NHS confirms patient data stolen in cyber attack – BBC News

Posted June 25th, 2024 in computer crime, data protection, health, medical records, news by tracey

‘NHS England has confirmed its patient data managed by blood test management organisation Synnovis was stolen in a ransomware attack on 3 June.’

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BBC News, 24th June 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Grindr goes to Court (Part II): Individuals’ HIV Status and the Right to Private Life – Oxford Human Rights Hub

‘Part I of this blog examined the protection of an individual’s HIV status under the UK’s data protection regime in the context of ongoing litigation against Grindr. Part II examines the human rights implications of the disclosure of individuals’ HIV status to third parties in the European human rights context.’

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Oxford Human Rights Hub, 5th June 2024

Source: ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk

Grindr goes to Court (Part I): UK Data Protection Law and the Disclosure of Individuals’ HIV Status – Oxford Human Rights Hub

‘A case brought in April 2024 before the High Court of England and Wales alleges that Grindr shared sensitive information, including users’ HIV status, with third parties for commercial purposes in breach of the UK’s data protection regime. Grindr is an LGBT+ social networking and dating app with a reputation for facilitating casual sexual encounters between gay men. On their profiles, Grindr users are able to share personal health information, including their HIV status. Sharing such information before sexual intercourse is important since, in England and Wales, the transmission of a sexually-transmitted infection, such as HIV, when a sexual partner did not consent to the risk of infection can be prosecuted under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (see section 71 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021).’

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Oxford Human Rights Hub, 4th June 2024

Source: ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk

Government backs amendment to better protect victims’ counselling records – Ministry of Justice

‘New legislation will provide extra protections for victims’ counselling notes during criminal investigations.’

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Ministry of Justice, 23rd April 2024

Source: www.gov.uk

Claimant lawyers ordered to pay half the costs of a fundamentally dishonest personal injury claim – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A defendant firm has hailed a rare court decision where a claimant’s lawyers were ordered to pay towards the costs of a fundamentally dishonest claim.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 28th March 2024

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Betsi Cadwaladr: Woman dies after health board lost medical notes – BBC News

Posted November 3rd, 2023 in coroners, hospitals, inquests, medical records, medical treatment, news by tracey

‘A woman died after medical notes referring her for further tests were lost by a health board, an inquest has heard.’

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BBC News, 2nd November 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Cambridgeshire NHS trust makes U-turn over suicides review – BBC News

Posted September 19th, 2023 in bereavement, hospitals, medical records, mental health, news, suicide by sally

‘The deaths of dozens of patients at a mental health trust who took their own lives will be reviewed externally after fears of a “cover-up” were raised.’

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BBC News, 19th September 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Judge throws out DeepMind NHS data action – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A representative claim on behalf of 1.6 million people whose medical records were drawn upon to help Google subsidiary DeepMind develop an app has been thrown out by the High Court because of the claimants’ differing circumstances. Ruling in Prismall v Google UK & Anor, Mrs Justice Heather Williams DBE found that the claim failed the ‘same interest’ requirement set out in the civil procedure rules.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 22nd May 2023

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Law Commission calls for tighter rules on use of personal records in rape trials – The Guardian

‘Greater restrictions should be introduced on the use of rape complainants’ personal records and evidence relating to their sexual behaviour to avoid rape myths contaminating trials in England and Wales, a government-commissioned review has said.’

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The Guardian, 23rd May 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Google representative action on behalf of 1.6m people struck out – Legal Futures

‘The High Court has struck out a representative action brought on behalf of 1.6m people who claimed Google and DeepMind Technologies misused their medical records.’

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Legal Futures, 22nd May 2023

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Police barred from requesting rape victims’ medical and school records – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 16th, 2023 in education, medical records, news, police, privacy, prosecutions, rape, victims by sally

‘Police will be barred from asking for rape victims’ therapy, health, school or other personal records unless it is “absolutely necessary” under new laws to reverse plummeting conviction rates.’

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Daily Telegraph, 16th May 2023

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Warnings over NHS data privacy after ‘stalker’ doctor shares woman’s records – The Guardian

‘The confidentiality of NHS medical records has been thrown into doubt after a “stalker” hospital doctor accessed and shared highly sensitive information about a woman who had started dating her ex-boyfriend, despite not being involved in her care.’

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The Guardian, 14th May 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Betsi Cadwaladr: Apology over Jean Graves, 10 years on – BBC News

‘A son has accepted a settlement and an apology from the north Wales health board nearly 10 years after his mother was a patient in a mental health unit.’

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BBC News, 26th March 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

1,500 more patients of jailed breast surgeon Ian Paterson recalled – The Guardian

Posted February 2nd, 2023 in doctors, hospitals, medical records, medical treatment, news, wounding by sally

‘Health officials are recalling a further 1,500 patients of the jailed breast surgeon Ian Paterson, more than two decades after he treated them, after the discovery of an old IT database.’

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The Guardian, 1st February 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Labour asks NHS and Matt Hancock to pause plans for sharing patient data – The Guardian

‘Labour has urged the NHS and Matt Hancock to pause their plan to share medical records from GPs to allow time for greater consultation on how the idea would work, saying that maintaining patients’ trust must be paramount.’

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The Guardian, 6th June 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Improper Non-Disclosure of a Complainant’s Medical Records – Pump Court Chambers

‘A Complainant (“C”) refuses to consent to his GP providing the Crown with medical records. The Defendant (“D”) has requested disclosure of these records, on the understanding that C has a history of prolonged substance abuse and mental health concerns. C has also indicated that he believes information within the records is detrimental to the Crown’s case; hence, his refusal.’

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Pump Court Chambers, 25th February 2021

Source: www.pumpcourtchambers.com

Unnecessary Private Law Applications – a warning shot from the judiciary – Family Law Week

‘Marie Crawford, barrister of Becket Chambers, reflects on a recent children law judgment and its implications for parties and practitioners.’

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Family Law Week, 16th December 2020

Source: www.familylawweek.co.uk

Children: Private Law Update December 2020 – Family Law Week

Posted December 10th, 2020 in arbitration, children, evidence, legal representation, medical records, news by tracey

‘Alex Verdan QC of 4PB analyses some recent important judgments in private children law.’

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Family Law Week, 8th December 2020

Source: www.familylawweek.co.uk

Re B: Judgment or Press Release? – Transparency Project

Posted October 21st, 2020 in appeals, children, disclosure, families, judgments, medical records, news by sally

‘The judgment has generated some coverage in the legal and mainstream press, and some of the below the line comments suggest that at least within the legal community it has had a mixed reception. In this blog post I look at why that might be.’

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Transparency Project, 19th October 2020

Source: www.transparencyproject.org.uk

Woman jailed after forging court order in bid to obtain medical records of relative subject to Court of Protection proceedings – Local Government Lawyer

‘A woman has been sentenced to an immediate term of imprisonment of 12 months after a High Court judge found she had forged a purported court order and sent it to an NHS trust with the intention of obtaining the medical confidential records of a relative, despite the court refusing to direct this.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 5th October 2020

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk