Data-sharing safeguards: no ‘micro-managing’ – Panopticon

Posted January 26th, 2021 in data protection, EC law, news, police, privacy, young persons by sally

‘Data-sharing arrangements between one controller and another proliferate across all sorts of processing contexts, aimed at all sorts of purposes. If those arrangements are to comply with the GDPR and/or DPA 2018, they need to be structured so as to ensure that the data-sharing satisfies the data protection principles. This includes having “appropriate technical and organisational measures” in place. So far, so clear. But how do you assess whether your measures are “appropriate”? And if push comes to shove, how will a court approach that assessment?’

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Panopticon, 25th January 2021


Police force wins appeal over sharing of information about teenager with local crime reduction partnership – Local Government Lawyer

Posted January 22nd, 2021 in appeals, data protection, disclosure, judicial review, news, police, privacy, young persons by sally

‘A teenager has failed in a judicial review of how information on her was shared between Sussex Police and the Brighton & Hove Business Crime Reduction Partnership.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st January 2021


High court grants leave to appeal to UK gender identity service – The Guardian

Posted January 21st, 2021 in appeals, consent, gender, medical treatment, news, transgender persons, young persons by sally

‘An NHS trust has been allowed to appeal against a high court decision that barred it from referring under-16s for puberty-blocking treatment.’

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The Guardian, 19th January 2021


Role of grooming of women involved in violent crime examined as part of new gangs guidance – Crown Prosecution Service

‘Prosecutors working on gang-related cases which involve women and girls should consider if there is evidence they have been forced or groomed into committing crime, according to new legal guidance published today. The guidance, Decision-making in “gang” related offences, has been drawn up by the Crown Prosecution Service to give lawyers practical advice on building the strongest possible cases and gathering robust evidence to present to the court.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 16th December 2020


Under-18s banned from lottery scratchcards in crackdown – BBC News

Posted December 9th, 2020 in children, fines, gambling, government departments, news, regulations, young persons by sally

‘The age limit for playing the National Lottery is set to be raised from 16 to 18 from next October as the government moves to crackdown on gambling.’

Full Story

BBC News, 8th December 2020


Young black males in London ’19 times more likely to be stopped and searched’ – The Guardian

Posted December 3rd, 2020 in London, minorities, news, police, reports, statistics, stop and search, young persons by tracey

‘Young black males in London were 19 times more likely to be stopped and searched than the general population, a study of official data shows.’

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The Guardian, 3rd December 2020


Puberty blockers: under-16s ‘unlikely to be able to give informed consent’ – The Guardian

‘Children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs, the high court has ruled.’

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The Guardian, 1st December 2020


Judge issues second ruling sharply criticising lack of suitable regulated placement for vulnerable 16-year-old woman with complex needs – Local Government Lawyer

‘A High Court judge has sent a second judgment in less than a month – this time “more in exasperated hope than expectation” – to the Children’s Commissioner for England, the Secretary of State for Education, the Minister for Children and others over the lack of regulated accommodation for vulnerable children.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 24th November 2020


MPs call for review of age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales – The Guardian

Posted November 12th, 2020 in children, criminal responsibility, minorities, news, young persons, youth courts by tracey

‘Conservative and Labour MPs have asked the government to consider raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 in England and Wales and to explain why a disproportionate number of children in custody are from a minority ethnic (BAME) background.’

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The Guardian, 12th November 2020


Tens of thousands made homeless despite UK ban on evictions during pandemic – The Guardian

‘Tens of thousands of people have been made homeless since the start of the pandemic despite a ban on evictions, the Guardian has found, with charities warning that younger people are falling through the gaps.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th November 2020


Fourth High Court judge this year hits out at lack of secure accommodation for vulnerable young person – Local Government Lawyer

Posted October 27th, 2020 in children, detention, mental health, news, young persons by sally

‘A fourth High Court judge this year has sent a copy of their judgment to the Secretary of State for Education in a case concerning the lack of secure accommodation for a vulnerable young person.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 27th October 2020


Crackdown on UK gambling ads expected to ban use of celebrities – The Guardian

Posted October 22nd, 2020 in advertising, codes of practice, gambling, news, young persons by sally

‘The use of celebrities such as sports personalities and reality TV stars in betting and gambling ads is expected to be banned under new rules designed to crack down on marketing targeting under-18s.’

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The Guardian, 22nd October 2020


Banaz Mahmod murder: ‘What they did was unforgivable’ – BBC News

Posted October 1st, 2020 in domestic violence, families, forced marriages, murder, news, young persons by sally

‘Banaz Mahmod was 20-years-old when she was murdered by her uncle and father after they said she had shamed their family.’

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BBC News, 30th September 2020


‘She won’t be the last’: why not enough has changed since the murder of Banaz Mahmod – The Guardian

Posted September 22nd, 2020 in domestic violence, families, forced marriages, murder, news, police, young persons by sally

‘In 2006, the 20-year-old was killed on the orders of family members. Ahead of an ITV drama on the case, her sister reflects on the police response.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st September 2020


Claimants vow to appeal after High Court dismisses challenge over “downgrading” during pandemic of rights of children with SEN – Local Government Lawyer

‘A High Court judge has dismissed a legal challenge to the Education Secretary’s decisions to reduce the obligations on local authorities to make statutory educational and health care provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in England during the pandemic.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 19th August 2020


BAME children three times more likely to have a Taser weapon used on them by police – The Guardian

‘Children from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are almost three times more likely to have a Taser electronic weapon used on them by police than their white counterparts.’

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The Guardian, 16th August 2020


Rise in care children being ‘deprived of liberty’ – BBC News

‘The number of children in care in England and Wales who have restrictions placed on their freedom has tripled in the last two years, BBC News has found.’

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BBC News, 6th August 2020


Judicial Authorisation of Deprivation of Liberty – 39 Essex Chambers

‘With the delay to the introduction of the Liberty Protection Safeguards until April 2022, and unless the Mental Health Act 1983 is applicable, there is no administrative mechanism available to authorise the deprivation of liberty for a person with impaired decision-making capacity who is either (1) outside a hospital or care home; or (2) is in a hospital or care home or is aged 16 or 17. This means that, unless a court authorises the position, those people caring for the person have no legal “cover” for their actions, and (where relevant) the public body commissioning care or aware of the person’s circumstances will also be acting unlawfully.’

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39 Essex Chambers, July 2020


Police in England and Wales ‘twice as likely’ to fine young BAME men during lockdown – The Guardian

‘Police were twice as likely to fine young black and Asian men under the lockdown rules than their white counterparts, according to new figures that underline concerns about racial bias in policing.’

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The Guardian, 27th July 2020


Met carried out 22,000 searches on young black men during lockdown – The Guardian

Posted July 9th, 2020 in coronavirus, minorities, news, police, statistics, stop and search, young persons by sally

‘Young black men were stopped and searched by police more than 20,000 times in London during the coronavirus lockdown – the equivalent more than a quarter of all black 15- to 24-year-olds in the capital.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th July 2020
