Home Office to reopen immigration detention centres with £399m deal – The Guardian

Posted September 28th, 2022 in asylum, detention, government departments, immigration, news by sally

‘The Home Office plans to open two immigration detention centres to detain 1,000 male asylum seekers in a scheme which is projected to cost £399m.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th September 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Justice system ‘put at risk’ by Ministry of Justice’s data-sharing project – Daily Telegraph

‘UK courts’ software system is accused of unlawful detentions and wrongful arrests, and whistle-blowers say the system is faulty and unsafe.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 7th September 2022

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Immigrants And Asylum Seekers Locked In Cells For Up To 24 hrs Without Legal Representation – Each Other

Posted August 31st, 2022 in asylum, detention, immigration, legal representation, news, prisons by sally

‘People held in Immigration Removal Centres (IRC) have long been entitled to 30 minutes of free immigration legal advice but this does not extend to people held under the immigration act in prisons.’

Full Story

Each Other, 30th August 2022

Source: eachother.org.uk

Home Office paid out £70m in compensation and legal costs last year – The Guardian

Posted August 5th, 2022 in asylum, compensation, costs, detention, government departments, immigration, news, victims by tracey

‘£25.1m was handed out to Windrush scandal victims and £12.7m to people wrongfully detained in immigration centres.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th August 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Another blow to Home Office as Rwanda asylum seekers not tagged on release from detention – The Independent

Posted July 12th, 2022 in asylum, bail, detention, electronic monitoring, news by tracey

‘Ministers accused of piloting “unworkable” tagging policy on basis of “cruel and unnecessary political posturing.”‘

Full Story

The Independent, 11th July 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

SAS reports reveal troubling pattern of suspicious deaths in Afghanistan – BBC News

Posted July 12th, 2022 in Afghanistan, armed forces, BBC, detention, news, unlawful killing by tracey

‘SAS operatives in Afghanistan repeatedly killed detainees and unarmed men in suspicious circumstances, according to a BBC investigation.’

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BBC News, 12th July 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Professionals working with child in deprivation of liberty cases need to have clear and comprehensive understanding of operational procedures of other agencies, says High Court judge – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Family Division judge has strongly criticised the lack of therapeutic care within a restrictive environment for young people who need this.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 7th July 2022

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Woman kept in police cell for 36 hours after stillbirth due to suspicions she had ‘illegal abortion’ – The Independent

‘A woman was kept in police custody for 36 hours after having a stillbirth because of suspicions she had an abortion after the legal cut-off point, it has been claimed.’

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The Independent, 5th July 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Draft Mental Health Bill now published – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 1st, 2022 in bills, detention, learning difficulties, mental health, news by tracey

‘Following a commitment given in the Queen’s Speech in May 2022, a draft Mental Health Bill has been brought forward this week (27 June 2022). Alex Ruck Keene sets out the main elements and highlights some key points.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 1st July 2022

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Sudanese trafficking victims must stay in detention, judge rules – The Guardian

‘Three Sudanese victims of torture and trafficking who were threatened with being deported to Rwanda on a controversial charter flight last week have had their pleas to be released from detention rejected by a high court judge.’

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The Guardian, 20th June 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Home secretary Priti Patel overrode legal advice in asylum cases, adding to record costs – The Independent

‘Priti Patel has repeatedly overridden Home Office legal advice on immigration and asylum cases, adding to record costs for the taxpayer, The Independent can reveal.’

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The Independent, 15th May 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Profit making private providers of children’s care & breaches of Article 5 – Garden Court Chambers

‘For anyone concerned with the human rights of children AB (A Child: human rights) 2021 EWFC B100 is an essential read. The case concerned a 12-year-old boy, AB, who was placed under interim public law orders in foster care and then care homes run by Horizons Care Ltd. For several months, whilst awaiting a final hearing, AB had had his liberty restricted in a residential unit called Mill Cottage, in breach of his Article 5 rights.’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 4th April 2022

Source: www.gardencourtchambers.co.uk

Autistic girl, 14, unlawfully detained in hospital, high court judge finds – The Guardian

Posted April 6th, 2022 in autism, children, detention, hospitals, news, restraint by sally

‘A 14-year-old autistic girl was unlawfully detained in hospital and restrained in front of scared young patients, a high court judge has found.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th April 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Woman detained under mental health law can make abortion decision – judge – The Independent

‘A pregnant woman detained under the terms of mental health legislation is capable of deciding whether to have an abortion even though doctors say such a move would not be in her best interests, a judge has ruled.’

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The Independent, 14th March 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Heavily pregnant woman can have C-section against her will, judge rules – BBC News

‘Doctors can perform a Caesarean section against the will of a diabetic woman in her late 20s, a judge has ruled.’

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BBC news, 10th March 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Home Office to pay UK resident £5,750 for 10-hour Calais detention – The Guardian

Posted March 7th, 2022 in brexit, compensation, detention, government departments, immigration, news by tracey

‘The Home Office has agreed to pay nearly £6,000 in a settlement to an EU citizen it detained at the border in a post-Brexit crackdown on Europeans entering the country last year.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th March 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Judge raps council after 13-year-old boy unlawfully deprived of his liberty for five months – Local Government Lawyer

Posted February 11th, 2022 in care orders, children, detention, families, family courts, human rights, local government, news by tracey

‘A Family Court judge has sharply criticised a local authority over its failure to seek the court’s authorisation of a deprivation of liberty (DoL) of a 13-year-old boy (AB).’

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Local Government Lawyer, 11th February 2022

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Age assessment and the Kent Intake Unit social worker guidance – Local Government Lawyer

‘The High Court has ruled that the Home Office acted unlawfully in detaining unaccompanied young people for age assessments at a port in Kent. Shu Shin Luh and Antonia Benfield explain why.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 28th January 2022

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Home Office age assessment policy for asylum seekers is unlawful, High Court rules – The Independent

‘The Home Office’s process for age assessing young asylum seekers when they arrive in the UK has been ruled unlawful by the High Court.’

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The Independent, 19th January 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

‘I’m so afraid’: Child refugees forced to share rooms with adults after being wrongly deemed over 18 – The Independent

‘Child refugees are being forced to share rooms and even beds with adults they do not know as increasing numbers are incorrectly placed in accommodation meant for over-18s by the government, The Independent can reveal.’

Full Story

The Independent, 16th January 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk