Quarantine hotel rules face legal challenge – BBC News

‘A law firm representing travellers is challenging the UK’s quarantine hotel policy and seeking a judicial review.’

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BBC News, 12th August 2021

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Research Briefing: Police powers: detention and custody – House of Commons Library

‘This Commons Library briefing paper describes police detention powers and outlines a recent history of their reform. It also describes the police custody estate.’

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House of Commons Library, 3rd August 2021

Source: commonslibrary.parliament.uk

Home Office records 70 racist incidents by far right at asylum accommodation – The Guardian

‘The Home Office has recorded 70 racist incidents by far-right supporters against asylum seekers in barracks and hotel accommodation, according to a freedom of information response obtained by the Guardian.’

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The Guardian, 8th August 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Authorising unregistered care and deprivation of liberty — Martin Downs – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Legislatures in London and Cardiff have long ago established the most detailed safeguards and systems of registration to protect young people placed in children’s homes – most especially where that involves depriving them of their liberty. At the same time, the administrations in both capitals have presided over a situation whereby there is a significant shortage of such registered accommodation. This has tended to provoke expressions of outrage by the Judiciary. One of these problem cases has reached the Supreme Court (T (A Child), Re [2021] UKSC 35).’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 5th August 2021

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Council did not have reasonable system in place to respond to police requests for accommodation for detained juveniles: Court of Appeal – Local Government Lawyer

Posted August 3rd, 2021 in children, criminal procedure, detention, news, police, statutory duty by sally

‘The London Borough of Waltham Forest was in breach of its duty to have a reasonable system in place to respond to requests by the police for secure accommodation for juveniles at risk of being detained in police cells overnight, the Court of Appeal has ruled.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 2nd August 2021

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

New Judgment: R (on the application of BF (Eritrea)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] UKSC 38 – EIN Blog

Posted August 3rd, 2021 in asylum, children, detention, human rights, judicial review, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘The Supreme Court unanimously allowed this appeal concerning the legality of the Home Department’s regime that provides for determining the age of asylum seekers entering the UK.’

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EIN Blog, 2nd August 2021

Source: www.ein.org.uk

New Judgment: R (on the application of BF (Eritrea)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] UKSC 38 – UKSC Blog

Posted August 3rd, 2021 in asylum, children, detention, human rights, judicial review, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘The Supreme Court unanimously allowed this appeal concerning the legality of the Home Department’s regime that provides for determining the age of asylum seekers entering the UK.’

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UKSC Blog, 30th July 2021

Source: ukscblog.com

Home Office challenged over ‘sped-up’ removal of Vietnamese nationals – The Guardian

‘Lawyers are challenging the Home Office policy of deporting people to Vietnam who could be victims of trafficking after the UK sent a second charter flight to the country within a matter of weeks.’

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The Guardian, 1st August 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Napier barracks conditions held not to meet minimum standards – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In R (NB & Others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] EWHC 1489 (Admin), the High Court ruled that the treatment of asylum seekers at Napier military barracks did not meet minimum legal standards, that the process for allocating asylum seekers to accommodation centres was flawed and unlawful and that the six claimants had been falsely imprisoned during the “inevitable” Covid-19 outbreak. David Manknell of 1 COR was junior counsel to the SSHD.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 28th July 2021

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

More than 50 died in Home Office asylum seeker accommodation in past five years – The Guardian

‘More than 50 people have died in Home Office asylum seeker accommodation in the last five years, with the number increasing steeply over the past 18 months, the Guardian has learned.’

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The Guardian, 25th July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Supreme Court dismisses solitary confinement appeal – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The Supreme Court has unanimously dismissed an appeal which considered whether treatment throughout a 55 day period in solitary confinement of a then 15-year-old appellant in Feltham Young Offenders’ Institution constituted a violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 22nd July 2021

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Legal bids mean UK deportation flight to Zimbabwe takes off just one-third full – The Guardian

‘A controversial Home Office deportation charter flight to Zimbabwe took off at about 10.30pm on Wednesday evening with only around one-third of the passengers on board that officials had hoped to remove.’

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The Guardian, 22nd July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Zimbabwean nationals with British children rounded up for deportation – The Independent

‘Zimbabwean nationals who have been in the UK for decades and have British children are being rounded up for removal on a charter flight to Harare next week, The Independent can reveal.’

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The Independent, 15th July 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Home Office forced to pay out £9.3m in compensation for over 300 cases of unlawful detention last year – The Independent

‘The Home Office was forced to pay out a record in compensation for wrongful detention under immigration powers last year.’

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The Independent, 10th July 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Home Office ‘acting unlawfully’ in rush to deport asylum seekers – The Guardian

‘Hundreds of people arriving in England in small boats are being immediately detained in immigration removal centres, raising fears of a new, secret Home Office policy to deport them without their asylum claims being properly considered.’

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The Guardian, 11th July 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Ministers remove children from private youth jail after American contractor fails to fix ‘serious’ flaws – The Independent

Posted June 18th, 2021 in children, detention, Ministry of Justice, news, prisons, young offenders by tracey

‘The UK government is removing all children from a troubled jail for youths run by an American company after some were locked in their rooms for more than 23 hours a day.’

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The Independent, 17th June 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Napier Barracks: Housing migrants at barracks unlawful, court rules – BBC News

‘The Home Office’s decision to house cross-channel migrants in a “squalid” barracks in Folkestone was unlawful, the High Court has ruled.’

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BBC News, 3rd June 2021

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Plans for New Women’s Detention Centre in Durham are Challenged – EIN Blog

Posted May 25th, 2021 in detention, equality, immigration, news, women by sally

‘It has recently been announced that there are plans for the construction of a brand-new women’s immigration detention centre at Hassockfield in Medomsley, County Durham. It is expected that the centre would detain around 80 women, and is the Home Office’s first new centre since 2014.’

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EIN Blog, 24th May 2021

Source: www.ein.org.uk

Dozens of vulnerable asylum seekers wrongly placed in Napier Barracks despite watchdog warnings – The Independent

‘Dozens of asylum seekers have been wrongly placed in Napier Barracks after the Home Office failed to recognise their vulnerabilities, prompting concerns that ministers have ignored warnings from watchdogs.’

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The Independent, 23rd May 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Home Office’s rush to deport asylum seekers before Brexit was ‘inhumane’, watchdog finds – The Independent

‘The Home Office’s rush to deport asylum seekers last year ahead of Brexit amounted to “inhumane treatment,” a watchdog has found. In its annual report for 2020, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for the Brook House Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) raised concerns around the impact of the government ramping up efforts to remove people arriving on small boats from the UK in the later months of 2020.’

Full Story

The Independent, 20th May 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk