Important Privy Council decision on standing in environmental cases – 39 Essex Chambers

‘The UK privy Council has handed down an important judgement on standing in environmental cases in Eco-Sud v. Minister of Environment, Solid Waste and Climate Change [2024] UKPC 19.’

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39 Essex Chambers, 9th July 2024


UK ratification of cross-border enforcement treaty gives businesses greater certainty –

Posted July 8th, 2024 in dispute resolution, enforcement, foreign jurisdictions, judgments, news by tracey

‘Businesses should be able to enforce English court rulings more easily in other countries in future after the UK ratified an international treaty on the cross-border enforcement of judgments.’

Full Story, 4th July 2024


Vatican taken to trial for first time in an English court – The Guardian

Posted June 27th, 2024 in foreign jurisdictions, money laundering, news, sale of land, tribunals by sally

‘The Vatican has gone on trial in an English court for the first time, accused of subjecting a British businessman to “incoherent and confused” allegations over a London property deal.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th June 2024


Supreme Court allows Mueen-Uddin appeal – 5RB

‘A unanimous Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeal’s and High Court’s decision to strike out the libel claim as an abuse of process.’

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5RB, 20th June 2024


The meaning of ‘deliberately absent’ – Law Society’s Gazette

‘In extradition proceedings, questions may arise relating to the requested person’s purported deliberate absence from a criminal trial. In March, the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) handed down two decisions which clarify important tests to be met in these circumstances.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 14th June 2024


BSB board and staff at odds over transferring foreign lawyers – Legal Futures

Posted May 30th, 2024 in barristers, foreign jurisdictions, news by tracey

‘Members of the Bar Standards Board (BSB) clashed with senior staff last week over how to deal with the large number of foreign lawyers seeking to be called in England and Wales but who do not intend to practise here.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 30th May 2024


Brazil Iron: UK court case launched over mining project in Bahia – BBC News

Posted April 24th, 2024 in damages, environmental health, foreign jurisdictions, miners, news by tracey

‘In a small community deep in the remote, lush mountains of Bahia, Brazil, Catarina Oliveira de Silva points down at what used to be a lake. “After the mine started extracting there, waste came down. It fell into the spring. It buried this entire lake. Three metres of silt and ore sludge.” Catarina says dust from this mine covered crops she owned, including coffee bushes and banana trees, until she could not produce them anymore. She and her husband had also taken out a loan in 2015 for a business where people could pay to go angling in the lake. “Our project went down the drain,” she says. Catarina and her family live in a traditional Quilombola community, descendants of Afro-Brazilian slaves whose rights to their land and way of life are protected under Brazilian law.
Now, their fight against a UK-owned mining company is set to move to a top court in London.’

Full Story

BBC News, 24th April 2024


Conditions on permission to appeal – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted April 22nd, 2024 in appeals, civil procedure rules, debts, foreign jurisdictions, news by sally

‘An order giving permission to appeal may be made subject to condition. In the recent case of Palladian Partners LP and others v The Republic of Argentina and another [2024] EWCA Civ 139, the Court of Appeal made an order granting Argentina permission to appeal the first instance judgment conditional on Argentina paying €310m to be held in escrow pending determination of the appeal. Argentina sought reconsideration of the imposition of that condition.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 19th April 2024


SRA pulls prosecution after Foreign Office warning – Legal Futures

‘The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has withdrawn all its allegations against a solicitor and non-lawyer after the Foreign Office advised against taking evidence remotely from a crucial witness in Dubai without permission from the UAE government.’

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Legal Futures, 9th April 2024


Lies, damned lies and fakery – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted March 11th, 2024 in arbitration, banking, foreign jurisdictions, fraud, human rights, judgments, news by tracey

‘Contax Partners inc BVI v Kuwait Finance House and others [2024] EWHC 436 (Comm). Legal news abounds these days with stories of fabricated decisions and authorities generated by ChatGPT and similar AI mechanisms. But there’s nothing like a bit of old-fashioned human plagiarism to tickle the palates, and the full force of a judge’s fury was unleashed on such an attempt recently in the High Court.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 9th March 2024


English anti-suit injunctions in aid of arbitration agreements with a foreign seat – Wilberforce Chambers

Posted March 6th, 2024 in arbitration, chambers articles, foreign jurisdictions, injunctions, news by sally

‘The recent Court of Appeal decision in Unicredit Bank GmbH v RusChemAlliance LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 64 (“Unicredit”) is the latest in a trilogy of cases1 involving successful applications to the English courts for the grant of anti-suit injunctions to restrain RusChemAlliance LLC (“RCA”), a Russian company, from continuing Russian proceedings brought in breach of arbitration agreements governed by English law. The distinguishing feature in each of these cases is that although the arbitration agreements were governed by English law, the chosen seat of the arbitration was Paris, France, and hence the supervisory court was not the English court but the French court.’

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Wilberforce Chambers, 22nd February 2024


£70m arbitration award set aside after High Court judge finds agreement is a ‘fabrication’ – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A High Court judge has set aside a multi-million pound arbitration award and judgment after finding they were “fabrications”. The Honourable Mr Justice Butcher said the result of his decision meant ‘unanswered but serious questions’ were left and would require investigation.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 4th March 2024


Law body considers which law governs digital asset disputes –

‘The Law Commission of England and Wales has opened a new project to examine how questions on the application of private international law should be answered in the context of disputes over digital assets or electronic trade documents.’

Full Story, 29th February 2024


The Assessment of Damages for Negligent Cosmetic Surgery Abroad: Roger Mann (as Executor of the Estate of Denise Mann) v Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Inter Polska S.A and Ors – International & Travel Law Blog

‘Mann v Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Inter Polska S.A and Ors is a useful first instance judgment on the assessment of damages arising from negligent cosmetic surgery abroad. The rising trend for such surgery suggests that travel law practitioners are likely to become well versed in claims of this nature. Aliyah Akram acted for the Claimant in Mann and this post is written by Jessica Muurman.’

Full Story

International & Travel Law Blog, 29th November 2023


Erosion of state immunity in spotlight as £37m salvage case reaches Supreme Court – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 28th, 2023 in foreign jurisdictions, news, ships, state immunity, Supreme Court by tracey

‘A Supreme Court case brought over silver salvaged from a wartime ship sinking could have consequences for the UK’s position as a global commercial hub, a specialist lawyer has warned. In Argentum v Republic of South Africa, five Supreme Court judges will consider the case for overturning a 2022 Court of Appeal judgment which critics say erodes the principle of state immunity from interference from foreign courts.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 27th November 2023


British woman still married to ‘prominent’ Indonesian businessman – judge rules – The Independent

Posted November 28th, 2023 in divorce, foreign jurisdictions, marriage, news by tracey

‘The estranged British wife of a “prominent” Indonesian businessman who wants a judge in England to decide how much she walks away with has won an initial round of a London divorce fight.
Deputy High Court Judge James Ewins has ruled that Monisha Mahtani, 49, is still married to husband Vivek Mahtani, 51, under English law.’

Full Story

The Independent, 27th November 2023


UK to sign Hague Convention 2019 on cross-border enforcement of judgments –

Posted November 27th, 2023 in dispute resolution, enforcement, foreign jurisdictions, news by tracey

‘Businesses should be able to enforce UK court rulings more easily in other countries in future – and enforce judgments made by foreign courts in the UK too – once the UK accedes to the 2019 Hague Convention, experts in dispute resolution have said.’

Full Story, 24th November 2023


EAT consider when a TUPE transfer takes place in a ‘series of transactions’ case and find that (i) it does not necessarily take place at the end of the series and (ii) the tribunal can take into account matters which occur outside the UK – 3PB

‘In a judgment handed down by Mr Justice Kerr this week in a case in which I represented the Appellant, the EAT found that in a “series of transactions” case under Regulation 3(6) TUPE, the transfer did not necessarily take place at the end of the series, and that the tribunal should not focus merely on transactions which occurred within the UK.’

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3PB, 1st September 2023


Tying the Knot Abroad – Family Law

Posted October 3rd, 2023 in divorce, embassies, financial provision, foreign jurisdictions, marriage, news by sally

‘For those romantics, escapees from tradition (Las Vagas chapel not country church) or the merely impetuous, what does getting married abroad mean in terms of validity of the marriage? And for those who marry abroad and subsequently move to live in the UK, is their marriage recognised?’

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Family Law, 2nd October 2023


Invalid marriages and non-qualifying ceremonies: Tousi – Law & Religion UK

Posted October 3rd, 2023 in foreign jurisdictions, landlord & tenant, marriage, news, Ukraine by sally

‘In Tousi v Gaydukova [2023] EWHC 404 (Fam), Mr Tousi was an Iranian national and Ms Gaydukova a Ukrainian: both had UK citizenship. They were married at the Iranian Embassy in Kyiv in 1997 but the marriage was not “registered” with the Ukrainian state authorities. According to Ms Gaydukova, they were well aware of the need to register and on three occasions she attempted to do so, but Mr Tousi refused to cooperate. Mr Tousi argued that “he chose not to register the marriage because he saw it as a celebratory social event in which he was uninterested”.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 2nd October 2023
