Secure Accommodation Order applications do not need a Circuit Judge – Becket Chambers

‘This article will set out the law in relation to the judicial allocation for applications under s.25 of the Children Act 1989.’

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Becket Chambers, 2nd March 2023


Lone children as young as 14 detained at Manston asylum seeker centre – The Guardian

Posted February 20th, 2023 in asylum, children, detention, government departments, immigration, news by tracey

‘Lone children as young as 14 have been detained at the Manston asylum seeker processing centre in Kent, a freedom of information request has revealed. According to the immigration rules, children should not be detained in short-term holding facilities such as Manston, apart from in exceptional circumstances, and holding them for more than 24 hours is unlawful.’

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The Guardian, 19th February 2023


Mobile phones and deprivations of liberty – Local Government Lawyer

‘Is depriving a person of their mobile phone depriving them of their liberty? That was the very 21st century question confronting a High Court judge recently. Whilst his analysis concerned the position of a 16 year old, his conclusions apply equally to adults, writes Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon).’

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Local Government Lawyer, 31st January 2023


Mental health racial bias in England and Wales is ‘inexcusable’, says report – The Guardian

Posted January 19th, 2023 in bills, detention, medical treatment, mental health, minorities, news by tracey

‘Ministers must use legislation to address an “unacceptable and inexcusable” failure to address racial disparity in the use of the Mental Health Act, MPs and peers have said.’

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The Guardian, 19th January 2023


Home Office accused of failing vulnerable groups in detention centres – watchdog – The Independent

Posted January 13th, 2023 in asylum, detention, government departments, immigration, news, refugees, torture, victims by tracey

‘A watchdog says a belief among some Home Office staff that migrants are trying to abuse the system is causing “shortcomings” in the care of vulnerable groups in immigration removal centres. The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s (ICIBI) report focuses on the Home Office’s Rule 35 process, calling it “ineffective”.’

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The Independent, 12th January 2023


Calls for public inquiry into abuses at Manston asylum centre in Kent – The Guardian

Posted January 5th, 2023 in assault, asylum, detention, inquiries, news by sally

‘Lawyers and human rights campaigners are calling for a public inquiry into abuse and other mistreatment at Manston, the controversial Kent processing centre for small boat arrivals, after it emerged that police were investigating allegations of assault.’

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The Guardian, 4th January 2023


Man with history of sex offending has capacity to make decisions in relation to care and support arrangements, Court of Protection judge rules – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Court of Protection judge has ruled that a young man with a history of sex offending will no longer be subject to a Deprivation of Liberty Authorisation.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 19th December 2022


NHS trust apologises as man kept in hospital for more than a year – BBC News

Posted December 20th, 2022 in detention, hospitals, local government, mental health, news by sally

‘A man with physical and mental health problems is “living” in a hospital despite being fit to leave, a court has heard.’

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BBC News, 19th December 2022


Sex offender who poses risk is able to make own decisions about care – judge – The Independent

‘A convicted child sex offender who “poses a risk” has the mental capacity to make decisions about his care and support, a judge has decided after a hearing in a specialist court.’

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The Independent, 14th December 2022


What Is The Mental Health Bill? – Each Other

Posted December 6th, 2022 in bills, detention, mental health, minorities, news, select committees by sally

‘The government is publishing a draft Mental Health Bill for pre-legislative scrutiny, to modernise the Mental Health Act (MHA) for the 21st century. While the draft Bill has been welcomed by many, there must be more detail and direction on how the new legislation will be implemented at ground level.’

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Each Other, 6th December 2022


MoJ requests urgent use of 400 police cells for male prisoners – The Guardian

Posted December 1st, 2022 in criminal justice, detention, Ministry of Justice, news, police, prisons by sally

‘Dominic Raab has been accused of presiding over a “foolish and unrealistic” prisons policy after his department was forced to request the emergency use of 400 police cells for inmates for the first time in 14 years.’

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The Guardian, 30th November 2022


Child asylum seekers detained as adults after UK Home Office ‘alters birth dates’ – The Guardian

‘The Home Office is routinely changing the dates of birth of unaccompanied child asylum seekers to classify them as adults, according to experts who say the practice is now happening on a “horrifying scale”.’

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The Guardian, 27th November 2022


The UK asylum backlog and increased use of immigration detention are negatively impacting children’s welfare – EIN Blog

‘Children and their parents make up a significant part of the population seeking asylum in the UK, but this receives limited attention in public discourse. Ilona Pinter draws on the UK government’s data, alongside additional research, to explore how children and families are being affected by the growing asylum backlog and the increasing use of immigration detention.’

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EIN Blog, 22nd November 2022


Mental health patients held ‘unlawfully’ in A&Es across the country, experts warn – The Independent

Posted November 8th, 2022 in detention, hospitals, mental health, news, time limits by sally

‘Mental health patients are being held “unlawfully” in A&Es across the country as long waits for care and beds force staff into “fudging” the law, The Independent has been told.’

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The Independent, 8th November 2022


How Immigration Detention Violates People’s Human Rights – Each Other

‘People held in immigration detention have human rights – just like the rest of us. Under international law and the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA), people have a right to liberty, a family life, an adequate standard of living and other aspects.’

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Each Other, 4th November 2022


Law Society calls for Mental Health Act reform to be prioritised after data shows disproportionate impact on Black British people – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Law Society has said that reforming the Mental Health Act “must be a priority for the government” after annual statistics on the Mental Health Act have revealed that Black British people are still disproportionately affected in terms of detention and treatment compared to white people.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 1st November 2022


The Number of People Held in Prison Waiting To be Transferred to Immigration Centres has Tripled – Each Other

Posted November 2nd, 2022 in detention, human rights, immigration, legal advice, legal aid, news, prisons, statistics by sally

‘While the number of people held in Immigration Removal Centres (IRC) fell as a result of the pandemic, the number of people detained in prisons for immigration reasons increased. A freedom of information response obtained by the charity Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) has revealed a concerning rise in the numbers of people held in prisons under immigration powers, awaiting transfers to an IRC.’

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Each Other, 2nd November 2022


Is Enough Being Done To Support ‘Adults At Risk’ In Immigration Detention? – Each Other

Posted October 24th, 2022 in detention, government departments, immigration, mental health, news by sally

‘The UK government can detain people considered not to have the legal right to be in the UK or whose claim to stay in the UK is being decided under immigration powers. These people can be detained by the Home Office in immigration removal centres (IRCs) in the UK, or prisons if they are serving a custodial sentence. But what happens when someone in detention is considered ‘particularly vulnerable to harm in immigration detention’?’

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Each Other, 24th October 2022


Immigration Detention Explained – Each Other

Posted October 20th, 2022 in detention, immigration, news by sally

‘In the UK, thousands of people are held in immigration detention every year under immigration powers and held in “prison-like” conditions. Who are they, what happens when they are detained, and how can they get out?’

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Each Other, 19th October 2022


Number of potential trafficking victims locked up in UK triples in four years – The Guardian

Posted October 4th, 2022 in detention, news, reports, statistics, trafficking in human beings, victims by sally

‘The number of potential trafficking victims who have been detained by the Home Office has tripled in four years, according to a new report.’

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The Guardian, 4th October 2022
