Supreme Court allows Mueen-Uddin appeal – 5RB

‘A unanimous Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeal’s and High Court’s decision to strike out the libel claim as an abuse of process.’

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5RB, 20th June 2024


Alerter by William Hibbert & Thomas Samuels – A Warning: all that glisters is not gold – Henderson Chambers

‘In Stamp & Ors v Capital Home Loans Ltd & Ors [2024] EWHC 1092 (KB) Master Gidden has provided guidance on the proper approach to the growing problem of the potential conduct of litigation by unauthorised persons who, online and on social media. encourage unrepresented litigants to bring claims based on wholly misguided arguments, resulting in litigants having their claims struck out and incurring a liability in costs.’

Full Story

Henderson Chambers, 16th May 2024


Court of Appeal reverses stay of criminal trial over lack of counsel finding it ‘based on mistakes of fact’ – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A Court of Appeal judgment has given guidance to judges “facing difficulties arising out of non-attendance by trial counsel” after finding a district judge was wrong to stay proceedings over the lack of prosecuting counsel.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 13th May 2024


High Court throws out £110m claim against law firms – Legal Futures

Posted April 11th, 2024 in abuse of process, duty of care, law firms, news, striking out by sally

‘A businessman who brought a claim against two leading law firms, and also reported them and those representing them to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), has seen his case struck out.’

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Legal Futures, 11th April 2024


Claimant “does not know” identity of funder backing her case – Legal Futures

‘The High Court has rejected an attempt to progress a challenge to a major international tax transparency measure where the claimant has refused to identify their litigation funder.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th March 2024


Will an office-holder be immune from future claims when a court approves their decision? – Guildhall Chambers

Posted October 3rd, 2023 in abuse of process, immunity, negligence, news, receivers, striking out by sally

‘If the court gives its blessing in respect of a decision taken by an office-holder, does the court’s approval mean that the office-holder is immune from any subsequent challenge to that decision? If so, to what extent? Is it blanket immunity? Those are the questions which this article will address following the Court of Appeal’s decision in Denaxe Ltd v Cooper & Rubin [2023] EWCA Civ 752.’

Full Story

Guildhall Chambers, 15th September 2023


When could issuing a claim form involve an abuse of process? – Mills & Reeve

Posted September 20th, 2023 in abuse of process, chambers articles, civil procedure rules, costs, news by sally

‘A party to litigation can act in abuse of process in many different circumstances. Abusing the process of the court can lead to the striking out of a claim or defence, or to other less draconian sanctions. In this article, we consider when a claimant could be found to have acted in abuse of process shortly before and when issuing proceedings.’

Full Story

Mills & Reeve, 19th September 2023


Firm ordered to pay wasted costs for “inexplicable” error – Legal Futures

Posted April 21st, 2023 in abuse of process, costs, hospitals, law firms, negligence, news, probate, wills by tracey

‘A law firm which started proceedings when its client did not have standing to bring them has been ordered to pay wasted costs because it failed to check this.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 21st April 2023


Abuse of Process for Lost Evidence: Alive and Kicking – 25 Bedford Row

‘Colin Wells discusses the recent case of ANP [2022] EWCA Crim 1111 in which the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) considered the circumstances of when a case might be stayed as an abuse of process when important evidence has been lost or destroyed.’

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25 Bedford Row, 5th December 2022


Claim against solicitors was attempt to relitigate private prosecution – Legal Futures

‘A professional negligence claim against a firm of solicitors in the North-East has been thrown out as an attempt to relitigate an unsuccessful private prosecution.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 3rd August 2022


English courts get new powers to dismiss Slapp cases against reporters – The Guardian

Posted July 20th, 2022 in abuse of process, freedom of expression, media, news, public interest by sally

‘Courts in England and Wales are to be granted new powers to dismiss lawsuits employed by wealthy claimants to stifle free speech, the government has said.’

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The Guardian, 20th July 2022


Divisional Court rejects bid by major retailer to have knife sale case thrown out as abuse of process – Local Government Lawyer

‘Retailer Argos has failed in a bid to have proceedings brought against it by London Borough of Barking & Dagenham stayed as an abuse of the process of the court.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 16th June 2022


“Warehoused” case against law firm struck out – Legal Futures

Posted January 18th, 2022 in abuse of process, conspiracy, fraud, law firms, negligence, news, striking out by tracey

‘The High Court has struck out a professional negligence claim against a London law firm that it decided had been “warehoused”.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th January 2022


Former publican makes legal history with abuse of process claim – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 10th, 2022 in abuse of process, damages, food hygiene, licensed premises, local government, news by tracey

‘Aformer publican has made legal history after accepting ‘substantial’ damages to settle a civil abuse of process claim – a cause of action last successfully sued upon 160 years ago, his lawyers have said.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 7th January 2022


Claimant liable for abuse of process after misusing online claim system – Legal Futures

Posted December 7th, 2021 in abuse of process, debts, default judgments, electronic filing, news by sally

‘A claimant who filed a request for judgment on the Money Claim Online (MCOL) system, knowing the defendant’s alleged admission had not been made, has been found liable for the tort of abuse of process.’

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Legal Futures, 7th December 2021


Judges and lawyers call for curbs on misuse of SLAPPs – Legal Futures

‘Senior judges and lawyers on a panel chaired by former Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger have called for legal reforms to curb “strategic lawsuits against public participation” (SLAPPs).’

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Legal Futures, 30th November 2021


Enforcement of adjudicator’s decision refused as proceedings were an abuse of process – Practical Law: Construction Blog

‘We often hear cases referred to as having turned on their facts and, if there was ever an example of this it would be the judgment handed down in October 2021 in G&D Brickwork Contractors Ltd v Marbank Construction Ltd. The parties’ names will ring a bell with some of you because, earlier in the year, O’Farrell J refused to grant an injunction restraining G&D from bringing adjudication proceedings, and last month’s judgment from Joanna Smith J deals with the enforcement of the adjudicator’s decision.’

Full Story

Practical Law: Construction Blog, 24th November 2021


PI claim to proceed despite tribunal settlement – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The High Court has allowed a PI claim to be pursued by an employee against his former bosses – even though the parties settled an employment tribunal claim over the same matter years previously.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 2nd September 2021


Private Prosecution Stayed as an Abuse of Process: Costs Recovered – 25 Bedford Row

‘The issue of recovering legal costs for a defendant who successfully applied to stay a private prosecution, on grounds of abuse of process, was considered and decided upon by the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) in Muhammed Asif v Adil Iqbal Ditta and Noreen Riaz [2021] EWCA Crim 1091 (judgment 15th July 2021).’

Full Story

25 Bedford Row, 9th August 2021


UK appeal court clarifies ‘doctrine of merger’ –

Posted August 13th, 2021 in abuse of process, appeals, damages, mergers, news, res judicata by tracey

‘A recent decision by the English Court of Appeal confirms the scope of the “doctrine of merger”, which is designed to prevent an abuse of court process by preventing parties from bringing multiple claims in respect of the same cause of action.’

Full Story, 12th August 2021
