Suitability, disability discrimination and dogs – temporary accommodation – Nearly Legal

‘AB & Anor, R (On the Application Of) v Westminster City Council (2024) EWHC 266 (Admin). This was a judicial review of both the suitability of accommodation provided to a homeless couple, and also of Westminster’s policy of sourcing temporary accommodation, which was claimed to indirectly discriminate against disabled people.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 17th March 2024


CMA investigation into UK vet market could have big implications for investors –

Posted March 18th, 2024 in animals, competition, news, ombudsmen, veterinary surgeons by tracey

‘The UK’s competition watchdog is to launch an in-depth investigation into the veterinary market due to concerns over poor competition and limited consumer choice, the outcome of which could have direct implications on buy-and-build investors in the sector, commercial and competition law experts have said.’

Full Story, 15th March 2024


Victims given greater access to justice through legal aid reform – Ministry of Justice

‘Innocent people who have suffered miscarriages of justice, personal harm or injury are among those who will benefit from upcoming changes to legal aid means testing coming into effect this year.’

Full Story

Ministry of Justice, 14th March 2024


Condition precedents in light of Lancashire Schools v Lendlease – Local Government Lawyer

‘Condition precedents are common in various commercial agreements. Ewan Anthony and David Owens discuss the court’s general approach to considering contractual condition precedents, and whether, particularly after the recent case of Lancashire Schools SPC Phase 2 Limited v Lendlease Construction (Europe) Limited and Others [2024] EWHC 37 (TCC), the court may be prepared to disregard them.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 15th March 2024


Vulnerable adults and non-recognition of marriage – Local Government Lawyer

‘Amanda Schofield analyses a Court of Appeal ruling on the jurisdiction of the court to make a declaration that a marriage is not recognised as valid in England and Wales.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 15th March 2024


Court of Appeal rejects distinction between ‘aggressive’ and ‘passive’ begging when it comes to obtaining anti-social behaviour injunctions – Local Government Lawyer

Posted March 18th, 2024 in anti-social behaviour, appeals, ASBOs, injunctions, local government, news by tracey

‘Legislation on anti-social behaviour does not distinguish between aggressive and passive begging in determining whether an offence has been committed, the Court of Appeal has ruled.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 14th March 2024


Lawyers can recover costs of attending rehab meetings “in principle” – Legal Futures

Posted March 18th, 2024 in appeals, case management, costs, damages, news, personal injuries, solicitors by tracey

‘The Court of Appeal has overturned a significant ruling last year that the costs of a fee-earner’s attendance at rehabilitation case management meetings are irrecoverable.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th March 2024


High Court upholds wasted costs order against law firm – Legal Futures

‘A circuit judge was entitled to make a wasted costs order against a firm of solicitors that failed to translate their client’s statement and pleadings for use at trial, the High Court has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 18th March 2024


News focus: Dr Bitcoin case comes to an abrupt end – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 18th, 2024 in cryptocurrencies, forgery, news by tracey

‘Dr Craig Wright was accused of “forgery on an industrial scale” in a case that ended yesterday when the High Court ruled he is not the inventor of bitcoin. The judge found his adversaries’ evidence “overwhelming.”’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 15th March 2024


Court of Appeal delivers boost for claimant lawyers on costs principle – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 18th, 2024 in appeals, case management, costs, damages, law firms, news, personal injuries, solicitors by tracey

‘Claimant lawyers will breath a sigh of relief today after the Court of Appeal ruled that costs of attending rehabilitation case management meetings could in principle be recovered.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 15th March 2024


‘It’s an excuse to overreach’: families’ anger over UK police restraint deaths blamed on disputed condition – The Guardian

‘Acute behavioural disturbance and excited delirium have been cited in police watchdog reports and inquests into 44 deaths – but campaigners say it is pseudoscience.’

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The Guardian, 17th March 2024


Two jailed for trying to smuggle migrants out of UK – BBC News

Posted March 18th, 2024 in immigration, imprisonment, news, sentencing, trafficking in human beings by tracey

‘Two men have been jailed for a total of 12 years for trying to smuggle migrants out of the UK in a refrigerated lorry.’

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BBC News, 15th March 2024


HMP Woodhill: Prison staff made insufficient checks on inmate found dead – BBC News

‘Prison staff failed to properly check on a prisoner the morning he was found dead, the prisons ombudsman has ruled.’

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BBC News, 18th March 2024


How sex abusers who target their own children keep parental rights – and the mothers fighting back – The Independent

‘A mother is desperate to change her child’s surname – so that they no longer share it with their criminal father. But Emily* is being blocked from doing so by her ex, despite the fact that he is a convicted child sex offender. Her predicament is not unique. Under English and Welsh law, child sex abusers are able to keep their parental rights in the UK, even if they target their own children. This allows them to retain influence over where the child lives, as well as their healthcare and education.’

Full Story

The Independent, 17th March 2024


Woman whose baby was stillborn in HMP Styal praises sentencing changes – The Guardian

‘A former prisoner who gave birth to a stillborn baby in a jail toilet has welcomed changes that campaigners hope will reduce the number of pregnant women locked up, as a “legacy” for the daughter she lost.’

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The Guardian, 18th March 2024


Sentencing Council to make changes to manslaughter guidelines and introduce new guidance for sentencing pregnant offenders – Sentencing Council

‘Changes to a number of sentencing guidelines have been published by the Sentencing Council following a consultation on miscellaneous amendments. The changes, which will come into effect on 1 April 2024, include amendments to the manslaughter guidelines made in response to recommendations in the Domestic Homicide Sentencing Review and the introduction of a new, dedicated mitigating factor providing guidance for courts on sentencing pregnant offenders and new mothers.’

Full Story

Sentencing Council, 18th March 2024
