MPs call for urgent electoral law to cover digital campaigning – The Guardian

‘The government must urgently legislate to ensure digital campaigning is covered by electoral law, rather than hoping Britain will not have a general election until 2022, a parliamentary committee has warned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd July 2019


UK government ‘risks another Windrush’ over EU citizens, MPs say – BBC News

‘The government runs the risk of another Windrush scandal if “serious concerns” about its EU settlement scheme are not addressed, MPs have said.’

Full Story

BBC News, 30th May 2019


Revealed: single offender has been jailed nearly 200 times -The Guardian

‘A single offender has been sentenced to almost 200 jail terms of less than six months in their lifetime, new figures reveal, renewing calls for an overhaul of the justice system to curb the use of ineffective short sentences. The highest number of previous immediate prison sentences of under six months given to an offender sentenced in 2018 in England and Wales was 198, according to a response to a freedom of information request submitted by the charity Revolving Doors.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 23rd May 2019


Court modernisation “undermining access to justice”, lawyers tell MPs – Legal Futures

‘Criminal and civil lawyers have spelt out to MPs on the justice select committee a catalogue of ways in which court modernisation is undermining access to justice.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 22nd May 2019


Turkey seeks extradition of UK barrister over Twitter activity – The Guardian

‘A British barrister who has given evidence to parliament is facing possible extradition to Turkey on terrorism charges over his Twitter activity.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 20th May 2019


UK property register ‘needed urgently’ to stop money laundering – The Guardian

‘Proposals for the first register of foreign-owned property aimed at preventing “McMafia-style” money laundering should be put in practice urgently and reinforced to plug potential loopholes, the government has been told.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 20th May 2019


Call for curbs on Lord Chancellor’s power over online rule committee – Legal Futures

‘A future Lord Chancellor could impose “quite radical changes” on the court system unless changes are made to the Courts and Tribunals (Online Procedure) Bill, peers have warned.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 16th May 2019


Aid sector action to tackle abuse ‘completely unsatisfactory’, say MPs – The Guardian

‘Private aid companies and charities will be asked to reappear before MPs, after evidence given on tackling sexual abuse was condemned as “completely unsatisfactory”. Stephen Twigg, chair of the international development committee (IDC), said he intended to invite representatives of both groups back.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th May 2019


Law firms “willing to draw up NDAs” that breach SRA guidance – Legal Futures

‘Law firms are willing to draw up non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that clearly breach Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) guidance, according to the woman whose own NDA threw the spotlight on the issue.’

Full Story

Legla Futures, 2nd May 2019


Crimes are going unsolved because forensic science services are in crisis, a damning Lords report warns – Daily Telegraph

‘Serious crimes are going unsolved and innocent people are being wrongly convicted due to a “crisis” in the forensic science industry in England and Wales, a damning report has found.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 1st May 2019


Instances of judges bullying female barristers exaggerated, says LCJ – Legal Futures

‘The problem of male judges bullying female barristers in court has been exaggerated, the Lord Chief Justice suggested yesterday.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 4th April 2019


Judges, police and lawyers warn MPs over court modernisation – Legal Futures

‘Judges, justice campaigners, academics and others have raised wide-ranging concerns about the government’s ambitious court reform programme in evidence submitted to MPs.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 9th April 2019


Gypsy community ‘failed by government’ says report – The Guardian

Posted April 5th, 2019 in education, equality, health, minorities, news, select committees, travellers by tracey

‘The Commons women and equalities committee said Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities had the worst outcomes of any ethnic group across a huge range of areas, including education, health, employment, criminal justice and hate crime, but little was being done to tackle longstanding inequalities.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th April 2019


MPs call for ethics-based internet regulation –

‘A new code of ethics should govern the removal of harmful content from the internet and there should be “large fines” for technology companies that fail to comply with it, a prominent group of MPs has said.’

Full Story, 19th February 2019


Parliamentary report set to savage ‘duplicitous’ Facebook – The Guardian

Posted February 18th, 2019 in competition, data protection, elections, internet, news, reports, select committees by sally

‘Facebook cannot be trusted to regulate itself and must be subject to sweeping new legislation, a parliamentary report will announce on Monday.’

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The Guardian, 17th February 2019


MPs and peers call for end to indefinite detention – The Guardian

‘Indefinite detention in immigration centres is traumatic and the practice should be stopped, with people ideally held for no longer than 28 days, a parliamentary committee has recommended. In a highly critical report, the joint committee on human rights (JCHR), made up of MPs and peers, described the UK’s immigration system as “slow, unfair and expensive to run”, and said detention should be authorised only by decision-makers independent of the Home Office.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th February 2019


Doreen Lawrence: Knife crime plans criminalise children – BBC News

‘The mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence has criticised a new scheme by the government to tackle knife crime.’

Full Story

BBC News, 5th February 2019


MPs to probe access to justice impact of court modernisation – Legal Futures

Posted January 11th, 2019 in courts, electronic filing, news, select committees by sally

‘MPs are to probe the access to justice implications of the £1bn court modernisation programme, it was announced today.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 10th January 2019


Payday loan firm accused over ‘cynical Christmas ad’ – The Guardian

Posted January 9th, 2019 in advertising, loans, news, select committees by sally

‘The chair of the Commons business select committee has demanded the financial regulator take action against the payday loan firm Provident, after it “cynically” advertised 535% APR loans over the Christmas period.’

Boohoo ‘broke advertising rules’, BBC Watchdog finds – BBC News

Posted December 5th, 2018 in advertising, complaints, news, ombudsmen, sale of goods, select committees, time limits by sally

‘Boohoo, the fast fashion retailer, broke Advertising Standards Authority rules with “misleading” promotions.’

Full Story

BBC News, 5th December 2018
