Thousands of offenders in work as UK businesses help break cycle of crime – Ministry of Justice

Posted July 15th, 2022 in employment, government departments, news, prisons, recidivists, rehabilitation by tracey

‘Almost 4,000 ex-offenders have been helped into work since the launch of a major drive to increase employment and cut crime.’

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Ministry of Justice, 15th July 2022


Government lost £98m amid failings with electronic tagging project – report – The Independent

‘The Government does not know if electronically tagging criminals is helping to cut reoffending because of failings with the system, Whitehall’s spending watchdog has warned.’

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The Independent, 8th June 2022


Domestic abuse: ‘No female should be subjected to what I did’ – BBC News

Posted December 8th, 2021 in domestic violence, families, news, rehabilitation by sally

‘”No female should be subjected to some of the things I did.”

Rob* was referred through the family courts in March to complete a domestic abuse prevention course, designed to break the cycle of physical and mental abuse.’

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BBC News, 8th December 2021


Rehabilitation and retribution: In re JR123’s application – UK Human Rights Blog

‘What happens when someone is convicted of a criminal offence and is given a custodial sentence? Sometimes, the individual will serve at least part of their sentence in prison and the remainder on licence. But, what happens after they’ve served the totality of their sentence?’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 12rh November 2021


Tens of thousands more criminals to be tagged to cut crime and protect victims – Ministry of Justice

‘Almost 26,000 extra offenders will be tagged over the next 3 years under an ambitious £180 million plan to expand the use of electronic monitoring to cut crime.’

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Ministry of Justice, 5th October 2021


Short jail terms fail to prevent reoffending, says former England and Wales magistrate – The Guardian

‘Criminals in England and Wales are being jailed for short terms that fail to prevent reoffending because of a lack of awareness and availability of community-based sentencing, a leading former magistrate has said.’

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The Guardian, 5th October 2021


‘My whole world was falling apart’: Father of teenager prosecuted for neo-Nazi terror offences speaks of shock – The Independent

Posted September 20th, 2021 in children, families, news, rehabilitation, terrorism, young offenders by tracey

‘Steve* and his 16-year-old son Tom* were about to fly out of the UK to a family funeral when they heard their names being read out over the public address system at Bristol Airport. They had arrived early to have some food and leave plenty of time before their flight, just two days after receiving news of a loved one’s death. “They just said, ‘Would you please go to gate number one’, which wasn’t our gate,” Steve tells The Independent. “We went there and there were police officers, and they explained they were doing a Schedule 7 port stop under the Terrorism Act.” The power is used at UK borders to stop people entering or leaving the country, and “determine whether they are involved in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism”.’

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The Independent, 19th September 2021


Fishmongers’ Hall: Steven Gallant to be freed from prison – BBC News

Posted July 9th, 2021 in imprisonment, murder, news, rehabilitation, release on licence, terrorism by tracey

‘A convicted murderer who tackled the Fishmongers’ Hall attacker Usman Khan on London Bridge is to be freed from prison on licence.’

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BBC News, 7th July 2021


Nationalising probation service not enough to fix flaws, warns watchdog – The Guardian

‘Renationalising the management of offenders in the community will not be enough to put right the flaws of disastrous privatisation reforms introduced by the former Conservative minister Chris Grayling, the probation watchdog has warned.’

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The Guardian, 28th June 2021


Women offenders being released to homelessness – MPs – BBC News

‘Thousands of women are being released from prison each year without adequate help, a group of MPs and peers say.’

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BBC News, 8th June 2021


£200 million investment in rehab services to cut crime – Ministry of Justice

‘Charities and companies which help rehabilitate offenders have been awarded around £200 million of Government funding to help cut crime in the new probation system.’

Ministry of Justice, 21st May 2021


Murderer James Ford who tried to help terror attack victim freed – BBC News

Posted May 21st, 2021 in murder, news, parole, rehabilitation, terrorism, victims by tracey

‘A murderer who tried to help one of the victims of the London Bridge terror attack has been cleared by the Parole Board to be freed from prison.’

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BBC News, 21st May 2021


Security services and police to face questions over London Bridge attacker – The Guardian

Posted April 12th, 2021 in inquests, intelligence services, news, police, recidivists, rehabilitation, terrorism by tracey

‘The security services and police are to face questions over whether they missed the chance to stop a convicted terrorist out on licence with an electronic tag who stabbed two people to death. On Monday, the inquests open into the deaths of Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, who were killed in the November 2019 attack at Fishmongers hall, near London Bridge at a prisoner rehabilitation conference.’

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The Guardian, 12th April 2021


UK’s youngest terror offender walks free from court after recruiting for neo-Nazi group – The Independent

Posted February 9th, 2021 in news, rehabilitation, sentencing, terrorism, young offenders by tracey

‘The UK’s youngest known terror offender has walked free from court after recruiting members for a neo-Nazi group.’

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The Independent, 8th February 2021


Coronavirus: Boy sentenced for racist street attack – BBC News

‘A 16-year-old boy has been sentenced for racially attacking a Singapore student who was told “we don’t want your coronavirus in our country”.’

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BBC News, 27th January 2021


New criminal record disclosure rules take effect – UK Human Rights Blog

‘On the 28th November 2020, The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Record Certificates: Relevant Matters) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2020 (“the Order”) came into force, implementing important changes to the criminal records disclosure rules in England and Wales.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 1st December 2020


Covid: prisoner mental health at risk of ‘irreparable damage’ – The Guardian

Posted October 21st, 2020 in coronavirus, health, mental health, news, prisons, recidivists, rehabilitation by sally

‘Locking up prisoners in what amounts to solitary confinement under Covid restrictions risks causing “irreparable damage” to their mental health and does nothing to reduce reoffending, the chief inspector of prisons in England and Wales has said.’

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The Guardian, 20th October 2020


Youth jail plans therapy rather than steel doors – BBC News

Posted October 6th, 2020 in education, news, prisons, recidivists, rehabilitation, reports, young offenders by tracey

‘”Once you’re caught in the grip of the system you are doomed,” says the founder of a radically different approach to jailing young offenders. Steve Chalke aims to stop a revolving door of criminality that at present sees 69% of young prisoners reoffending within a year of release.’

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BBC News, 6th Ocotber 2020


More deferred sentences in shake-up of criminal justice in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘Ministers are to encourage courts to make more use of deferred sentences – when judges give offenders a chance to turn themselves around before being punished – as part of a £500m shake-up of criminal justice in England and Wales.’

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The Guardian, 16th September 2020


‘I Spent 12 Years In Prison For A Crime I Didn’t Commit. Here’s What I Learned’ – Each Other

‘“There are so many people in British prisons that don’t deserve to be there,” said ex-inmate-turned-journalist Raphael Rowe.’

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Each Other, 24th August 2020
