Killer to give parole hearing evidence in private – BBC News

Posted July 17th, 2024 in bereavement, closed material, families, murder, news, parole by tracey

‘A killer who stabbed a woman 60 times during sex will give evidence at his parole hearing in private, even though an application had been granted for it to be held in public.’

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BBC News, 16th July 2024


Gabriel Tan and Lewis Graham: A Quiet Revolution – Rationality and the Parole Board – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘It is not that often that first instance judges in judicial review claims disagree as to the approach to be taken in the context of a core question relating to judicial review. When it happens, administrative lawyers are bound to take notice. This has most recently occurred in the context of rationality challenges to decisions taken by the Secretary of State for Justice to reject Parole Board recommendations to release or transfer to open conditions. The most interesting aspect of this recent phenomenon is that the High Court has managed to hand down, on our count, 13 reported decisions over the last two years, before the Court of Appeal has had the opportunity to “resolve” the issue, although a hearing is currently listed before the Court of Appeal in appeals against two of these decisions in October 2024. In this piece, we seek to explain the current position, highlighting areas of agreement and disagreement between first instance judges, and which questions remain, as yet, unresolved.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 11th July 2024


Colin Pitchfork parole hearing will not be held in public after ‘fresh allegations’ – The Guardian

Posted July 12th, 2024 in child abuse, children, families, murder, news, parole, rape, sexual offences by sally

‘The parole hearing for Colin Pitchfork, who was convicted of raping and murdering two teenagers, will no longer be held in public due to “unforeseeable developments including fresh allegations”.’

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The Guardian, 11th July 2024


Man who arranged Katie Piper acid attack could get parole in July – The Guardian

Posted July 1st, 2024 in assault, grievous bodily harm, imprisonment, news, parole, rape, sexual offences by tracey

‘The man who arranged for the model and TV presenter Katie Piper to be attacked with acid could be eligible for parole next month.’

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The Guardian, 30th June 2024


Released murderer’s second killing ‘horrific’ – BBC News

Posted June 6th, 2024 in murder, news, parole, probation, sentencing by sally

‘A second murder by a man who had killed before has been described as “horrific” but “rare” by the Probation Service.’

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BBC News, 5th June 2024


Prisoners serving sentences with no clear end is a stain on British justice – it also amounts to torture – Alice Edwards – The Guardian

Posted May 21st, 2024 in human rights, imprisonment, news, parole, sentencing, torture, United Nations by sally

‘As a UN expert on psychological torture, I’ve asked peers to reconsider the IPP sentences still affecting thousands in jail.’

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The Guardian, 20th May 2024


Nearly 3,000 people are languishing in jail unfairly. We must set them free – Bob Neill – The Guardian

Posted May 2nd, 2024 in imprisonment, news, parole, select committees, sentencing by sally

‘There is consensus in parliament that indeterminate sentences are unjust. So why is the government dragging its heels?’

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The Guardian, 2nd May 2024


Prisoner held indefinitely refused parole after making landmark public bid for freedom – The Independent

Posted March 28th, 2024 in dangerous offenders, imprisonment, news, parole, private hearings by tracey

‘A parole board has refused to release a prisoner trapped under an abolished indefinite jail term described as “torture”. Earlier this month Nicholas Bidar became the first IPP prisoner to have his parole bid held in public after new laws came into force to increase transparency around parole decisions.’

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The Independent, 27th March 2024


Prisoner describes ‘torture’ of indefinite jail term as he makes landmark public parole bid – The Independent

Posted March 11th, 2024 in human rights, imprisonment, mental health, news, parole, prisons by tracey

‘The first IPP prisoner to have his parole bid held in public has revealed how each day is “torture” serving a sentence with no release date.’

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The Independent, 10th March 2024


Joanna Simpson: Wife killer loses bid for release from prison – BBC News

Posted February 29th, 2024 in appeals, domestic violence, homicide, news, parole by sally

‘A man who killed his millionairess wife with a claw hammer has lost a court bid to be freed from prison.’

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BBC News, 28th February 2024


Mother of Colin Pitchfork victim dismayed as he wins new release hearing – The Guardian

Posted February 13th, 2024 in appeals, murder, news, parole, rape by tracey

‘The mother of one of Colin Pitchfork’s victims has expressed her anger after the rapist and murderer won an appeal for a fresh parole hearing to determine whether he should be released from prison.’

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The Guardian, 12th February 2024


MoJ changes to indefinite jail sentences do not go far enough, says UN expert – The Guardian

‘A UN torture expert has said changes to the imprisonment for public protection (IPP) scheme in England and Wales do not go far enough and repeated her call for prisoners jailed under the indefinite sentencing regime to be granted release dates.’

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The Guardian, 19th January 2024


Judge refuses to redact civil servants’ names in JR of Parole Board recommendation for long-serving prisoner – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 9th, 2024 in anonymity, civil servants, judgments, news, parole, rape by tracey

‘A High Court judge has said there was no “legitimate reason” to anonymise civil servants in a judgment concerning the parole of a rapist who has spent 41 years in prison. Declining a request to redact the names of junior civil servants, the Honourable Justice Fordham said nobody would be imperilled by his decision.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 8th January 2024


James Bulger killer refused prison release by Parole Board – The Independent

‘Child killer Jon Venables has lost a Parole Board bid to be freed from jail. The 41-year-old, who tortured and murdered two-year-old James Bulger in 1993, still poses a danger to children and could go on to offend again, the Parole Board concluded.’

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The Independent, 14th December 2023


Colin Pitchfork: Double child murderer denied prison release – BBC News

Posted December 7th, 2023 in children, dangerous offenders, murder, news, parole by michael

‘[The Parole Board] had ruled Pitchfork could be released in June, but concerns about the danger he posed caused Justice Secretary Alex Chalk to intervene, making what is known as an “application for reconsideration” in July.’

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BBC News, 7th December 2023


Reforms bring hope to rehabilitated people still serving abolished indefinite sentences – Ministry of Justice

‘Thousands of rehabilitated ex-prisoners serving long-since abolished indefinite sentences will become eligible to have their licence period terminated earlier as part of new reforms.’

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Ministry of Justice, 28th December 2023


Domestic abuse: Stalker to be released despite being ruled unsafe – BBC News

Posted November 23rd, 2023 in coercive & controlling behaviour, domestic violence, news, parole, stalking by sally

‘A stalker who held his ex-girlfriend at gunpoint will be released from prison in February despite a parole board panel finding he was not safe to live in the community.’

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BBC News, 22nd November 2023


Call for parole change after serial attacker jailed – BBC News

Posted October 13th, 2023 in attempted murder, news, parole, rape, recidivists, sexual offences by tracey

‘The case of a sex offender who attacked a woman in her 70s just months after he was released from prison shows the parole system needs reforming, an MP said.’

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BBC News, 12th October 2023


Joanna Simpson: Government blocks wife killer’s automatic release – BBC News

Posted October 12th, 2023 in dangerous offenders, domestic violence, homicide, news, parole by sally

‘A man who killed his wife with a claw hammer has had his automatic release from prison blocked by the government.’

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BBC News, 12th October 2023


Murderer denied release after refusing to say where wife’s body hidden – The Guardian

Posted September 27th, 2023 in disclosure, imprisonment, married persons, murder, news, parole, prisons by sally

‘A man jailed for murdering his estranged wife 20 years ago who still refuses to say where he hid her body is not safe to be released from prison, the Parole Board has said.’

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The Guardian, 26th September 2023
