Domestic and Personal Injury Newsletter – Thirty Nine Essex Street

Domestic and Personal Injury Newsletter (PDF)

Thirty Nine Essex Street, June 2012


Finance Divorce Update – Family Law Week

“Anna Heenan, solicitor and David Salter, Joint Head of Family Law at Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the latest financial remedies and divorce news and cases.”

Full story

Family Law Week, June 2012


Progress report on Lord Justice Jackson’s civil justice reforms – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 28th, 2012 in civil justice, costs, news by sally

“In public, Sir Rupert Jackson (pictured) is circumspect about the government’s implementation of civil justice reforms based on his report. In private, he could be forgiven for feeling disappointment over the execution of changes to which he has lent his name.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 28th June 2012


F & C Alternative Investments (Holdings) Ltd and others v Barthelemy and another (No 3) – WLR Daily

Posted June 26th, 2012 in appeals, costs, law reports, part 36 offers by sally

F & C Alternative Investments (Holdings) Ltd and others v Barthelemy and another (No 3) [2012] EWCA Civ 843; [2012] WLR (D) 183

“Where an offer to settle proceedings had been made which was neither in substance nor in form compliant with Part 36, it was wrong in principle to take as directly analogous, and as applicable, the potential costs consequences had it been a Part 36 offer.”

WLR Daily, 22nd June 2012


Cost disputes set to soar post-Jackson, survey predicts – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 25th, 2012 in costs, legal aid, legal representation, news by sally

“Costs disputes between solicitors and their clients will become more common once the Jackson reforms are implemented, according to a survey of specialist costs lawyers published today.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th June 2012


Lawyers seizing lion’s share of payouts in NHS negligence cases – Daily Telegraph

“Lawyers who sue the NHS in medical negligence cases are earning from the state up to 30 times the amount their clients win in damages, it can be disclosed.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 25th June 2012


Article on Henry v News Group Newspapers Ltd – 4 New Square

Posted June 7th, 2012 in costs, defamation, news, practice directions by sally

“From 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012 the Royal Courts of Justice and the District Registry at Manchester are operating a pilot scheme for Costs Management in Defamation Proceedings (‘the Defamation Proceedings Costs Management Scheme’), as contained in Practice Direction 51D to Part 51 of the Civil Procedure Rules. This scheme provides detailed rules for costs management, including the provision and approval of costs budgets, and is indicative of the approach propounded by Lord Justice Jackson in his Final Report on Civil Litigation Costs.”

Full story (PDF)

4 New Square, 31st May 2012


Finance & Divorce May 2012 Update – Family Law Week

Posted June 7th, 2012 in bankruptcy, costs, divorce, financial provision, marriage, news by sally

“Anna Heenan, solicitor and David Salter, Joint Head of Family Law at Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the latest key financial remedies cases.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 6th June 2012


AL (Albania) v Secretary for State the Home Department; FN (Gambia) v Same; DN(Bangladesh) v Same – WLR Daily

Posted June 1st, 2012 in appeals, civil procedure rules, costs, immigration, law reports by tracey

AL (Albania) v Secretary for State the Home Department; FN (Gambia) v Same; DN(Bangladesh) v Same: [2012] EWCA Civ 710;   [2012] WLR (D)  16

“In statutory appeals to the Court of Appeal from the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), if the appeal had been allowed by consent, with the appellant obtaining the remittal sought, or if the appeal had been resolved by the grant of a status which was not previously offered, then provided the appellant was clearly identifiable as the successful party, CPR r 44.3(2(a) would usually entitle him to his costs absent specific matters of conduct or other features making an order inappropriate. The crucial question in such cases was the identification of the successful party.”

WLR Daily, 30th May 2012



MoJ answers key QOCS questions – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 30th, 2012 in civil justice, costs, news, personal injuries by tracey

“The government has answered some of the fundamental questions about how its new system for transferring the costs burden in personal injury cases will work.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 30th May 2012


Costs Management: A necessary part of the management of litigation – Speech by Mr. Justice Ramsey

Posted May 30th, 2012 in budgets, costs, speeches by tracey

“Costs management: a necessary part of the management of litigation: sixteenth lecture in the implementation programme. Law Society Conference, 29th May 2012.”

Full speech

Judiciary of England and Wales, 30th May 2012


Proportionate Costs – Speech by Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Master of the Rolls

Posted May 30th, 2012 in costs, legal aid, speeches by tracey

“Proportionate costs – Fifteenth lecture in implementation programme – 29 May 2012”

Full speech

Judiciary of England and Wales, 29th May 2012


Heathcliff actor who racially harassed partner given conditional discharge – The Guardian

Posted May 29th, 2012 in conditional discharge, costs, harassment, mental health, news, racism by tracey

“A young film actor chosen from a jobcentre to play the role of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights has been given a conditional discharge for the racially aggravated harassment of his partner and mother of their young daughter.”

Full story

The Guardian, 28th May 2012


Suffer Little Children – Zenith Chambers

“On 24 February, the Court of Appeal delivered its judgment in the joined appeals of Dockerill & Healey -v- Tullett, Macefield -v- Bakos and Tubridy -v- Sarwar. The decision may have a significant impact on whether claimant solicitors continue to represent children in personal injury claims where likely damages will be less than £1,000.”

Full story (PDF)

Zenith Chambers, 10th May 2012


Litigation funders become big business, enjoying booming market in UK – The Guardian

Posted May 26th, 2012 in champerty, costs, damages, legal profession, news, third parties by sally

“Champerty used to be a crime. Now it is known as third-party litigation funding and has developed into an investment industry backed by up to £500m of investor cash looking for lucrative courtroom opportunities.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th May 2012


Regina (Eastenders Cash & Carry plc and another) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners (No 2) – WLR Daily

Regina (Eastenders Cash & Carry plc and another) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners (No 2) [2012] EWCA Civ 689; [2012] WLR (D) 159

“The protection against costs provided to HM Revenue and Customs by section 144(2) of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, in respect of proceedings brought against them on account of the seizure or detention of any thing on reasonable grounds, applied to claims for judicial review.”

WLR Daily, 22nd May 2012


Mediation a success in civil justice system – Ministry of Justice

Posted May 23rd, 2012 in civil justice, costs, dispute resolution, news by sally

“Bill Wood, who is the acting Chair of the Civil Mediation Council, talks about the success of mediation in the civil justice system.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 23rd May 2012


Court of Protection Update – Thirty Nine Essex Street

Court of Protection Update (PDF)

Thirty Nine Essex Street, May 2012


Jackson – The New Bills – Thirty Nine Essex Street

Posted May 21st, 2012 in bills, budgets, costs, legal aid, news by sally

“The Final Report of the Jackson Review made a number of recommendations which he wanted to be considered, and introduced, as a package. Today I shall be looking at some of the recommendations which have received the least publicity and which do not feature in the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (‘LASPO’), but will be of great interest to Costs Lawyers.”

Full story (PDF)

Thirty Nine Essex Street, May 2012


CoA judge raps defendant for spurning mediation – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 17th, 2012 in appeals, arbitration, costs, news, personal injuries by sally

“A Court of Appeal judge has criticised a defendant for rejecting mediation offered at a previous hearing – warning it will be a costly decision.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 17th May 2012
