Legal aid: Lawyer’s strike warning over reform plans – BBC News

Posted March 25th, 2013 in barristers, bills, budgets, costs, industrial action, legal aid, news, solicitors by sally

“A Welsh barrister has warned that lawyers could go on strike against the UK government’s latest plan to cut the legal aid bill in England and Wales.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th March 2013


Trouble for personal injury law firms means trouble for claimants – The Guardian

Posted March 21st, 2013 in costs, fees, law firms, news, personal injuries by sally

“While there is little public sympathy for solicitors the truth is that people will soon find it harder to claim compensation.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st March 2013


Press regulation: publishers may have grounds for legal challenge – The Guardian

“Newspapers likely to take action over regulations that will require huge payouts when stories are wrong.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th March 2013


Activist ‘shocked’ at conviction for yelling at David Cameron – The Guardian

Posted March 18th, 2013 in costs, demonstrations, fines, harassment, news, public order by sally

“A woman has described her shock after being found guilty of a public order offence for telling David Cameron he had ‘blood on his hands’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th March 2013


Inter-authority recoupment – Education Law Blog

“The Inter-authority Recoupment (England) Regulations 2013 have now been made and will come into force on 1 April 2013.”

Full story

Education Law Blog, 13th March 2013


Jackson and the occupational hazards of commoditised litigation: a practical view from the Bar – Littleton Chambers

Posted March 12th, 2013 in costs, insurance, news, trials, witnesses by sally

“In his monthly column, James Bickford Smith considers two judgments that illustrate the hazards of the commoditised litigation that will be transformed, for better or worse, by the Jackson  reforms.”

Full story (PDF)

Littleton Chambers, 6th March 2013


Leeds United Football Club Ltd v Chief Constable of the West Yorkshire Police – WLR Daily

Posted March 12th, 2013 in appeals, costs, law reports, police, sport by sally

Leeds United Football Club Ltd v Chief Constable of the West Yorkshire Police [2013] EWCA Civ 115; [2013] WLR (D) 95

“The provision of public order policing and crowd control, both before and after football matches, on land not owned, possessed or controlled by a football club did not constitute ‘special police services’ within the meaning of section 25(1) of the Police Act 1996, and therefore the police were not entitled to charge the football club for the cost of doing so.”

WLR Daily, 7th March 2013


‘Violent’ son faces £110,000 legal bill after court battle over will – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 12th, 2013 in costs, families, harassment, news, wills by sally

“A ‘violent’ man who coerced his mother into changing her will to leave him nearly all of her £350,000 fortune is facing a £110,000 legal bill after a judge set aside the will because of his ‘forceful’ nature.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th March 2013


Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce to be sentenced – BBC News

“Former cabinet minister Chris Huhne and his ex-wife Vicky Pryce are due to be sentenced for perverting the course of justice.”

Full story

BBC News, 11th March 2013


A landlord who failed to consult properly with its tenants before incurring service charge costs has been reprieved –

Posted March 8th, 2013 in consultations, costs, landlord & tenant, news, Supreme Court by tracey

“A landlord can still recover the cost of carrying out work on a property from
its tenants through a service charge even if the landlord does not comply with
statutory consultation requirements, provided that the tenants are not
‘prejudiced’ by the landlord’s actions, the Supreme Court has ruled.”

Full story, 6th March 2013


West Yorkshire Police lose football costs appeal case – BBC News

Posted March 7th, 2013 in appeals, costs, news, police, sport by sally

“West Yorkshire Police has lost its appeal case over the costs of policing matches at Leeds United’s Elland Road stadium.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th March 2013


Right or Wrong? The Court of Appeal causes controversy by finding ‘good reasons’s for Claimant to be allowed to depart from its own costs budget – Zenith Chambers

Posted March 7th, 2013 in appeals, budgets, costs, news, reasons by sally

“On the eve of costs budgeting becoming an integral aspect of multi-track case management, the Court of Appeal has caused controversy by reversing Senior Costs Judge Hirst’s tough decision in Henry v News Group Newspapers (SCCO) 28th May 2012).”

Full story (PDF)

Zenith Chambers, 12th February 2013


Settling the case – what about costs? – Zenith Chambers

Posted March 6th, 2013 in costs, news by sally

“After prolonged negotiations the case is settled – or so it seems. When acting for the Claimant you may say, ‘We haven’t got all we wanted but at least we’ve succeeded.’ For the Defendant you may say, ‘We’ve cut the Claimant down very considerably.’ Very often what then is said is ‘We’ve reached a compromise, no order as to costs’. That is altogether too simplistic a view of the situation.”

Full story (PDF)

Zenith Chambers, 14th February 2013


QB Master warns of “blood on the floor” after 1 April – Litigation Futures

Posted March 5th, 2013 in costs, courts, delay, judges, news by sally

“The Jackson reforms will leave ‘blood on the floor’ and a lack of resources behind the reforms will leave courts and judges ‘overwhelmed’ by the extra workload, Master Cook of the Queen’s Bench Division has predicted.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 5th March 2013


“Can’t We Make the Local Authority Pay for It?” – Family Law Week

“Andrew Pack, care lawyer with Brighton & Hove City Council, considers the court’s powers to compel a local authority to meet the costs of a particular action.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 2nd March 2013


Police officer caught in Youtube attack video set for compensation windfall – The Independent

“A policeman who smashed in the windows of a disabled pensioner’s car before dragging him from the front seat for not wearing a seatbelt could bag a six-figure compensation package after claiming a “bullying campaign” forced him out of his job.”

Full story

The Independent, 3rd March 2013


Fish farmer Brian Dobson loses High Court compensation case – BBC News

Posted March 1st, 2013 in compensation, costs, fisheries, news by tracey

“A fish farmer who said his carp were eaten by otters has lost his £2m damages claim. Brian Dobson, 60, sued the Environment Agency after his business was ruined when an ‘otter haven’ was set up close to his fish farm near Bangor, Gwynedd.”

Full story

BBC News, 28th February 2013


Grandfather must pay £50 to boy he tackled after home vandalism – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 1st, 2013 in assault, compensation, conditional discharge, costs, criminal damage, news by tracey

“A grandfather who frogmarched an 11-year-old boy home to his parents after suffering a campaign of vandalism has had to pay the youngster £50 compensation and has been convicted of assault.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st March 2013


Divorce costs warning issued to lawyers – The Guardian

Posted February 28th, 2013 in costs, divorce, families, legal ombudsman, legal services, news by sally

“Some solicitors are failing to advise divorcees to settle courtroom battles before costs rise out of control because of the ’emotional rawness’ of those involved, according to the legal ombudsman.”

Full story

The Guardian, 28th February 2013


Ombudsman warns of mis-selling risk around family law services – Legal Futures

Posted February 28th, 2013 in complaints, costs, divorce, families, legal ombudsman, legal services, news by sally

“Innovation in family law services is working for consumers but could in time lead to mis-selling and hidden costs as complex financing and legal services structures emerge, the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) has warned.”

Full story

Legal Futures, 28th February 2013
