Windrush pensioner facing homelessness at 89 as Home Office ‘unable to verify her identity’ – The Independent

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in homelessness, housing, identification, local government, London, news, passports by tracey

‘An 89-year-old woman from the Windrush generation is facing homelessness because the Home Office says it cannot verify her identity.’

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The Independent, 1st July 2024


Barred from Europe: 2.4m Brits caught in post-Brexit passport chaos – The Independent

Posted March 28th, 2024 in brexit, EC law, immigration, news, passports by tracey

‘Millions of Britons are barred from entering the EU by post-Brexit passport rules that are set to cause chaos over the Easter holidays. With the getaway starting in earnest on Thursday, an estimated 2.4 million travellers have documents that can’t be used for trips to the EU because of the change in expiry requirements.’

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The Independent, 28th March 2024


‘I feel rejected’: Windrush Scandal victim granted judicial review after Home Office refused compensation – The Independent

‘A member of the Windrush generation who was wrongly denied entry to the UK and sent to Jamaica has been granted a judicial review of his case.’

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The Independent, 4th February 2024


People smuggler jailed for fake passport scheme – Home Office

Posted January 30th, 2024 in conspiracy, identity fraud, immigration, news, passports, sentencing by tracey

‘A people smuggler has been jailed for conspiring to bring 16 Albanian migrants to the UK with fake EU passports and fraudulent airline bookings.’

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Home Office, 26th January 2024


Plea for return of two Aboriginal children stranded in UK without passports – The Guardian

Posted January 30th, 2024 in children, guardianship, news, passports, visas by tracey

‘Two Aboriginal children who have been stranded in the UK without passports or visas since 2020 while courts decided their guardianship must be immediately brought home to Australia, the nation’s peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children says.’

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The Guardian, 30th January 2024


UK ringleaders jailed over scam providing fake passports for criminals – The Guardian

‘The ringleaders of a gang that specialised in supplying fake passports to high-level criminals allowing them to evade arrest and identification have been jailed.’

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The Guardian, 16th May 2023


British man deported to Jamaica launches action against Home Office – The Guardian

‘A British man convicted of murder is launching a legal action against the Home Office after he was wrongly deported to Jamaica.’

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The Guardian, 19th March 2023


Jed Meers, Joe Tomlinson, Alice Welsh and Charlotte O’Brien: Rights on Paper? The Discriminatory Effects of Digital Immigration Status on Private Landlord Decisions – Constitutional Law Association

‘Under the EU settlement scheme, millions of EU, EEA and Swiss nationals have been granted “digital-only” immigration status. Instead of having physical documentation to prove their immigration status, these individuals must rely on an online proof-of-status service through the GOV.UK website. We wanted to examine whether individuals with this form of “digital only” status are disadvantaged in the private rented sector by exploring the decision-making behaviour of English landlords when choosing between prospective tenants. The so-called “Right to Rent” policy requires English private landlords to check the immigration status of a tenant or lodger, to ensure they can legally rent their property. In practice, this happens by inspecting their proof of ID. We therefore had two questions. First, are the tenant preferences of English private rented sector landlords influenced by ID status? Second, to what extent is ID status a significant factor in English private rented sector landlord preferences, relative to factors already known to influence landlord decision-making (such as age, gender, ethnicity, and occupation)?’

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Constitutional Law Association, 14th March 2023


Deprivation of British citizenship and withdrawal of passports – House of Commons Library

Posted January 12th, 2023 in citizenship, news, passports, proscribed organisations, terrorism by sally

‘In recent years there has been an increased use of Government powers to deprive people of their British citizenship and withdraw British passport facilities, particularly from those who may be involved in fighting, extremist activity or terrorist training overseas.’

