Law and religion roundup – Law & Religion UK

‘Further to the notices relating to Jonathan Fletcher posted by the Diocese of Southwark and the Metropolitan Police, it is perhaps timely to include a link to the Attorney General’s Note, Contempt of court and social media.’

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Law & Religion UK, 14th July 2024


Ampleforth inquiry finds alleged serious abuse against pupils in last 10 years – The Guardian

‘An inquiry into the running of a prestigious private school said it uncovered a string of “serious abuse allegations” committed against pupils by monks and staff within the last decade.’

Full report

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The Guardian, 12th July 2024


Non-Christian symbols on churchyard headstones – Law & Religion UK

Posted July 9th, 2024 in Christianity, faculties, Judaism, monuments, news, regulations by sally

‘In the recent judgment Re St. Mary Shotesham [2024] ECC Nor 4, the petitioner sought to introduce a memorial stone into the churchyard of St Mary’s, Shotesham. The points at issue were whether the depiction of the Star of David at the top of the stone infringed the Diocesan Churchyard Regulations issued by Arlow Ch in 2016 and, if so, whether a faculty should nevertheless be granted.’

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Law & Religion UK, 9th July 2024


Vatican’s chief of staff testifies in UK court in ‘trial of the century’ – The Guardian

Posted July 5th, 2024 in blackmail, Christianity, financial dispute resolution, news by michael

‘Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra was called to testify on Thursday on behalf of the Vatican secretariat of state in a British civil proceeding brought against the Vatican by an Italian-British financier who was involved in the transactions over a London property.’

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The Guardian, 4th July 2024


The older child and medical treatment decisions – mental capacity or competence? – Mental Capacity Law and Policy

‘Re J (Blood Transfusion: Older Child: Jehovah’s Witnesses) [2024] EWHC 1034 (Fam) is a characteristically thoughtful judgment from Cobb J, concerning whether authorisation should be given to provide a 17 year old Jehovah’s Witness with blood products in a planned operation. In analysing the legal framework, Cobb J was taken to the decision of the Court of Appeal in E v Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust and F v Somerset NHS Foundation Trust [2021] EWCA Civ 1888 (“E and F”). He resisted, however, the submission by the Trust that the decision set out the proposition that there can be a point in cases involving the medical treatment of those under that 18 that “the discretionary powers on the court to intervene convert into a duty on the court to intervene to preserve the young person’s life” (paragraph 33).’

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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 12th May 2024


Jehovah’s Witnesses and blood products: Re J – Law & Religion UK

‘In J (Blood Transfusion: Older Child: Jehovah’s Witnesses), Re [2024] EWHC 1034 (Fam), J was a baptised Jehovah’s Witness aged 17 years 7 months who was awaiting abdominal surgery. As a Jehovah’s Witness, he did not consent to the use of blood products in the event of a significant uncontrolled intra-operative or post-operative bleed [1 & 2]. The Applicant, the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, applied to the court for a declaration that it would be lawful and in J’s best interests for him to receive blood products if required in the event of an emergency in the surgery.’

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Law & Religion UK, 10th May 2024


Say a prayer for Article 9? R (on the Application of TTT) v Michaela School and the question of interference – Law & Religion UK

‘The media reports of the last few months highlight how controversial and charged the decision in R (on the Application of TTT) v Michaela School [2024] EWHC 843 (Admin) is. There is much to unpack and debate about the High Court’s 83-page judgment, not least how the secular approach held to be lawful in the judgment sits with a legal framework that continues to favour Christianity in terms of laws on collective worship and the teaching of religion in school.’

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Law & Religion UK, 19th April 2024


A heckler’s veto on Christian street preaching in the UK – Law & Religion UK

‘In Britain, there have been a number of incidents in which Christians have been prevented from preaching in public spaces by the police. For example, the recent incident of Pastor Dwayne Lopez in Uxbridge garnered much media attention. Pastor Lopez was asked to stop preaching by several Metropolitan Police officers because it had been reported by an individual that they found him to be offensive.’

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Law & Religion UK, 29th February 2024


Medics quitting jobs over ‘distress caused by rightwing Christian group’ – The Guardian

Posted November 29th, 2023 in appeals, children, Christianity, doctors, families, intimidation, medical treatment, news by sally

‘Medics treating critically ill babies are quitting their jobs owing to “considerable moral distress” caused by a rightwing Christian group behind a series of end-of-life court cases, the Guardian has been told.’

