British lawyer sues EU over her removal from its court due to Brexit – The Guardian

Posted May 1st, 2020 in barristers, brexit, citizenship, courts, EC law, employment, news, unfair dismissal by sally

‘The UK’s last judicial member of the European court of justice is suing the council of the European Union and the EU court over her removal from office because of Brexit.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 1st May 2020


Fisheries Bill 2020: What Does it have in Stock? – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted April 22nd, 2020 in bills, brexit, EC law, environmental protection, fisheries, news by sally

‘The Fisheries Bill 2020, part of the government’s core legislative program on post-Brexit environmental policy, is currently in the House of Lords at committee stage, and is expected to receive royal assent in the coming months (although exactly when is subject to how successfully the House of Lords can adapt to meeting via Microsoft Teams). It would establish Britain’s departure from the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) on January 1st 2021, and sets out how fishing rights would work post transition period and CFP.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 21st April 2020


Force majeure in 2020 – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 30th, 2020 in brexit, climate change, contracts, coronavirus, news by sally

‘While thousands of coronavirus sufferers around the world will be getting doctors’ notes to excuse them from work, Chinese businesses have been getting ‘force majeure certificates’ from their government to excuse them from contractual performance.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 25th March 2020


MPs no longer to get automatic vote on constituency boundary plans – The Guardian

Posted March 27th, 2020 in boundaries, brexit, elections, news, parliament by sally

‘MPs will no longer automatically get a vote on any future plans to redraw constituency boundaries.’

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The Guardian, 26th March 2020


Big Data in the Post-Brexit Era – Where Oh Where Will It Be? – The 36 Group

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in brexit, chambers articles, data protection, EC law, internet, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘Joseph Dalby SC and Flavia Kenyon, barristers at 36 Commercial, examine the reasons and implications of big data and social media giants moving UK-data overseas.’

Full Story

The 36 Group, 4th March 2020


Treaty scrutiny -A brave new frontier for Parliament – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted March 18th, 2020 in brexit, constitutional law, news, parliament, royal prerogative, treaties by sally

‘On Tuesday 17 March, the House of Lords endorsed a report by the Procedure Committee which has the effect of establishing a new Committee tasked with scrutinising international agreements, or treaties, that are negotiated and signed by the UK in 2020.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 18th March 2020


EP 104: The Status of EU law During the Transition Period and Beyond – Law Pod UK

Posted March 16th, 2020 in brexit, EC law, news by sally

‘In Episode 104, an esteemed panel of speakers discuss the complexities of EU law during the Brexit transition period and beyond, as part of an event hosted by the Constitutional and Administrative Bar Association. The panel features Lord Anderson of Ipswich, Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union law at Cambridge and Alison Pickup, Legal Director at the Public Law Project.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 11th March 2020


Judicial review: ‘Snarling’ not the way to get reform, says former top judge – BBC News

Posted March 16th, 2020 in brexit, judges, judicial review, news, parliament, prorogation by sally

‘”Shouting and snarling” is not the way to get judges to accept curbs to their powers, a former top judge has warned.’

Full Story

BBC News, 13th March 2020


5SAH Extradition and International update: February 2020 – 5SAH

Posted February 20th, 2020 in brexit, chambers articles, extradition, Ireland, news by sally

‘Welcome to our February 2020, 5SAH Extradition and International quarterly newsletter. We are pleased to present a variety of articles from our team of specialist extradition and international law barristers.’

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5SAH, 13th February 2020


The new UK immigration rules tell employers to suck it up – The Guardian

Posted February 19th, 2020 in brexit, employment, freedom of movement, immigration, limitations, news, remuneration by sally

‘The self-employed Polish plumber will be a thing of the past. Uber taxis in Britain’s big cities could be harder to come by. Anybody who wants to hire a Lithuanian nanny will have to pay them £500 a week – and make sure the taxman knows about it.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 18th February 2020


Last British member of European court of justice could sue EU – The Guardian

Posted February 18th, 2020 in brexit, EC law, judges, news by sally

‘The last British member of the European court of justice has said she could sue the EU over an attempt by the bloc’s 27 member states to force her out.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th February 2020


Beauty, Trees and Zoning – Exchange Chambers

‘As the United Kingdom begins to plot a new course outside the European Union, 2020 has begun with a flurry of reports (doubtless with one eye on the forthcoming Planning White Paper in England) recommending changes to planning law and land use policies, whether in the interests of economic development, more beautiful places, nature conservation or combatting climate change.’

Full Story

Exchange Chambers, 12th February 2020


The QC Tipped To Lead The Effort To ‘Update’ Human Rights Laws – Each Other

‘The attorney general, Geoffrey Cox QC, has been tipped to lead a new government commission tasked with updating human rights laws and reforming the judiciary.’

Full Story

Each Other, 12th February 2020


Challenging a Settled Status decision – Richmond Chambers

Posted February 12th, 2020 in appeals, brexit, EC law, immigration, judicial review, news by sally

‘The EU Settled Status Scheme, under Appendix EU to the Immigration Rules, opened to all applicants on 30 March 2019.’

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Richmond Chambers, 5th February 2020


Understanding the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement in domestic law – Brexit Law

Posted February 11th, 2020 in brexit, chambers articles, EC law, news, treaties by sally

‘As explained in a previous post, the entry into force on 31 January 2020 of the UK’s Withdrawal Agreement, following its ratification by both the UK and the EU, would not in and of itself have meant that the Withdrawal Agreement had effect in UK law. Rather, legislation was required to implement it.’

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Brexit Law, 11th February 2020


Brexit and GDPR – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 10th, 2020 in brexit, data protection, EC law, fines, news by sally

‘Brexit has finally been ‘done’ but what can we data protection lawyers look forward to? Can we bin the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) along with our red EU passports?’

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Law Society's Gazette, 10th February 2020


Litigators confident that work will remain post-Brexit – Litigation Futures

Posted February 6th, 2020 in brexit, legal profession, legal services, news by sally

‘Most litigation lawyers (57%) believe there will not be significant loss of work to other jurisdictions in the wake of Brexit, a survey has found.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 6th February 2020


The final constitutional steps to withdrawal – Brexit Law

Posted February 6th, 2020 in brexit, constitutional law, news, treaties by sally

‘At 11 pm GMT on 31 January 2020, the UK left the EU. But what final steps had to be taken for this to happen lawfully?’

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Brexit Law, 6th February 2020


New Global Talent Visa announced – Richmond Chambers

Posted January 28th, 2020 in brexit, immigration, news, visas by sally

‘Faced with a potential post-Brexit brain drain, the Home Office has today announced the introduction of a new Global Talent visa.’

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Richmond Chambers, 27th January 2020


Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments After Brexit – 4 New Square

Posted January 28th, 2020 in brexit, EC law, enforcement, foreign jurisdictions, judgments, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘The European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 gained Royal Assent on 23 January 2020 (“the Withdrawal Agreement Act”).’

Full Story

4 New Square, 27th January 2020
