Trafficking victims being turned down for compensation in ‘horrendous failing’ – The Independent

‘Trafficking victims are being turned down for compensation in a “horrendous and clear failing”, the anti-slavery commissioner has said, after new figures showed how few people can access support.’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd July 2024


Employment and personal injury case brought by trainee naval cadet struck out – 12 King’s Bench Walk

‘Robert Oldham, pupil barrister at 12 King’s Bench Walk, highlights the lessons for practitioners in Townsend v Corporation of Trinity House [2023] EWHC 3403 (KB), a claim for bullying and harassment that was struck out.’

Full Story

12 King's Bench Walk, 3rd July 2024


Council had no duty to prevent psychiatric harm – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A rare case on the duty of a local council not to cause psychiatric injury to a cab driver applying for a licence has culminated this week in the authority obtaining a charging order on the driver’s home.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 2nd May 2024


Substantial injustice – where are we now? – 39 Essex Chambers

‘In Williams-Henry v Associated British Ports Holdings Ltd [2024] EWHC 806 (KB), Ritchie J found that, despite the Claimant having sustained serious injuries, which would have warranted damages of almost £600,000, that she had been fundamentally dishonest. This resulted in the entirety of her claim being dismissed under s57 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Act 2015 (‘CJCA 2015’).’

Full Story

39 Essex Chambers, 16th April 2024


Criminal injuries compensation and “Daisy’s Law” – 12 KBW Personal Injury Law Blog

‘Jessica Muurman, pupil barrister at 12KBW, analyses the recent judgment in R (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) v First-tier Tribunal v GHI [2024] UKUT 3 (ACC), which concerns the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 and its interaction with ‘Daisy’s Law’ in the Victims and Prisoners Bill.’

Full Story

12KBW Personal Injury Law Blog, 10th April 2024


Gary Glitter victim seeking six-figure sum after suing him for impacts of child abuse – The Independent

Posted March 28th, 2024 in child abuse, compensation, news, psychiatric damage by tracey

‘A victim of Gary Glitter is seeking around half a million pounds in her compensation claim against the paedophile former pop star over the psychiatric damage she suffered as a result of his abuse.’

Full Story

The Independent, 27th March 2024


Grenfell: Met officers suing force over ‘trauma’ suffered – BBC News

‘More than 30 current and former Metropolitan Police officers are suing the force “for personal injury and losses following their role in the Grenfell Tower fire”, it says.’

Full Story

BBC News, 10th March 2024


Supreme Court rules on “shock” in clinical negligence cases – Law Pod UK

‘The Supreme Court has ruled out claims for physicatric harm suffered by family members witnessing death or serious injury as a result of medical negligence. Rosalind English talks to Judith Rogerson of 1 Crown Office Row about the implication of this ruling.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 1st February 2024


Lord Briggs, Liability for Mental Injury – Supreme Court

Posted January 23rd, 2024 in negligence, personal injuries, psychiatric damage, speeches by tracey

‘Lord Briggs, Liability for Mental Injury, Chichester University Lecture.’

Full speech

Supreme Court, 19th January 2024


We all die: what are doctors’ duties to shield families from the sight of death? – Mental Capacity Law and Policy

‘In Paul and another v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] UKSC 1, the Supreme Court had to decide whether (and, if so, when) an individual can make a claim for psychiatric injury caused by witnessing the death or other horrifying event of a close relative as a result of earlier clinical negligence. In dismissing the three conjoined appeals, a majority of the Supreme Court held that, while doctors owe a duty of care to protect the health of their patients, they do not owe a duty of care to members of the patient’s close family to protect them against the risk of illness from the experience of witnessing the death or medical crisis of their relative from a condition which the doctor has negligently failed to diagnose or treat.’

Full Story

Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 11th January 2024


Sexual violence victims in UK forced to wait years for counselling and support – The Guardian

‘Victims of sexual violence in England and Wales are facing waits of up to two and a half years for counselling, help with the legal system and trauma therapy, according to figures obtained by the Observer.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th July 2023


Church abuse victims risk new trauma over payout scheme – report – BBC News

‘A support scheme set up for Church of England abuse survivors risks re-traumatising victims, a report seen by the BBC has concluded.’