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House of Commons Library, 11th January 2023


Non-Binary Passports: R (on the application of Elan-Cane) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent) [2021] UKSC 56 – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The Appellant in R (on the application of Elan-Cane) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent) [2021] UKSC 56 was assigned female at birth, however during and after puberty they felt revulsion at their body and underwent surgery in 1989 and 1990 to alleviate those feelings. The Appellant who identifies as non-gendered, is a campaigner for the legal and social recognition of this category. The provision of “X passports” are a focal point of the Appellant’s campaign.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 4th July 2022


High Court judge refuses to block trip by vulnerable adult abroad but urges her not to go – Local Government Lawyer

‘A young adult with a lifelong serious mental illness should not be prevented from visiting a man in Brazil suspected of grooming her, but should very carefully consider the wisdom of doing so, a Deputy High Court judge has said.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 7th April 2022


Lewis Graham: Going beyond, and going against, the Strasbourg Court – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted January 11th, 2022 in gender, human rights, interpretation, news, passports, Supreme Court, treaties by tracey

‘Section 2 of the Human Rights Act (HRA) requires that domestic courts “take into account” relevant Strasbourg case law when dealing with substantive claims under that Act. The classic authority on the application of this provision remains – for now – that of Lord Bingham: courts should “keep pace with the Strasbourg jurisprudence as it evolves over time: no more but certainly no less”.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 11th January 2022


New Judgment: R (on the application of Elan-Cane) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] UKSC 56 – UKSC Blog

Posted December 16th, 2021 in gender, government departments, human rights, news, passports, Supreme Court by sally

‘The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed this appeal concerning whether the Court of Appeal was wrong in its conclusion that Her Majesty’s Passport Office’s policy does not unjustifiably breach articles 8 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”).The policy in question holds that (i) an applicant for a passport must declare their gender/sex as being either male or female and (ii) a passport will only be issued bearing a male (“M”) or female (“F”) indicator in the gender/sex field on the face of the passport and will not be issued with an “unspecified” (“X”) gender marker.’

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UKSC Blog, 15th December 2021


Gender-neutral passports: Campaigner Christie Elan-Cane loses Supreme Court case – BBC News

Posted December 15th, 2021 in appeals, gender, government departments, human rights, news, passports, Supreme Court by tracey

‘A campaigner has lost a Supreme Court case challenging the government’s refusal to issue gender neutral passports.’

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BBC News, 15th December 2021


Windrush: Home Office has compensated just 5% of victims in four years – The Guardian

‘Just 5% of Windrush victims have received compensation four years after the scandal emerged, according to a damning report by cross-party MPs which called for the scheme to be taken out of Home Office control.’

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The Guardian, 24th November 2021


Windrush compensation scheme has ‘concerning weaknesses’, says charity – The Guardian

‘There are “concerning weaknesses” in the Windrush compensation scheme, according to a legal charity that has called for the programme to be taken out of the Home Office.’

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The Guardian, 15th November 2021


Important new ruling on access to British Passports for those subject to nationality deprivation proceedings – EIN Blog

‘The Queen (on the application of Leonard Gjini) [2021] EWHC 1677 (Admin). In an important decision handed down on 21 June 2021, Mr Justice Morris clarified the circumstances in which it is permissible for the Home Office to decline to issue British Passports to persons subject to deprivation proceedings under section 40 of the British Nationality Act 1981 rejecting a contention by the Home Office that there was a public interest in refusing based on the fact of a past deception.’

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EIN Blog, 2nd July 2021


What Are The Rights-Based Implications Of Vaccine Passports? – Each Other

Posted June 23rd, 2021 in coronavirus, equality, holidays, human rights, news, passports, vaccination by sally

‘Following news that 15 EU countries are issuing Covid-19 vaccine passports for travel, the debate over whether vaccine passports are fair is growing.’

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Each Other, 21st June 2021


Government’s Photo ID Plans Put Voters’ Rights At Risk – Each Other

‘Requiring voters to prove their identity by presenting photo ID at polling stations risks infringing electors’ right to vote freely and fairly.’

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Each Other, 11th May 2021


Windrush scandal victim Richard Black to return to UK after 38-year exile – The Independent

Posted April 30th, 2021 in citizenship, colonies, holidays, immigration, news, passports, visas by tracey

‘A Windrush man who has been stranded in Trinidad and Tobago for almost 40 years after his UK citizenship was withdrawn is set to return to Britain.’

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The Independent, 29th April 2021
