Probation staffing crisis laid bare in damning reports as alarm sounded over public safety – The Independent

‘A string of new probation watchdog investigations have laid bare the staffing crisis blighting the service’s ability to supervise offenders in the community and keep the public safe.’

Full Story

The Independent, 24th July 2024


Cut ‘unsustainable’ probation workload in England and Wales, urges watchdog – The Guardian

Posted July 22nd, 2024 in early release, Ministry of Justice, news, prisons, probation, statistics by sally

‘Ministers should consider reducing the caseload of the probation service by up to 40,000 offenders if they are to ease the overcrowding crisis in prisons, a watchdog has told the Guardian.’

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The Guardian, 22nd July 2024


Which prisoners will be released from jail early? – BBC News

Posted July 15th, 2024 in early release, Ministry of Justice, news, police, prisons, statistics by tracey

‘The government has announced emergency measures to deal with prison overcrowding in England and Wales.’

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BBC News, 12th July 2024


Prisoners to be released early to ease overcrowding – BBC News

Posted July 11th, 2024 in early release, news, prisons, sentencing by sally

‘The government will announce plans on Friday to release prisoners early to stop jails becoming full, the BBC has confirmed.’

Full Story

BBC News, 11th July 2024


Police chiefs say prison crisis in England and Wales is ‘unsustainable’ – The Guardian

‘Police chiefs have told ministers they fear that the crisis gripping the Prison Service in England and Wales is “unsustainable” and risks public safety, the Guardian has learned.’

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The Guardian, 21st May 2024


Court delays imposed after pressure on prison places – BBC News

Posted May 15th, 2024 in courts, criminal justice, delay, early release, imprisonment, news, prisons by sally

‘Some court appearances will be delayed as part of an emergency measure because of prison overcrowding.’

Full Story

BBC News, 15th May 2024


Government triggers crisis measure to ease prison overcrowding – The Guardian

Posted May 10th, 2024 in early release, Ministry of Justice, news, prisons by sally

‘The government has formally triggered a crisis measure to ease prison overcrowding by using police cells to house inmates.’

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The Guardian, 9th May 2024


Domestic abuse survivors ‘put in danger by early prison release of perpetrators’ – The Guardian

‘Survivors of domestic abuse have been put in danger by ministers’ failure to give notice of the early release from prison of their abusers, a Home Office adviser has said.’

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The Guardian, 8th May 2024


Rapist who drowned mum is set for release from prison despite whole-life sentence – The Independent

‘The children of a woman killed by a man serving a whole-life sentence have described how the possibility of his release from prison on “compassionate grounds” makes their “blood boil” and would be a “national scandal”.’

Full Story

The Independent, 9th April 2024


Plans to release prisoners early ‘endangers domestic abuse victims’ – The Independent

‘Fears have been raised that plans to release prisoners on short sentences up to two months early leave victims of domestic abuse at grave risk.’

Full Story

The Independent, 12th March 2024


Prisoners could be released up to two months early to ease overcrowding – BBC News

Posted March 12th, 2024 in early release, news, prisons, statistics by tracey

‘Some prisoners could be released up to two months early to relieve overcrowding in jails in England and Wales, the justice secretary has said.’

Full Story

BBC News, 12th March 2024


Over 1,800 offenders to have indefinite jail sentences terminated, says MoJ – The Guardian

Posted November 28th, 2023 in early release, Ministry of Justice, news, sentencing by tracey

‘More than 1,800 offenders in England and Wales who have been released on licence but remain under indefinite threat of recall to jail are to have their sentences terminated.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th November 2023


Kathleen Griffin: Grandmother killer’s release date pushed back – BBC News

Posted November 28th, 2023 in diminished responsibility, early release, homicide, news, sentencing by tracey

‘The son of a woman who was stabbed to death said he was “over the moon” her killer will not be released this year.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th November 2023


MoJ ‘put public at risk’ after quietly transferring inmates to open prisons – The Guardian

Posted October 18th, 2023 in domestic violence, early release, Ministry of Justice, news, prisons, victims by sally

‘The Ministry of Justice has been accused of putting the public at risk after quietly transferring locked up offenders to open prisons in a move to ease a critical overcrowding crisis.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th October 2023


Thousands of prisoners in England and Wales to be released up to 18 days early – The Guardian

‘Thousands of prisoners are to be released up to 18 days early as part of plans drawn up by ministers to ease an overcrowding crisis.’

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The Guardian, 16th October 2023


Judges told not to jail rapists due to overcrowded prisons – The Independent

Posted October 12th, 2023 in bail, early release, judiciary, news, prisons, sentencing by sally

‘Defendants convicted of some of the most serious crimes including rape and burglary will reportedly face delays in going to prison from next week because jails are full.’

Full Story

The Independent, 12th October 2023


Protection of the public and the retrospective application of penalties – UK Human Rights Blog

‘On 29 November 2019 Usman Khan attended a rehabilitation event at Fishmongers’ Hall and stabbed five people, two fatally. On 2 February 2020 Sudesh Amman attacked two passers-by in Streatham High Road with a knife before being shot dead by police. Both men had previously been convicted of terrorism offences. Both men had been automatically released on licence halfway through their custodial sentences.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 10th May 2023


New Judgment: Morgan and others v Ministry of Justice (Northern Ireland) [2023] UKSC 14 – UKSC Blog

‘The respondents in this appeal were convicted of terrorism offences. On 13 November 2020, they were sentenced to determinate custodial sentences by Colton J. In accordance with the Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008 (the ‘2008 Order’), the judge specified a “custodial period” of half of the term of their sentences which gave rise to an obligation on the part of the Department of Justice to release the respondents on licence (e.g. living in the community while complying with set rules) when they had served half their sentences.’

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UKSC Blog, 19th April 2023


Tony Hudgell’s adoptive mother ‘over the moon’ that his abuser may stay in jail – The Independent

‘The adoptive mother of Tony Hudgell, a little boy who was tortured by his parents, has said she is “over the moon” that his birth mother may not be released from jail this week as planned.’

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The Independent, 11th August 2022


Sidney Cooke: Notorious paedophile denied parole for 10th time – BBC News

Posted October 29th, 2021 in child abuse, children, early release, homicide, news, parole, sexual offences by tracey

‘One of Britain’s most notorious child sex offenders has been refused parole for the 10th time. Sidney Cooke, now 94, was jailed for life with a minimum five-year term in 1999 for the abuse of two brothers.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th October 2021