Full Story

BBC News, 1st June 2023


NHS trust pays woman damages after son’s body left to decompose – The Guardian

Posted February 13th, 2023 in bereavement, damages, families, hospitals, mental health, news, psychiatric damage by tracey

‘A woman has been paid damages by an NHS trust after developing post-traumatic stress disorder when a mortuary allowed her son’s body to decompose to such an extent that relatives were advised not to view it, the Guardian can reveal.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th February 2023


Participation of vulnerable parties in civil litigation: split trials and stays (AXX v. Zajac) – Exchange Chambers

‘AXX (A protected party by his litigation friend XRE) v. Zajac [2022] EWHC 2463 is the first reported case in the High Court (KBD) concerning the ‘new’ CPR Practice Direction 1A which requires the court to take all proportionate measures to address any impediment to a party’s participation in proceedings caused by their ‘vulnerability’. Master McCloud granted an application made on behalf of the Claimant (who was a protected party due to a psychotic condition which had arisen after his accident) for a trial of causation as a preliminary issue on the basis that, if successful at that stage, the Claimant could seek interim funding for treatment to address his psychiatric symptoms and allow him to participate fully in the subsequent quantum trial. The Master also refused an application from the Defendant for an ‘unless’ order (whereby the claim would be stayed unless the Claimant cooperated with examinations to be performed by the Defendant’s instructed medical experts) because of concerns about the Claimant’s capacity to consent to examination. This decision illustrates the important role that PD1A has in shaping case management decisions to protect the interests of parties with vulnerabilities.’

Full Story

Exchange Chambers, 22nd December 2022


Healthcare Enabled Fraud – 3PB

‘Keoghs recently wrote about their triple success in defeating claims for psychological injury arising out of road traffic accidents. The common denominator of the three claims was that each of the Claimants sought to rely upon the medical evidence of a specific Consultant Psychologist. Sharan Sanghera acted for the Defendant in one of those Claims, her comment on the case appears below.’

Full Story

3PB, 13th December 2022


No duty owed to taxi driver – Local Government Lawyer

‘A council has won an appeal in the High Court in a psychiatric injury claim brought by a taxi driver. David Green explains why.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 7th October 2022


Quantifying Damages for Psychiatric Injury and Distress Caused by Data Breaches – Ropewalk Chambers

Posted August 16th, 2022 in damages, data protection, news, psychiatric damage by sally

‘Both s. 13 of the Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA 98”) and Art. 82 of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) provide an individual with a right to compensation where she suffers material or non-material damage (including distress) – see Google Inc v Vidal-Hall [2015] EWCA Civ 311 and s. 168 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 18”) as a result of infringements of the data protection principles contained in the respective legislative schemes. The DPA 98 applies to data breaches occurring before 23 May 2018 whilst the GDPR, as supplemented by DPA 18, applies to breaches occurring on or after that date. After the end of the post-Brexit implementation period on 31 January 2020 the UK GDPR applies.’

Full Story

Ropewalk Chambers, 26th July 2022


Case against rugby union governing bodies on dementia destined for courts – The Guardian

‘A legal case involving a group of rugby players diagnosed with early-onset dementia and other irreversible neurological impairments now looks destined for the courts. Proceedings are to be issued by Rylands Law on behalf of a group of professional and semi-professional players against World Rugby, the Rugby Football Union and the Welsh Rugby Union.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 25th July 2022


Teacher wins £850k settlement following classroom assault – Local Government Lawyer

‘A teacher who was assaulted by a student has been awarded £850,000 in compensation following a personal injury claim, his union has reported.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 19th April 2022


London teacher awarded £850,000 after pupil’s attack – The Guardian

‘A London teacher has been awarded £850,000 in compensation after being punched in the face and kicked during a science lesson by a pupil with a history of violence towards other children and teachers.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th April 2022
