Strangeways jail put in emergency measures over ‘catastrophic’ levels of drugs and violence – The Independent

‘The notorious Strangeways prison has been put into emergency measures after standards of safety and hygiene were found to have collapsed, leaving the jail “fundamentally unsafe” for both prisoners and staff.’

Full Story

The Independent, 10th October 2024


Violence against women on UK trains rises by 50% in two years – The Guardian

Posted August 14th, 2024 in harassment, news, police, railways, sentencing, sexual offences, statistics, violence, women by sally

‘Violence against women and girls on British railways has risen by more than 50% over two years, according to official figures.’

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The Guardian, 14th August 2024


Violence, self-harm and drugs: Shock new figures lay bare crisis facing Britain’s prisons – The Independent

‘Violence and self-harm in Britain’s prisons is soaring while drugs are readily available with almost a quarter of jails overcrowded, grim new data has revealed.’

Full Story

The Independent, 25th July 2024


Feltham YOI found to be most violent prison in England and Wales – The Guardian

Posted July 16th, 2024 in London, news, prisons, reports, violence, young offenders by tracey

‘A young offender institution has been identified as the most violent prison in the country, with teenage inmates refusing family visits to keep their relatives away from danger, a watchdog has found.’

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The Guardian, 16th July 2024


Violence and self-harm in women’s jails hits record high as prisons crisis deepens – The Independent

‘The number of assaults and self-harm incidents in women’s prisons in England and Wales has hit record highs, new figures show.’

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The Independent, 27th June 2024


MPs arrested for sexual offences face bans from parliamentary estate – The Guardian

Posted May 14th, 2024 in news, parliament, sexual offences, standards, violence by tracey

‘MPs who have been arrested for serious violent or sexual offences face bans from the parliamentary estate under rules approved by just one vote. The House of Commons voted by 170 to 169 on Monday night to toughen up a proposal put forward by the government, which would have only applied to MPs who have been formally charged.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th May 2024


Concerns over violence and threatening behaviour sees robing pilot introduced for judges in Central Family Court – Local Government Lawyer

‘Judges sitting at the Central Family Court will wear robes during proceedings from this week (15 April 2024), in a pilot intended to explore the impact of increased formality in family courts.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 15th April 2024


Man jailed for vaping and being abusive on Gatwick flight – BBC News

Posted April 11th, 2024 in airlines, assault, news, sentencing, smoking, violence by sally

‘A man has been jailed for five months for “abusive and violent behaviour” towards cabin crew after he was told to stop vaping in a plane’s toilets.’

Full Story

BBC News, 10th April 2024


Women harmed after Wiltshire police failed to disclose partners’ violent pasts – The Guardian

‘At least two women were harmed after a “catastrophic” failure in the way a police force dealt with applications under Clare’s law, which gives people the right to ask whether a partner has a violent past, it has emerged.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th January 2024


Revealed: police refusing requests for background checks on violent partners – The Guardian

Posted January 8th, 2024 in disclosure, domestic violence, families, news, police, statistics, violence by tracey

‘Police in England and Wales are leaving people at risk of domestic abuse by refusing to release information on suspected violent partners, the Observer can reveal, with one force declining 95% of requests for checks.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th January 2024


MPs arrested for violent or sexual offences ‘face ban from Westminster’ – The Guardian

Posted December 15th, 2023 in delay, employment, news, parliament, sexual offences, violence by tracey

‘Trade unions have welcomed the publication of new proposals by parliamentary authorities for the exclusion of MPs who are arrested for a violent or sexual offences.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th December 2023


Police watchdog refuses to back use of stop and search without suspicion – The Guardian

‘The official inspectorate has refused to back police use of powers to stop and search people without suspicion, finding that chiefs cannot explain why black people are 12 times more likely to be targeted.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th December 2023


Court of Appeal: ‘Very significant obstacles to integration’ is an objective test – EIN Blog

Posted November 27th, 2023 in appeals, asylum, deportation, government departments, immigration, news, violence by tracey

‘NC v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWCA Civ 1379 (22 November 2023). The Court of Appeal has held that the First-tier Tribunal had erred in its application of the “very significant obstacles to integration” test set out in paragraph 276ADE(1)(vi) of the Immigration Rules, as then in force, by failing to turn its attention to any evidence beyond an individual’s subjective fear of violence if they were returned to their home country. On proper analysis, the FTT should have focused on the reality of the individual’s daily life if returned; specifically, what steps she could reasonable take to avoid or mitigate her fear, such as by seeking state protection or asking for help from relatives. The appellant, “NC”, maintained that there was no error of law in the FTT’s determination, that the Upper Tribunal was itself in error in concluding that there was and that the FTT’s determination in her favour should stand. However, the SSHD maintained that the Upper Tribunal was correct to find that the FTT had made an error of law and to set aside the FTT’s determination. The focus of the appeal was on the meaning of “very significant obstacles to … integration” as those words appeared in paragraph 276ADE(1)(vi) at the material time. The appellant “NC” appealed against the Upper Tribunal’s determination that the FTT had made an error of law when it concluded that she should not be returned to St Kitts and Nevis. NC came to the UK in March 2016, aged 28. She claimed asylum in October 2016.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 27th November 2023


Youth prisons more violent than adult male jails as assaults soar, inspections chief warns – The Independent

Posted November 21st, 2023 in news, prisons, violence, young offenders by sally

‘Young offenders’ institutions are more violent than adult male prisons and conditions are getting worse, HM Inspector of Prisons has warned, as the number of assaults soars.’

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The Independent, 21st November 2023


Rat-infested Bedford Prison found to have highest violence levels – BBC News

Posted November 17th, 2023 in government departments, health & safety, news, prisons, violence by tracey

‘Bedford Prison has higher levels of violence than any other prison in the country, according to a critical report from inspectors.’

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BBC News, 17th November 2023


Suicide and violence in prisons rise by nearly 25%, as self-harm hits all-time high among women prisoners – The Independent

Posted October 27th, 2023 in mental health, news, prisons, self-harm, statistics, suicide, violence, women by sally

‘Suicide and serious violence have risen by nearly a quarter in men’s prisons in England and Wales, with self-harm skyrocketing to an all-time high in the women’s estate, as the government scrambles to ease the strain on jails overcrowded to breaking point.’

Full Story

The Independent, 26th October 2023


Wandsworth Prison unsafe and inhumane – watchdog report – BBC News

‘A men’s prison in south-west London has been deemed “unsafe and inhumane”, a watchdog report has warned.’

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BBC News, 11th October 2023


Pepper spray could be used at young offender institutions in England and Wales – The Guardian

Posted September 27th, 2023 in children, Ministry of Justice, news, prison officers, prisons, violence, young offenders by sally

‘Prison officers in England and Wales could be allowed to use pepper spray to incapacitate children under plans to curb a sharp increase in violence at young offender institutions, the Guardian has learned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th September 2023


Honour-based abuse: Government rejects calls for legal definition – BBC News

‘The government has rejected calls for a legal definition of honour-based abuse.’

Full Story

BBC News, 15th September 2023


Applications for Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions and Gang-Related Violence Injunctions – Local Government Lawyer

‘Richard Dewsbery reports on an important recent change to the Civil Procedure Rules that affects the N16A application form.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 1st September 2023
