Sexual assault victims charged tens of thousands of pounds for court documents – The Independent

‘Domestic abuse and sexual violence victims are being charged up to tens of thousands of pounds to access court scripts after being wrongly advised not to attend court, The Independent has learned.’

Full Story

The Independent, 21st January 2024


The inside story of two rape trials: ‘It’s as bad as I’ve ever known it’ – The Guardian

Posted January 17th, 2024 in barristers, criminal justice, news, rape, sexual offences, trials by sally

‘In sexual assault cases, the work of prosecution barristers is complex, poorly paid – and essential. With conviction rates extraordinarily low and barristers quitting criminal practice in droves, the Guardian shadowed one prosecutor for two years.’

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The Guardian, 17th January 2024


BSB to scrap requirement for barristers to have a degree – Legal Futures

Posted January 16th, 2024 in barristers, education, examinations, legal education, news, universities by tracey

‘The Bar Standard Board (BSB) is planning to scrap the requirement that Bar students have at least a lower second-class degree, opening the way for those with third-class degrees or no degree at all to become a barrister.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 16th January 2024


BSB launches a public consultation on amending the definition of academic legal training – Bar Standards Board

Posted January 15th, 2024 in barristers, consultations, education, legal education, news by tracey

‘The BSB has launched a three-month public consultation to seek views on our proposed approach to revising the definition of academic legal training and to dealing with consequential waivers and exemptions.’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 9th January 2024


EAT rejects barrister’s appeal over £3m claim against chambers – Legal Futures

‘The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has rejected an appeal from a barrister expelled from chambers after posting a tweet about a “stroppy teenager of colour”.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th January 2024


Chambers “should not have to merge for regulatory reasons” – Legal Futures

Posted January 11th, 2024 in barristers, inns of court, mergers, news, standards by sally

‘The new chair of the Bar Council has pushed back at the idea floated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) that chambers could merge to make regulatory compliance easier.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th January 2024


Sam Townend KC, Chair of the Bar Inaugural address – The Bar Council

Posted January 10th, 2024 in barristers, news, speeches by sally

‘Read Sam Townend KC’s inugural address delivered on Tuesday 9 January at Lincoln’s Inn.’

Full Story

The Bar Council, 10th January 2024


Barrister who caused assistant’s “collapse” must pay £155,000 – Legal Futures

‘A barrister who caused her assistant to suffer a mental and physical “collapse” has been ordered to pay her over £155,000 in compensation by an employment tribunal.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 9th January 2024


Judge refuses to intervene over barrister who swapped sides – Legal Futures

‘The High Court has refused to intervene in a dispute over the counsel for a claimant having previously been on the record for the defendants.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 3rd January 2024


Anti-bullying training “should be compulsory for barristers” – Legal Futures

‘Training to prevent bullying and harassment should be compulsory for barristers, the leader of gender equality group Behind the Gown has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 19th December 2023


Anti-bullying training “should be compulsory for barristers” – Legal Futures

Posted December 19th, 2023 in barristers, bullying, continuing professional development, harassment, news by tracey

‘Training to prevent bullying and harassment should be compulsory for barristers, the leader of gender equality group Behind the Gown has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 19th December 2023


Deferring point of call for barristers “could improve social mobility” – Legal Futures

Posted December 15th, 2023 in barristers, diversity, equality, news, pupillage by tracey

‘Delaying the point at which barristers are called to the Bar until after obtaining pupillage could improve social mobility if it cuts the number of overseas students and “less able domestic students” in the system, the chair of the Bar Council has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 15th December 2023


BSB proposes amendments to widen its powers to protect the public – Bar Standards Board

‘In June 2023, the BSB issued a consultation document seeking views on proposed changes which would widen the powers of the BSB and of Disciplinary Tribunals to protect the public by restricting or suspending a barrister’s ability to practise on an interim basis.’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 14th December 2023


Judiciary blamed for upsurge of bullying at bar – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted December 11th, 2023 in barristers, bullying, equality, harassment, judiciary, news, statistics by tracey

‘The bar is reporting a fresh surge of concern about bullying, harassment and discrimination – with most of the reports identifying members of the judiciary as culprits.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 8th December 2023


Lincoln’s Inn looks to tackle “unacceptable” bullying and harassment – Legal Futures

Posted December 8th, 2023 in barristers, bullying, diversity, equality, harassment, inns of court, news, statistics by michael

‘The historic body has put in place an interim action plan to address the issue, including diversity and inclusion training and an anonymised reporting mechanism.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 7th December 2023


Minister seeking advice from lawyers who helped defeat Rwanda scheme – The Guardian

Posted December 5th, 2023 in asylum, attorney general, barristers, government departments, legal advice, news, Rwanda by michael

‘Barristers’ chambers whose lawyers helped defeat the Rwanda scheme at the supreme court have been approached by the attorney general’s office to advise on the next steps for the plans, in a highly unusual move.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 4th December 2023


Barrister who halved suspension on appeal refused costs against BSB – Legal Futures

Posted December 5th, 2023 in appeals, barristers, costs, disciplinary procedures, news by sally

‘The High Court has refused to order costs in favour of a barrister who successfully reduced the suspension imposed on him for recklessly misleading the Court of Appeal.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 5th December 2023


Some lawyers’ conduct poses “significant risk to the rule of law” – Legal Futures

Posted December 1st, 2023 in barristers, legal profession, news, rule of law, solicitors by tracey

‘Lawyers can sometimes be “too inclined” to act unethically or use a “mistaken” adherence to an overly narrow view of the rule of law to justify questionable conduct, major new research has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 1st December 2023


Nearly half of Bar students now from ethnic minority backgrounds – Legal Futures

Posted December 1st, 2023 in barristers, diversity, equality, legal education, news, pupillage, statistics by tracey

‘Nearly half of UK students on the Bar training course are now from ethnic minority backgrounds, compared to a quarter a decade ago, according to new figures.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 1st December 2023


Barrister fined after doing Nazi salute in court – BBC News

Posted November 29th, 2023 in barristers, disciplinary procedures, fines, news, professional conduct by sally

‘A practising barrister has been fined after speaking in a German accent and raising his hand in a Nazi salute in court.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th November 2023
