Recent Statutory Instruments –

Posted September 8th, 2017 in legislation by sally

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (European Union Financial Sanctions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2017

The Facilitation of Tax Evasion Offences (Guidance About Prevention) Regulations 2017

The Immigration and Nationality (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2017

The Valuation of Minor Intermediate Leasehold Interests (England) Regulations 2017

The Building (Amendment) Regulations 2017

The United Nations and European Union Financial Sanctions (Linking) (Amendment) Regulations 2017

The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2017

The Tonnage Tax (Training Requirement) (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2017

The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order 2017

The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) (Amendment) Regulations 2017

The Fire and Rescue Authority (Police and Crime Commissioner) (Application of Local Policing Provisions, Inspection, Powers to Trade and Consequential Amendments) Order 2017


R (Davey) v Oxfordshire CC in the Court of Appeal – Community Care Blog

‘Last Friday the Court of Appeal delivered judgment in R (Davey) v Oxfordshire CC [2017] EWCA Civ 1308. This is the first time the Court of Appeal has examined the provisions of the Care Act 2014.’

Full Story

Community Care Blog, 7th September 2017


Consistory court evidence or “Call My Bluff”: Episode 2 – Law & Religion UK

Posted September 8th, 2017 in ecclesiastical law, evidence, news by tracey

‘The second of two posts on information submitted as evidence to consistory courts.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 7th September 2017


Uncertainty of prognosis is no excuse for late acceptance of Part 36 offer – Zenith PI

Posted September 8th, 2017 in delay, news, part 36 offers, personal injuries by tracey

‘Briggs v CEF Holdings Ltd (2017) CA (unreported). It is not uncommon for a defendant to make a part 36 offer early on in proceedings before the full prognosis is known. The frequency with which claimant representatives are faced with the difficulty of advising clients in these circumstances does not reduce its impact.’

Full Story

Zenith PI, 8th September 2017


Ombudsman criticises council for errors in children’s complaints handling – Local Government Lawyer

Posted September 8th, 2017 in community care, complaints, learning difficulties, local government, news, reasons by tracey

‘The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) has criticised a London borough after two brothers with learning difficulties saw their care and support packages reduced without their mother being told why.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 7th September 2017


Lammy review: final report – Official Publications

Posted September 8th, 2017 in bias, criminal justice, minorities, prosecutions, race discrimination, reports by tracey

‘An independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system.’

Full report

Official Publications, 8th September 2017


A good day for defendants – lawyers react to discount rate reform and NAO report – Litigation Futures

Posted September 8th, 2017 in compensation, costs, insurance, negligence, news, personal injuries by tracey

‘Yesterday’s announcement of how the Ministry of Justice intends to reform the discount rate and publication of the National Audit Office’s (NAO) report on clinical negligence claims drew predictably opposing responses from claimant and defendant groups.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 8th September 2017


UK high court blocks deportation of man who accuses G4S of abuse – The Guardian

Posted September 8th, 2017 in assault, asylum, deportation, immigration, news, security companies by tracey

‘A high court judge has made an 11th-hour intervention to prevent an immigration detainee who claims he has been abused by G4S from being forcibly removed from the UK.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th September 2017


DPP – John Harris Memorial Lecture – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted September 8th, 2017 in criminal justice, Crown Prosecution Service, fraud, mental health, police, speeches by tracey

‘Speech from Alison Saunders, DPP, on developments in technology and society, and addressing terrorism, fraud and mental health issues.’

Full speech

Crown Prosecution Service, 5th September 2017


UK citizens set for “second class status” – EU (Withdrawal) Bill – The Bar Council

Posted September 8th, 2017 in bills, devolution, EC law, environmental protection, jurisdiction, news, treaties by tracey

‘”This Bill will leave UK citizens and businesses with less protection against the power of the state. Rights are not being brought home, they are being abolished.”
Andrew Langdon QC, Chair of the Bar.’

Full Story

The Bar Council, 7th September 2017


Returning jihadis will end up in family courts, Lord Chief Justice warns – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 8th, 2017 in care orders, families, family courts, Islam, news, terrorism by tracey

‘British jihadis returning from Syria will put pressure on the family courts over the next year, the Lord Chief Justice has said.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 7th September 2017


Vivienne Westwood’s son challenges Ineos injunction on fracking protest – The Guardian

Posted September 8th, 2017 in demonstrations, environmental protection, fracking, injunctions, news by tracey

‘An environmental campaigner is challenging the legality of a wide-ranging injunction obtained against protesters by a multinational firm that he criticised as being “draconian, anti-democratic and oppressive”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th September 2017


News Group settles 17 cases related to allegations of criminality at the Sun – The Guardian

Posted September 8th, 2017 in compensation, interception, media, news, privacy, telecommunications by tracey

‘The publisher of the Sun and the defunct News of the World has settled 17 cases of phone hacking and illegally obtaining personal information, avoiding a high-profile court case.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th September 2017


GP who created fake patient ‘M Mouse’ ‘to cope with workload’ escapes suspension – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 8th, 2017 in disciplinary procedures, doctors, news, professional conduct by tracey

‘A GP who listed “M Mouse” among hundreds of bogus patients has escaped suspension after a tribunal decided it was his way of coping with his workload.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 7th September 2017


Man who called for all British Muslims to be killed after Manchester attack on Facebook jailed for a year – The Independent

Posted September 8th, 2017 in inciting religious hatred, news, sentencing by tracey

‘A man who posted a Facebook message calling for all British Muslims to be killed in the wake of the Manchester attack has been jailed for a year.’

Full Story

The Independent, 7th September 2017


Former MP to sue Scotland Yard over child sexual abuse investigation – The Guardian

Posted September 8th, 2017 in child abuse, compensation, fraud, news, perverting the course of justice, police by tracey

‘A former MP is to sue the Metropolitan police over their handling of the investigation into historical child sex abuse allegations against him. Harvey Proctor was cleared by the Met in 2016 after the collapse of Operation Midland, the £2.5m investigation into accusations of a paedophile ring operating in Westminster.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th September 2017


White supremacist has jail sentence cut as court hears he was ‘not as racist as his Facebook friends’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 8th, 2017 in appeals, inciting racial hatred, internet, news, racism, sentencing by tracey

‘A white supremacist has had his prison sentence cut after the Court of Appeal heard he was not as racist as some of his Facebook friends. Lawrence Burns, 23, who wanted to protect an “advanced warrior race of white men and women,” was jailed for four years for stirring up racial hatred following a trial at Cambridge Crown Court late in 2016.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 7th September 2017


Katie Rough: Teenager who killed the seven-year-old girl to undergo psychiatric testing – The Independent

Posted September 8th, 2017 in homicide, mental health, news, young offenders by tracey

‘A teenager who smothered and stabbed to death a seven-year-old girl to find out whether she was a robot has been ordered to be detained for psychiatric assessment under the Mental Health Act.’

Full Story

The Independent, 7th September 2017


Exposed: ‘racial bias’ in British criminal justice system – The Guardian

Posted September 8th, 2017 in bias, criminal justice, minorities, news, prosecutions, race discrimination, reports by tracey

‘Prosecutions against some black and minority-ethnic suspects should be deferred or dropped to help tackle the criminal justice system’s bias against them, according to a highly critical report written by the Labour MP David Lammy at the request of the prime minister.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th September 2017
