Junior barristers “bearing the brunt” of pressure in criminal courts – Legal Futures

Posted October 17th, 2017 in barristers, case management, courts, criminal justice, diversity, news by tracey

‘ “Concerned words” about diversity and social mobility need to be turned into action through changes to the way the criminal courts operate if junior barristers are to be retained, the Criminal Bar Association has warned.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 17th October 2017

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Increased sentences for 2 Nottingham child sex offenders – Attorney General’s Office

Posted October 17th, 2017 in appeals, news, sentencing, sexual offences by tracey

‘Dobson and Smith had their sentences significantly increased by the Court of Appeal.’

Full Story

Attorney General's Office, 13th October 2017

Source: www.gov.uk

‘Clumsy’ lawyers risk appeals after judge clarifies family court powers – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 17th, 2017 in appeals, consent orders, families, news by tracey

‘A broad interpretation of the family court’s powers risks creating a surge in appeals if “clumsy” lawyers delve into areas beyond their specialism, solicitors fear.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 16th October 2017

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Hip implant patients sue manufacturer – BBC News

Posted October 17th, 2017 in consumer protection, health, news, prosecutions by tracey

‘Hundreds of people who received allegedly faulty hip replacements are suing the manufacturer at the High Court. The hearing is thought to be one of the largest product liability group actions ever heard in the UK.’

Full Story

BBC News, 16th October 2017

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

NHS data loss scandal deepens with further 162,000 files missing – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2017 in data protection, documents, health, hospitals, news by tracey

‘The scandal over the biggest ever loss of NHS medical correspondence has deepened with the revelation that a further 162,000 documents went missing, in addition to the 702,000 pieces of paperwork already known to have gone astray.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th October 2017

Source: www.theguardian.com

Six County FAs fail to respond to questions on football sex abuse – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 17th, 2017 in disclosure, news, sexual offences, sport by tracey

‘The failure by some to cooperate with the independent review into the game’s child sexual abuse scandal was laid bare again on Monday night after it emerged six County Football Associations had not responded to requests for information five months after being asked to do so.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 16th October 2017

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Ministers urged to ditch plans to cut number of MPs by 50 – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2017 in boundaries, constitutional reform, consultations, elections, news, parliament by tracey

‘Government does not have parliamentary support for revised boundary changes, which would boost Tory election win chances, say Labour and Lib Dems.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th October 2017

Source: www.theguardian.com

Opera singer and film writer ex-boyfriend in High Court battle over who wrote the script to a Hollywood blockbuster – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 17th, 2017 in artistic works, intellectual property, media, news by tracey

‘An opera singer is locked in a High Court battle with her film writer former boyfriend over who wrote the script to a Hollywood blockbuster.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 17th October 2017

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Should children be heard in English family court cases? – BBC News

Posted October 17th, 2017 in children, family courts, news, treaties, witnesses by tracey

‘Children, campaigners and some judges are calling for a change in the law so that children at the heart of family cases in England and Wales can talk in private to the judge if they so choose.’

Full Story

BBC News, 17th October 2017

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Family in dispute over care of woman with brain damage – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2017 in euthanasia, families, health, medical treatment, mental health, news by tracey

‘A family is in dispute over the ongoing care of a woman with brain damage who had suggested she would want to die in such circumstances, a court has heard.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th October 2017

Source: www.theguardian.com

Peers could be restricted to 15 years in Lords in drive to cut numbers – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2017 in news, parliament, peerages & dignities, reports, time limits by tracey

‘New peers could be restricted to sitting in the House of Lords for 15 years, rather than being given life peerages, under plans to slash the numbers in the house.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th October 2017

Source: www.theguardian.com

Hate-crime prosecutions fall despite spike in reported attacks after Brexit referendum – The Independent

Posted October 17th, 2017 in hate crime, news, prosecutions, statistics by tracey

‘The number of hate crimes prosecuted last year dropped despite a spike in reported attacks in the wake of the EU referendum, new figures show.’

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The Independent, 17th October 2017

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Recent Statutory Instruments – legislation.gov.uk

Posted October 16th, 2017 in legislation by sally

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (European Union Financial Sanctions) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2017

The Offshore Asset Moves Penalty (Specified Territories) (Amendment) Regulations 2017

The Sections 106B, 106C and 106D of the Taxes Management Act 1970 (Specified Threshold Amount) Regulations 2017

The Adoption and Children Act Register (Search and Inspection) Regulations 2017

The Agricultural Holdings (Units of Production) (England) Order 2017

The Social Security (Qualifying Young Persons Participating in Relevant Training Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2017

The Criminal Justice (Sentencing) (Licence Conditions) (Amendment) Order 2017

Source: www.legislation.gov.uk

Conscientious objection again: Adyan v Armenia – Law & Religion UK

‘In Adyan and Ors v Armenia [2017] ECHR 882, four Jehovah’s Witnesses had been convicted and imprisoned for refusing to perform either military or alternative civilian service.’

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Law & Religion UK, 16th October 2017

Source: www.lawandreligionuk.com

Bar Council say BSB registration plan risks deterring barristers from youth court work – Legal Futures

Posted October 16th, 2017 in advocacy, barristers, news, remuneration, youth courts by sally

‘The Bar Council has strongly attacked a plan by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) for the compulsory registration of youth court advocates, the first scheme of its type.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 16th October 2017

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

What’s in a Word? Home Office Lose Torture Definition Case – RightsInfo

‘Last week, the Home Office lost a case over its controversial definition of “torture,” which the High Court ruled was unlawful.’

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RightsInfo, 16th October 2017

Source: rightsinfo.org

Man jailed for fatally stabbing father on busy high street in London – The Guardian

Posted October 16th, 2017 in homicide, imprisonment, London, news, sentencing by sally

‘An insurance worker who stabbed a father to death on a busy high street while his seven-year-old daughter was buying sweets has been jailed for 18 years.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th October 2017

Source: www.theguardian.com

Construction of Terms in Cross-Licensing Agreements: Koninklijke Philips N.V. v Asustek Computer Incorporation and Others – NIPC Law

‘In FRAND 8 Oct 2017 I discussed the terms upon which patents for inventions that are essential to a standard are licensed. I noted that courts around the world had held that those terms should be fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory – in other words, FRAND. The Court of Appeal’s decision in Koninklijke Philips N.V. v Asustek Computer Incorporation and Others [2017] EWCA Civ 1526 (11 Oct 2017) concerned the construction of a clause licensing such patents. It is important to note, however, that none of the judges who heard the appeal mentioned the acronym, FRAND, and it appeared only twice in the judgment of the trial judge.’

Full Story

NIPC Law, 13th October 2017

Source: nipclaw.blogspot.co.uk

High Court judge grants malicious falsehood and data protection injunctions over video content – OUT-LAW.com

‘A UK businessman has been barred from repeating false statements he made about a rival company and one of its senior employees, and ordered not to process the personal data of that employee again.’

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OUT-LAW.com, 13th October 2017

Source: www.out-law.com

Divorce forum disputes: when dual nationality may not be a possibility – Family Law

‘As there can be dramatic financial and other differences for an international family in proceedings in one country or another, jurisdiction is fundamentally important. It is sometimes based on nationality. But some countries prevent citizens having nationality of more than one country. International family lawyers need to be aware of which countries allow or prohibit dual nationality.’

Full Story

Family Law, 13th October 2017

Source: www.familylaw.co.uk