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The Guardian, 27th November 2023


Humanism and religious instruction in schools: the landmark case of Bowen – Law & Religion UK

‘The High Court decision in R (on the Application of Bowen) v Kent County Council [2023] EWHC 1261 (Admin) makes it clear that local authorities cannot exclude humanist representatives from their Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (SACREs). Although many SACREs already include humanists and this interpretation has been articulated in soft law, the judgment of Constable J is unambiguous on that point and presents a significant step forward. However, the judgment also highlights how the protection of non-religious beliefs continues to be controversial and lacking in clarity. This post will explore this welcome decision while highlighting the unresolved matters concerning freedom of non-religious beliefs.’

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Law & Religion UK, 30th May 2023


Abuse survivors’ ‘utter dismay’ at report’s findings into bishop’s resignation – The Independent

Posted May 5th, 2023 in child abuse, children, Christianity, news, sexual offences by tracey

‘An official report into the resignation of a Roman Catholic bishop who ignored warnings to stop associating with a paedophile has been met with “utter dismay” by abuse survivors.’

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The Independent, 4th May 2023


Defining “family graves” – Re Blagdon revisited (I) – Law & Religion UK

Posted March 29th, 2023 in burials and cremation, Christianity, families, family courts, news by sally

‘In Re Blagdon Cemetery [2002] Fam 299, the Arches Court reviewed the circumstances under which burial in a “family grave” might be considered as an exception to the general presumption of permanence of Christian burial arising from the initial act of interment.’

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Law & Religion UK, 28th March 2023


School chaplaincy, sermons on sexuality – and employment law: Randall – Law & Religion UK

‘Trent College is a co-educational, independent day and boarding school. It is an Anglican foundation and a registered charity [36]. Its articles of association provide that the “Objects for which the company is established are: The advancement of education of boys and girls in England, Wales or elsewhere in accordance with the Protestant and Evangelical principles of the Church of England”. The Revd Dr Bernard Randall, an Anglican priest, was employed as the College’s Chaplain. In May 2019, he delivered two sermons to the pupils about “competing ideologies” which led to his summary dismissal on 30 August 2019. On appeal, he was reinstated, subject to compliance with various management instructions. He was subsequently dismissed by reason of redundancy on 10 November 2020.’

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Law & Religion UK, 7th March 2023


Leeds preacher’s sentence for trans woman’s harassment quashed – BBC News

‘A Christian preacher who was found guilty of harassing a transgender woman by calling her a “man” and “gentleman” has had his conviction quashed.’

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BBC News, 9th March 2023


Conversion therapy ban will be hard to police, says victim – BBC News

‘A man subjected to electric shock aversion therapy in the 1970s to stop him being gay has welcomed plans to ban conversion therapy.’

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BBC News, 5th March 2023


Maths teacher accused of misgendering pupil on religious grounds – The Guardian

‘A maths teacher “failed to separate the teacher from the preacher” when he allegedly misgendered a transgender pupil repeatedly and inappropriately shared his religious beliefs in the classroom, a misconduct panel heard.’

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The Guardian, 27th February 2023


Ordination training and employment status: Grabe – Law & Religion UK

‘In Ms F Grabe v The United Reformed Church [2022] UKET 2204367/2012, Ms Grabe had been a candidate for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the URC between November 2008 and June 2012. The URC’s practice is that If a member of a local church wishes to discern a potential call to ministry, the local church refers the applicant to the regional Synod. If the Synod agrees, the candidate then attends an Assessment Conference made up of an Assessment Board and an interview with representatives of the Church’s Educational and Learning Committee, during which the candidate’s qualifications and general knowledge about the URC are ascertained and discussed. If the Assessment Board approves the candidate for ordination training the candidate and the Education and Learning Committee are so informed.’

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Law & Religion UK, 13th February 2023


Church of England General Synod approves same-sex blessings – Law & Religion UK

‘The Church of England’s General Synod has today voted in favour of a motion to offer blessings to same-sex couples in civil partnerships and marriages after an eight-hour debate over two days.’

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Law & Religion UK, 9th February 2023


Church of England bishops refuse to back gay marriage – BBC News

‘Church of England bishops have refused to back a change in teaching to allow priests to marry same-sex couples, sources have told BBC News. The Church of England’s bishops met on Tuesday to finalise their recommendations after five years of consultation and debate on the Church’s position on sexuality.
Their proposal will be debated at the Church’s equivalent of a parliament – the General Synod – next month.’

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BBC News, 18th January 2023


Christian group brings discrimination case against Cambridge college – BBC News

‘A Christian campaign group is taking legal action against a Cambridge University college after an event booking was rejected.’

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BBC News, 15th September 2022
