Solicitor awarded £32,000 over anxiety during employment transfer – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A solicitor whose employment was transferred to another firm without notice or consultation has succeeded in a claim for constructive dismissal.’

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Law Society’s Gazette, 10th November 2022


Personal injury solicitor awarded £32,000 for unfair dismissal – Legal Futures

‘A personal injury solicitor who was transferred to a new law firm without notice or consultation has been awarded just under £32,000 in damages by an employment tribunal.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 10th November 2022


New duties to be imposed on UK employers to prevent sexual harassment –

‘The UK government is supporting a private member’s bill to bring back employers’ liability for harassment of employees by third parties at work, as well as introduce a new duty to prevent workplace sexual harassment.’

Full Story, 3rd November 2022


Mother wins £60,000 over Morrisons discrimination – BBC News

‘Morrisons has been told to pay a mother £60,000 for discriminating against her when she returned from maternity leave.’

Full Story

BBC News, 31st October 2022


Dealing with workplace investigations and employee suspensions – Kingsley Napley Insights Blog

‘Whenever a company or organisation is carrying out an investigation, usually one of the first questions to consider is whether any of the employees involved should be suspended.’

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Kingsley Napley Insights Blog, 4th October 2022


Playboy club dancer was not employed by firm, tribunal finds – Law Society Gazette

‘A nightclub dancer offered work by a consultant solicitor was not employed by his firm, an employment tribunal has ruled. The now-deceased solicitor, referred to only as AD, had approached the woman at the club and offered her a job as his personal secretary. She had a young son and was studying part-time for a graduate diploma in law.’

Full Story

Law Society Gazette, 30th September 2022


Unfavourable Treatment and section 15 Equality Act 2010 – Local Government Lawyer

‘Peter Doughty unpacks the decision in Michael Cowie and Others v Scottish Fire and Rescue Service [2022] EAT 121, which involved a Special Leave scheme set up during the pandemic.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 16th September 2022


Dismissal for a political affiliation – Local Government Lawyer

‘Liz Stevens looks at a recent unfair dismissal case, based on the grounds of political affiliation.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 9th September 2022


Ex-director given another chance to appeal eight-year-old ET judgment – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The High Court has granted more time for a former law firm director to challenge a coruscating judgment against her more than eight years after it was handed down.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 2nd September 2022


Employment, freedom of speech and Evangelical views on sexuality: Walters – Law & Religion UK

‘In Rev Keith Walters v The Active Learning Trust Ltd & Anor [2022] UKET 3324619/2019 the claimant, the minister of an independent Evangelical congregation, supported himself by working as full-time caretaker at the Isle of Ely Primary School [34]. When the dispute arose, the parties agreed that Mr Walters believed that his role as a minister took precedence over his employment and that there might be times when he would need to be released from school to fulfil his ministerial duties such as funerals [37]. The Trust, however, disputed his contention that it had been agreed that, so long as he was present at the start and end of the day, there was no issue with how he spent his time and, further, that he reserved his right to be “unequivocal in publicly stating the Christian doctrine on various issues, some of which may be unpopular” [38]. The ET accepted that there was an agreement to be flexible but did not accept that Mr Walters was either free to do what he wanted during work time or had carte blanche to make public statements against the school’s policies [39]. Further, he had agreed to the Trust’s policies and procedures, including the staff Code of Conduct [40 & 41].’

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Law & Religion UK, 29th August 2022


A rare EAT finding of the appearance of unconscious confirmation bias – Doughty Street Chambers

‘In Laing v Bury & Bolton Citizens Advice [2022] EAT 85, the EAT found that a tribunal had erred in dismissing a claim brought by Litigant in Person where it had commented extensively, at times using strong and personalised language, on the Claimant’s behaviour throughout the hearing drawing upon such behaviour in support of how he must have behaved at work. It concluded that a fair-minded and informed observer would conclude that there was a real possibility that his behaviour had engendered an antipathy towards him which unconsciously influenced the tribunal’s collective decision in relation to a victimisation complaint.’

Full Story

Doughty Street Chambers, 1st August 2022


Woman told not to let ‘hormones get out of control’ wins age discrimination case – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 16th, 2022 in age discrimination, employment tribunals, news, unfair dismissal by sally

‘A middle-aged woman regarded as “menopausal” by her younger male boss has won an age discrimination case after being told not to let her hormones get “out of control”, an employment tribunal has heard.’

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Daily Telegraph, 15th August 2022


Solicitor’s pay cut for moving north was lawful, tribunal rules – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The Crown Prosecution Service was entitled to reduce the salary of a solicitor who moved to the north-east, an employment judge has ruled.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 3rd August 2022


Ageism and antisemitism in employment: Dooley – Law & Religion UK

‘A classic example of how not to treat staff (or simply how not to behave in any circumstances).’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 3rd August 2022


Discrimination and Freedom of Belief in the Sex and Gender Debate – UK Human Rights Blog

‘We do not usually cover first-instance employment tribunal judgments on this blog, but two cases handed down in the last three weeks – Forstater v. CGD Europe and Bailey v. Stonewall Equality Ltd and Garden Court Chambers – have attracted so much attention that we feel an exception must be made. Both cases involved women with ‘gender critical’ beliefs who faced hostility in their workplaces after expressing them. Both succeeded in their claims of direct discrimination and victimisation on grounds of belief under the Equality Act 2010. Although neither of the cases sets a binding precedent for other courts or tribunals, they contain interesting legal analysis and comment about the importance of freedom of expression and freedom of belief in the context of work which is of wider significance.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 3rd August 2022


Labour MP unfairly sacked senior adviser who called him ‘first class idiot’, tribunal finds – The Independent

‘A Labour MP unfairly dismissed his aide and ex-girlfriend after she felt “marginalised and isolated” in the months leading up to her losing her job, a tribunal has found.’

Full Story

The Independent, 3rd August 2022


Allison Bailey: Barrister awarded £22,000 in discrimination case – BBC News

‘A barrister has won part of her employment tribunal claim that she was discriminated against because of her gender-critical views.’

Full Story

BBC News, 27th July 2022


The Bill of Rights Act 2022 and employment law: free speech implications – by Gus Baker – UK Labour Law

‘The “Bill of Rights Bill” (the “Bill”), introduced to Parliament on 22 June this year, has the potential to have significant implications for employment law. Once tribunals and courts accept the Bill’s exhortation to give “great weight” to freedom of speech, the consequences for workplace relations may be profound.’

Full Story

UK Labour Law, 6th July 2022


No diplomatic immunity in modern slavery cases, Supreme Court rules – BBC News

‘The UK Supreme Court has ruled that diplomats cannot hide behind immunity to exploit workers, in a victory for campaigners against modern slavery.’

Full Story

BBC News, 7th July 2022


New Judgment: Basfar v Wong [2022] UKSC 20 – UKSC Blog

‘The Appellant (a national of the Philippines) is a migrant domestic worker who worked in the household of the Respondent, a diplomat representing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the United Kingdom. Ms Wong claims to be a victim of human trafficking who was forced to work for Mr Basfar and his family in circumstances of modern slavery after they brought her with them to the UK in August 2016.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 6th July 2022
