Three men and a boy jailed for ‘abhorrent’ rape of girl, 16, in Ramsgate – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 11th, 2017 in imprisonment, news, rape, sentencing, young persons by tracey

‘Three men and a boy who subjected a lost teenage girl to an “abhorrent” rape have been jailed.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 14th September 2017


Student with Oxford University place wins battle to remain in UK – The Guardian

Posted September 5th, 2017 in citizenship, deportation, immigration, news, universities, young persons by sally

‘A student who faced losing his place at Oxford University because of uncertainty over his immigration status has won his battle to remain in Britain indefinitely.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 4th September 2017


Young black people nine times more likely to be jailed than young white people – report – The Guardian

‘Young black people are nine times more likely to be locked up in England and Wales than young white people, according to Ministry of Justice analysis.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 1st September 2017


About a Boy – The Hidden Victims of Grooming – BBC Radio 4

Posted August 30th, 2017 in child abuse, news, police, sexual grooming, victims, young persons by sally

‘File on 4 tells one family’s story of fighting the authorities to get support and justice after a 13 year old boy was aggressively groomed by scores of men, aged from their 20s to their 50s. It is a shocking story of opportunities missed, meaning the boy endured assaults by multiple men for years. We look at the impact of that sustained abuse on him and his parents, who were desperately trying to shield him from harm. He says he was dismissed, and even blamed by authorities responsible for protecting him.’

Full Story

BBC Radio 4, 23rd July 2017


Solicitor General: Asian gangs must be handed longer sentences for targeting white girls – Daily Telegraph

‘Judges must give longer sentences to Asian Muslim grooming gangs who abuse white teenage girls when there is evidence of racism, the Government’s senior legal advisor has said.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 11th August 2017


Safeguarding our young people from becoming radicalised is difficult but vital work: article by Amber Rudd – Home Office

Posted August 11th, 2017 in press releases, terrorism, young persons by tracey

‘An article by Home Secretary Amber Rudd on the Prevent strategy, published in the Sun.’

Full press release

Home Office, 10th August 2017


Judge attacks mental health provision after approving care plan for suicidal girl – The Guardian

Posted August 8th, 2017 in family courts, judges, mental health, news, young persons by sally

‘A suicidal 17-year-old girl is to be moved to a secure unit on Thursday after a senior judge warned that plans to release her because of a shortage of secure beds for mental health patients would leave “blood on our hands”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th August 2017


Connor Sparrowhawk death: NHS clinician admits string of failings – The Guardian

Posted August 8th, 2017 in health, inquests, mental health, news, young persons by sally

‘A consultant psychiatrist has admitted a string of failings over the death of a vulnerable teenager who drowned in a bath at an NHS care unit.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th August 2017


Home Secretary takes further action to tackle knife crime – Home Office

‘The Home Secretary has today (18 July) announced plans to consult on new offences to toughen up knife crime laws.’

Full Story

Home Office, 18th July 2017


Home deliveries to be banned for online knife sales – BBC News

Posted July 18th, 2017 in consultations, internet, news, offensive weapons, sale of goods, young persons by tracey

‘Online shoppers buying knives could be forced to collect them in person in England and Wales, if plans to stop children purchasing blades go ahead.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th July 2017


Coroner calls for changes to treatment of child refugees after death of teenager – The Guardian

Posted July 6th, 2017 in children, coroners, immigration, news, refugees, young persons by sally

‘A coroner has called for changes to the way Home Office officials in Calais and Dunkirk deal with vulnerable child refugees after a 17-year-old Kurdish refugee fled Isis in Iraq only to be crushed under the wheels of a lorry while trying to seek sanctuary in the UK.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th July 2017


Age limits on drinking, having sex, getting married and being arrested – BBC News

‘Young people get a number of personal freedoms when they turn 16 in some parts of the UK, but they may have to wait another 24 months to gain other rights.’

Full Story

BBC News, 4th July 2017


Stop and search is not used fairly, most young BAME people believe – The Guardian

‘Three-quarters of young black and minority ethnic (BAME) people believe they and their communities are being targeted unfairly by stop and search despite a steep decline in the use of the controversial tactic, according to new research.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 29th June 2017


BBC radio husband and wife presenters jailed for assaulting under-age boys – Daily Telegraph

‘Two former BBC radio presenters have been handed five-year jail sentences for indecently assaulting under-age boys and outraging public decency by having sex in woodland.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 9th June 2017


Twelve jailed over high speed road race that killed four young people – Crown Prosecution Service

‘Two men have today (May 19) been jailed for nine years for their part in a high-speed road race which left four people dead.’

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 19th May 2017


Police failed to engage with public, Met knife campaign chief admits – The Guardian

Posted May 22nd, 2017 in London, news, police, statistics, violence, weapons, young persons by tracey

‘The head of the Metropolitan police’s anti-knife initiative, Operation Sceptre, has admitted past failures in engaging with communities most affected by youth violence, amid criticism of the force’s latest strategy to tackle the problem. But DCS Michael Gallagher said that for the latest phase of its strategy to reduce knife crime – launched after recent police figures showing a rise of 24% in the past year in London – the Met was ready to work with civil society groups to find joint solutions to the problem.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st May 2017


Teenager cleared of manslaughter after killing stepfather with one punch – The Independent

Posted May 17th, 2017 in domestic violence, homicide, news, young persons by sally

‘A teenager who killed his stepfather with a punch to the head has walked free from court.’

Full story

The Independent, 16th May 2017


Judges’ intervention prompts video-link rethink for youth cases – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 15th, 2017 in courts, judges, live link evidence, news, young persons by sally

‘A senior judge has shed light on the push by the government to conduct court proceedings via video despite widespread concerns.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 12th May 2017


Facebook users will be given new legal right to delete all posts they made as teenagers, Tories announce – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 15th, 2017 in employment, fines, internet, legislation, news, young persons by sally

‘Facebook users will be given a new legal right to wipe clean all photos, messages and information that they put online before turning 18 under a new manifesto pledge announced by Theresa May.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th May 2017


Teenage boy given court care plan to stop him ‘waging jihad’ in Syria – The Guardian

‘A 17-year-old boy whose two older brothers were killed “waging jihad” in Syria is to be protected by a special care plan designed to keep him from following in their footsteps, the high court has been told.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th May 2017
