teacher accused of having sex with pupil on plane – The Guardian

Posted October 18th, 2018 in abuse of position of trust, child abuse, news, retrials, sexual offences, teachers by sally

‘A teacher who was accused of having sex with a 16-year-old pupil in a plane toilet as they returned from a school trip will not face a retrial.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th October 2018


Jury fails to come to decision in case of teacher who allegedly had sex with pupil in aeroplane toilet – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 11th, 2018 in juries, news, retrials, sexual grooming, sexual offences, teachers, trials by sally

‘A jury has been discharged in the case of a teacher accused of having sex with a student in the toilet of a plane as they returned from a school trip after they failed to reach a verdict.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 10th October 2018


Teacher banned for life after marrying 13-year-old girl – Daily Telegraph

‘A physics teacher has been banned from the classroom for life after travelling abroad to marry a 13-year-old girl.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 9th October 2018


Case Comment: Reilly v Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council [2018] UKSC 16 – UKSC Blog

‘The Supreme Court heard the case of Reilly v Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council [2018] UKSC 16 in which it considered the duty of Reilly, a headteacher at a school, to disclose her relationship with a man called Mr Selwood who was convicted making indecent images of children.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 3rd September 2018


Disability related error of judgment amounts to discrimination arising from disability – No. 5 Chambers

‘Following a line of decisions in the Employment Appeal Tribunal, the Court of Appeal in City of York v P J Grosset [2018] EWCA Civ 1105 so held.’

Full Story

No. 5 Chambers, 11th July 2018


Teacher bans: Sexually motivated conduct is most common cause – BBC News

Posted July 26th, 2018 in disqualification, news, professional conduct, sexual grooming, teachers by sally

‘Sexually motivated, inappropriate conduct is the reason for a third of teaching bans, the BBC has found.’

Full Story

BBC News, 26th July 2018


Teacher once teased for ‘looking like Chuckle brother’ struck off after attack on schoolboy – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 14th, 2018 in assault, disqualification, fines, harassment, news, teachers by tracey

‘A teacher who lost his temper when a pupil told him he looked like a Chuckle brother has been struck off after flying into rage at another boy who threw a sweet at him.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 13th June 2018


Disabled teacher who showed horror film to class wins £646k payout – Local Government Lawyer

‘A disabled teacher who showed the 18-rated film Halloween to a class of 15- and 16-year-olds has had his claim for discrimination arising from disability upheld in the Court of Appeal and is reportedly set to receive a £646,000 payout.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 17th May 2018


Welsh council wins appeal over whether SEN allowance was payable to teachers – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Welsh council has won an appeal over whether former teachers were entitled to be paid SEN (Special Educational Needs) allowance under their contracts. The Employment Tribunal had held that the conditions for entitlement were satisfied in each case, and accordingly, that Swansea City Council’s failure to pay SEN allowance was a breach of contract.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 2nd May 2018


Can you run in school? – The duty of care owed to school children after Pook v Rossall – Zenith PI

Posted April 27th, 2018 in duty of care, news, personal injuries, school children, teachers by tracey

‘The shouts from teachers of “don’t run”, “slow down” and “keep to the left” echo around the corridors of schools up and down the country. Whilst chalk boards have given way to SMART boards these commands have stood the test of time but are they still applicable today? What standards are expected of schools to protect students especially in the giddy excitement of a PE lesson? The High Court appeal in Pook v Rossall School [2018] All ER (D) 113 (Mar) considers the issue.’

Full Story

Zenith PI, 27th April 2018


Students take court action over hours lost during strike – The Guardian

Posted April 24th, 2018 in compensation, industrial action, news, pensions, teachers, universities by sally

‘More than 1,000 students have signed up to a lawsuit seeking compensation for lost teaching hours during recent strike action by university staff, which could cost universities millions of pounds.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 24th April 2018


Ofsted school hijab ban stance challenged by teachers’ union – BBC News

Posted April 4th, 2018 in Islam, news, school children, teachers, trade unions by sally

‘Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman risks splitting communities by backing head teachers who may wish to ban the hijab, says a teaching union leader.’

Full Story

BBC News, 30th March 2018


Former private school teacher jailed for longer for sexual abuse – Attorney General’s Office

Posted March 29th, 2018 in child abuse, press releases, sentencing, sexual offences, teachers by tracey

‘A former private boarding school teacher who sexually abused 4 of his pupils has had his sentence increased.’

Full press release

Attorney General’s Office, 28th March 2018


Pair guilty of indecent assaults on schoolboy – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted February 1st, 2018 in press releases, sexual offences, teachers by tracey

‘A retired teacher and his former partner have been found guilty of indecently assaulting a schoolboy more than three decades ago.’

Full press release

Crown Prosecution Service, 31st January 2018


Jamie Hancock banned from teaching for life over ‘sexually motivated’ messages – BBC News

Posted December 21st, 2017 in disqualification, news, professional conduct, sexual offences, teachers by tracey

‘A teacher has been banned from his profession for life after he “utterly exploded” proper professional boundaries.’

Full Story

BBC News, 20th December 2017


May a faith-based nursery school sack a teacher for cohabitation? De Groen – Law & Religion UK

Posted December 12th, 2017 in cohabitation, employment, employment tribunals, news, teachers by sally

‘In Ms Z De Groen v Gan Menachem Hendon Ltd [2017] UKET 3347281/2016, the claimant was employed by the respondent, a private Orthodox Jewish nursery school that followed the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 12th December 2017


Are we ignoring an epidemic of sexual violence in schools? – The Guardian

Posted December 12th, 2017 in education, harassment, news, sexual offences, teachers by sally

‘In three years, 5,500 sexual offences against pupils have been reported to police. Too often staff seem ill-equipped or unwilling to deal with the problem – now pressure is mounting for the government to take action.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th December 2017


Jewish teacher wins tribunal after she was sacked for living with her boyfriend – Daily Telegraph

‘A Jewish teacher has won a tribunal after she was sacked for living with her boyfriend outside of wedlock.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 4th December 2017
