Ruth Perry: ‘Intimidating’ Ofsted inspection contributed to headteacher’s death, coroner concludes – The Independent

Posted December 7th, 2023 in inquests, news, suicide, teachers by michael

‘A coroner has concluded that a “rude and intimidating” Ofsted inspection contributed to the death headteacher of Ruth Perry.’

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The Independent, 7th December 2023


Ministers ‘drop plans’ to ban pupils changing gender but teachers won’t have to use pupils’ preferred pronouns – The Independent

Posted November 28th, 2023 in names, news, school children, teachers, transgender persons by tracey

‘Ministers have dropped plans to ban pupils from changing their gender identity in schools after being warned it would be illegal, it has been revealed.’

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The Independent, 28th November 2023


Family of headteacher Ruth Perry refused legal aid for inquest into her death – The Guardian

Posted November 27th, 2023 in bereavement, costs, families, inquests, legal aid, mental health, news, ombudsmen, suicide, teachers by tracey

‘The family of the headteacher Ruth Perry, whose death after a critical Ofsted inspection will be the subject of a high-profile inquest this week, have been refused legal aid to fund their representation just days before the hearing is due to start.’

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The Guardian, 26th November 2023


Inquiry says Ofsted viewed as ‘not fit for purpose’ – The Independent

Posted November 20th, 2023 in education, inquiries, news, ombudsmen, school children, teachers by tracey

‘Ofsted is in need of major reform and is seen as “not fit for purpose” according to an inquiry into the education inspectorate for England. The Beyond Ofsted inquiry called for “transformational change” and said it found Ofsted as “having a detrimental impact on schools which some perceive as toxic”.’

Full Story

The Independent, 20th November 2023


How should schools and colleges investigate allegations of sexual assault against its staff? – Local Government Lawyer

‘Investigating allegations against staff is one of the most challenging issues for schools and colleges. Some lessons can be learned from a recent case, writes Joanne Moseley.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 10th November 2023


Lancashire teacher wins £800k over cancer discrimination – BBC News

‘An early years specialist who was told to reapply for her job while being treated for cancer before being sacked has been awarded an £800,000 pay-out.’

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BBC News, 7th November 2023


Ombudsman decision on overpayment – Pensions Barrister

Posted October 26th, 2023 in marriage, news, ombudsmen, pensions, teachers, widows by sally

‘In this casenote, Paul Newman KC considers the recent decision of the Deputy Pensions Ombudsman in the matter of Mrs S, whose widow’s pension in the Teacher’s Pension Scheme had terminated by reason of remarriage – unknown to the administrator.’

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Pensions Barrister, 26th October 2023


Teen sentenced after stabbing Tewkesbury schoolteacher Published 15 hours ago – BBC News

‘A 15-year-old boy has been sentenced to 14 months detention after stabbing a teacher in a school corridor.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th September 2023


East Dulwich: Primary school teacher jailed for child abuse – BBC News

‘A former deputy head teacher at a school Prince George and Princess Charlotte attended has been jailed for child sexual abuse offences.’

Full Story

BBC News, 9th August 2023


Supporting pupils with ADHD in school – Local Government Lawyer

‘Laura Martin and Theresa Kerr provide a legal perspective on how pupils with ADHD can be supported in school.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 18th July 2023


Inquest to examine Ofsted’s role in lead-up to death of headteacher Ruth Perry – The Guardian

Posted July 13th, 2023 in inquests, inquiries, news, suicide, teachers by sally

‘Ofsted’s role in the events leading up to the death of the Berkshire headteacher Ruth Perry will be examined during an inquest later this year, a coroner has ruled.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th July 2023


Ofsted school inspections to change after Ruth Perry’s family campaign – BBC News

Posted June 12th, 2023 in education, mental health, news, ombudsmen, teachers by tracey

‘School inspections in England are to change after the suicide of head teacher Ruth Perry led to calls for reform. Ofsted will revisit schools graded inadequate over child welfare within three months, and there will be an overhaul of its complaints system.’

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BBC News, 12th June 2023


Work-related suicide probe call after death of head teacher Ruth Perry – BBC News

‘Every work-related suicide should be investigated by the Health and Safety Executive, experts have said, in the wake of the death of a head teacher following an Ofsted inspection.’

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BBC News, 22nd May 2023


‘The tragic cost of under-investment’: asbestos blamed for 150 deaths of school and hospital workers in England – The Guardian

‘Fresh concerns have been raised about the amount of asbestos remaining in dilapidated schools and hospitals, after new analysis found that almost 150 health and education workers were recorded as dying from cancer related to the material in recent years. According to official data, there have been 147 deaths among health and education workers since 2017. Experts believe the figure is likely to be a significant underestimate because of the way someone’s profession is recorded on death certificates.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th April 2023


Teacher awarded £350,000 after pupil assault caused life-changing injuries – The Independent

Posted April 6th, 2023 in assault, compensation, news, teachers, young offenders by michael

‘The teacher in the East of England was left with a brain injury, loss of sight in her left eye and hearing in her left ear, bleeding kidneys, a damaged bladder and psychological injuries as a result of the incident.’

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The Independent, 6th April 2023


Child sex abuse: Failure to report crimes to be made illegal – BBC News

‘People who work with children in England will be legally required to report child sexual abuse or face prosecution under government plans.’

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BBC News, 3rd April 2023


Teacher who lied that she had cancer and surgeons removed her eye banned from classroom – The Independent

Posted March 24th, 2023 in cancer, deceit, disciplinary procedures, fraud, news, professional conduct, teachers by tracey

‘A teacher who lied about having cancer and falsely claimed that surgeons had removed her eye has been banned from the classroom indefinitely.’

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The Independent, 23rd March 2023


Middlesbrough ex-deputy head banned over indecent images – BBC News

‘A former deputy head teacher given a suspended prison sentence for possessing indecent images of children has been banned from teaching.’

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BBC News, 22nd March 2023


Family wins settlement in claim over teacher’s asbestos cancer death – The Guardian

Posted March 3rd, 2023 in asbestos, bereavement, cancer, compensation, families, health & safety, news, teachers by sally

‘The family of a teacher who died of cancer due to asbestos exposure at her school has won a settlement, prompting warnings that staff and pupils remain at risk in older buildings.’

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The Guardian, 3rd March 2023


Maths teacher accused of misgendering pupil on religious grounds – The Guardian

‘A maths teacher “failed to separate the teacher from the preacher” when he allegedly misgendered a transgender pupil repeatedly and inappropriately shared his religious beliefs in the classroom, a misconduct panel heard.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th February 2023
